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3 Discussion Reply(2)

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I tend to stress easily. It’s been important for me to learn that about myself as I’ve gotten older. I used to assume that people who weren’t stressed didn’t have as many demands as I did, or that it was completely normal and expected for someone with a similar workload to mine to function with high levels of stress at all times. I now realize that whether or not my personal perceptions of stress are correct, prevention and coping, what the authors refer to as primary and secondary interventions, respectively, are both important in order for me to be able to function well at work and at home (Baldwin, Bommer, and Rubin, 2013).

The most effective primary intervention for me has been to enhance control and predictability. I’m a planner by nature, so any time I’m faced with a large project or daunting task my first course of action is to plan out how I’ll approach and accomplish the work necessary to the completion of the task. I’ve also become less afraid to ask for help over time, so when I’m working on something that I don’t have all the needed expertise to accomplish I know who to go to for instrumental and informational support and how to ask for that support.

My ability to plan that way also plays into my primary coping mechanisms, since it gives me a sense of control over the stressful situation. I’ve also learned to remind myself of Romans 8:28 in moments of high stress: “For we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” The fact that scripture says all things, not just “the things that make sense or are good” is a reminder that even if my current situation it’s great, it’s part of the Lord’s plan and he’s got a reason for it.


Baldwin, T., Rubin, R., & Bommer, B. (2013). Managing organizational behavior: What great managers know and do (2nd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill-Irwin.


Jeremiah 29:11 guarantees to us Christians that God has an arrangement for our lives, an arrangement for an extraordinary and prosperous future, and gives the expectation required when having confidence to do things we see as inconceivable. A case of superfluous exercises would set aside a few minutes for TV programs, companions and additionally family and web based life. A portion of these things are significant throughout everyday life and help in easing pressure, yet we should comprehend and have the option to bring up that they are not every basic device to progress constantly. I additionally plan to invest more energy in my singing career. This will help in service as an apparatus to remain concentrated on the correct things, and simply happens to be my obsession. With this device, I realize I can remain in good shape while additionally concentrating on my deep rooted objective of singing and having any kind of effect in somebody’s life.The content depicts a few ways to deal with managing pressure and to help Psychological Hardiness. Expound on why, how, and to what degree any of the gave classes has been by and by pertinent to you. Incorporate the estimation of explicit scriptural standards alongside explicit sacred text for illustration. It is significant in our every day lives to lighten our frustrations, moreover as much as could be expected. Stress can expedite various medical issues, which includes heart attack, stroke, or obesity. I personally am an emotional eater, and I try to now focus on exercising when I feel down instead of eating. I think once a person find out what works for them, things can be so much more smoother their life. I know everything is smooth sailing so far in my life, and I’m beyond thankful for it.

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