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Ethics, Compliance Auditing, and Emerging Issues, business and finance homework help

Question Description
Ethics, Compliance Auditing, and Emerging Issues
To prepare for this assignment, review Chapter 9 in the course text as well as the article on compliance program auditing by Usnick and Usnick (2013). In addition, read Chapter 10 in the course text. Review Table 10.3: Global Risks 2014, and select one of the risk areas.

Imagine that you have been tasked with creating a proposal for the new CEO of your organization for establishing an ethics program and for conducting training and compliance auditing. For this assignment, write a persuasive essay in which you address the following:

Describe an emerging global risk for 2015 and beyond
Discuss the key countries that might be associated with the risk
Evaluate the role of ethical decision-making in business organizations
Analyze the impact of business ethics on stakeholder relationships. Include in your analysis why it is necessary to create an ethics program, conduct training, and engage in compliance auditing
Design a training plan for ethical considerations and social responsibility as it relates to the key risk area and the countries you have selected
Explain how the program will be implemented
Synthesize the key considerations which must be in place
Incorporate key words and phrases from Chapter 9 and Chapter 10 of the text and the article by Usnick and Usnick (2013). Be sure to cite all sources in the body of your paper and on the references page.

The assignment

Must be seven to ten double-spaced pages in length (not including the title page and references page) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the FSB APA guidance located in the classroom.
Must include a separate title page with the following
Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
Must use at least three scholarly sources in addition to the course text and the Usnick and Usnick (2013) article.
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the FSB APA guidance located in the classroom.
Gonzalez-Padron, T. (2015). Business ethics and social responsibility for managers [Electronic version]. Retrieved from

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