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ACCT 101 San Francisco State Sarbanes-Oxley Act Paper

Question Description
The length should NOT EXCEED one [1] page, single-spaced. “Times Roman” with font size 12 or smaller.

Now, you’d want read the “Instructor’s Check-list” in Course Activity Schedule [attached], footnote 2[d].

Writing a Concise Paper Assignment – Instructor’s Checklist. ©2015, 2009, 2006 Jay Kang, SFSU

1. Use Active Voice. Use “I” often! And cite your sources, and let them speak in active voice as well.

2. Cite sources fully, integrating them in your writing. Avoid: It is said . . . . Instead let the speaker come alive: Braun (p.16) says, “ . . . . ” I am interested in what she says.

3. The cited sources are listed in REFERENCES subsection. Don’t use footnotes to cite.

4. Include: The paper’s TITLE that tells the SPECIFIC, CONCRETE TOPIC or focus of your interest. Avoid a general, broad topic.

1st paragraph. State, first, your research Question(s): “I question: . . . ?” to introduce the paper.

2nd paragraph. The main body: Data gathered cite the sources. Analysis, discussion, and findings in your own words.

3rd paragraph. A concise, yet concrete summary of your paper and conclusions.

4th paragraph.. Under a sub-heading, “REFERENCES”, list the cited sources. [Do NOT use “Works Cited” in a business-area paper!]

To be concise, your paper must be single spaced [“Times Roman” with font size 12 or smaller, up to 1 page, including your Full Name and REFERENCES on the same page. [Do NOT use a double spacing.]

So, you’d want to briefly read A SAMPLE SOX Paper [attached] to see how my grading goes.

My suggestions for your quick & easy paper-writing follow.

1. To begin, you’d want to READ the attached “Ethics & SOX in 3 textbooks” and “Jiambalvo on SOX”. You should find their introduction to Enron scandal and Sarbanes-Oxley Act [SOX].

2. When you find a “specific point” of discussion INTERESTING TO YOU, this becomes YOUR OWN SPECIFIC research question, as long as this topic is both within your reach and within your time budget. My suggested time budget for this paper is about one

hour perhaps, not exceeding two [2] hours.

3. Open your word processing program, write the paper’s TOPIC [in CAPs and BOLD], and then begin the introductory paragraph that first states your research question. [Single-spacing only is allowed, with #12 font size in MS Words.] For example, Braun, et al (p. xx) say, “SOX impacted . . . .” I’d like to evaluate this statement. My [research] question is: Did it impact . . . ?

Before you move onto the next section of paper, copy and paste the cited source[s] in the space below REFERENCES subheading. This listing of cited sources [or your sources of learning] you’re making here will give you the status of an academic or scholarly paper.

4. As you quickly complete your concise, introductory paragraph, you immediately begin writing your MAIN SECTION of the paper in a number of paragraphs and many sentences. I’d recommend you to google the keyword[s] of your question to find papers on the Web and gather information that can help you answer your research question, citing your sources individually [while the sources are put in the REFERENCES section]. Concurrently, you write your responses to your sources, and further analysis and evaluation in active voice [you speak out, “I agree with xxx . . .” and proceed to your conclusion. Make sure you use “I”, “my” often.

5. Your last paragraph should be a concise “restatement” of your research question, your analysis, evaluations, findings, and conclusion. [Use “I” a lot.]

6. Then, make sure your paper’s last subheading “REFERENCES” [as the title of this sub-heading] follows your main section, after skipping one blank line. [Since REFERENCES is an integral part of the paper, it shall NOT be on a separate page.]

The format of references must follow the editorial policy of The Accounting Review.

WR”WRITING A SCHOLARLY PAPER: TUTORIAL / LECTURE OUTLINE” [attached] highlights a few key points of the editorial policy.

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