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  Required Readings First, M. B. (2014). Handbook of differential diagnosis. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association Note: You will access this e-book from the Walden Library databases. Chapter 1, “Differential Diagnosis Step by Step” (pp. 14–24) Morrison, J. (2014). Diagnosis made easier (2nd ed.). New York,...

   Discussion: Over-Treatment and Under-Treatment of Addiction The term levels of treatment refers to a continuum arranged by intensity of treatment. The levels of treatment range from the least to the most intense and aggressive approaches. The American Society of Addiction Medicine's Patient Placement Criteria...

   Assignment: Scholar Practitioner Project: Addiction Intervention Most individuals do not decide to seek treatment on their own. Often, some form of leverage from outside influences is required to provide the necessary incentive to seek treatment. The broad term for this leverage is intervention. Interventions...

   Assignment: Group Typology As a clinical social worker it is important to understand group typology in order to choose the appropriate group method for a specific population or problem. Each type of group has its own approach and purpose. Two of the more frequently...

   Discussion: Confidentiality One of the most important concepts in clinical practice and group work is confidentiality. All members of the group sign an informed consent form in order to address the rules and parameters of the group sessions. The rules regarding confidentiality are stated...

Just because you thought of an interesting research question and have a desire to conduct research does not mean that your research will automatically be supported by faculty or funded by an organization. In order to gain stakeholder approval, you must submit a research proposal....

  Required Readings Bartol, C. R., & Bartol, A. (2017). Criminal behavior: A psychological approach (11th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Chapter 3, “Origins of Criminal Behavior: Biological Factors” (pp. 59-66, 79-81) Note: These pages are part of a chapter assigned in...

Each question is a separate essay question corresponding to the four topics we studied this week. For each question, please write a FULL ESSAY, with an introduction, discussion and conclusion. You can agree/disagree and bring in your examples and views, but the key is to...

This paper is a reflection and discussion on the major research projects you have engaged in throughout this course: making the familiar strange, 2) observation, 3) content analysis, 4) interviewing 5) surveying. Research is cumulative process where we are always building...

  Select two of the six peer-reviewed research articles that you gathered in Weeks 2 and 3:  Identify the research question in each and provide justification. Identify the methodological approach in each (qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods) and provide justification. Use...