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39435Format: The essay should include an introductory paragraph (or two) that hooks your reader’s interest; a clear thesis statement that states what your topic and central idea are; at least three central points identified with topic sentences that identify the main point for each paragraph; support...

39416When Stephen Morris and Kelly McDaniel went to work for Ernst & Young they were required to sign agreements not to join with other employees in bringing legal claims against the company. Instead, they agreed to pursue any legal claims through individual arbitration. Morris nevertheless brought...

39414When Stephen Morris and Kelly McDaniel went to work for Ernst & Young they were required to sign agreements not to join with other employees in bringing legal claims against the company. Instead, they agreed to pursue any legal claims through individual arbitration. Morris nevertheless brought...

39413When Stephen Morris and Kelly McDaniel went to work for Ernst & Young they were required to sign agreements not to join with other employees in bringing legal claims against the company. Instead, they agreed to pursue any legal claims through individual arbitration. Morris nevertheless brought...

39319answer the following question: Writer and investigative journalist Peter Maass has pointed out the devastation caused by the pursuit of oil reserves in the developing world. In Nigeria, throughout some 30 years of oil extraction, the government was “a carnival of corruption,” with a series of...

39300Please answer the questions in paragraph format. I have also attached the writing assignment and the book. ...

39293Step1: Research Photographer Eadweard Muybridge played a pivotal role role in the advancement of still photography into the new field of cinematography. When his photographic sequences were played his new invention--the zöopraxiscope--the resulting "moving pictures" heralded the beginning of the new art of cinematography. Review the...

39281Individual Paper: This paper should be a minimum of 8 pages, typed and double spaced but not exceeding 10 pages. This does not include the title page and the reference page. Due Midnight CST, Day 6 (Saturday) of Week 7 Guidelines: Online recruiting has become a very...