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Interview assignment

Question Description
Interview Instructions

You will select an adult family member of someone with special needs to inquire about his/her school experiences. You mustexplain the requirements of your assignment and ask permission to take notes or to audiotape the interview, as you will then record the participant’s answers in quotes.You are responsible for locating this person and must not contact the School of Education Field Office.

List each question and then give the response underneath the question in a double-spaced typed format. Responses mustbe rich and detailed. It is appropriate to use first-person language throughout all 4parts of this assignment.

Part 1: Demographics

Name of person you are interviewing:

Name of individual with the disability:

Describe the disability:

Age of the individual with the disability:

Describe the relationship between the family member and the individual with the disability:

Part 2: Questionnaire Interview

1. How did you learn that _________ has a disability? (Who was present? When did this happen?) If you were giving advice to professionals who need to explain to a parent that his/herchild has a special need, what would that advice be?

2. How did you feel when you received the diagnosis?

3. Have your feelings changed since the initial diagnosis? Describe.

4. What have been the positive aspects of having a child in the family with a disability?

5. What have been the problems or challenges you haveexperienced having a child with a disability?

6. How did your other children react to learning theirbrother/sister had a disability? What impact has __________ had on them? (if appropriate)

7. What kinds of support have been most helpful to you (family members, parent groups, neighbors, other)? How would you prioritize your family needs and the areas in which you feel that you need more assistance?

8. What have been your experiences in working with school personnel? What have they done that has been most helpful? What have they done that was least helpful or even harmful?

9. How could the school help your child transition to adulthood?

10. If I were to be __________’s teacher next year, what advice would you want to give me so that he/she has an optimal learning experience?

11. What would you want me to do/not do in terms of my interactions with you if I were __________’s teacher?

12. I am just learning about students with disabilities and how to work effectively with them in my classroom. What other information would you like me—and my classmates—to know about working with children with special needs?

Part 3: Summary of Research-Based Strategies

On the basis of the information collected in the interview and the information obtained from your research and readings, summarize 3research-based, direct, explicit teaching strategiesyou have learned in this course that you would use to benefit this family. Your summary mustbe at least500 words and in APA format. You must use your textbook and at least 1journal article outside of your textbook to answer Part 3, and you must cite your references on a separate reference page using current APA format.

Part 4: Conclusion – Reflection and Discussion

Give a well-constructed conclusion in which you clearly reflect on this assignment and present a summary that conveys the significance of the knowledge gained from this interview as a teacher for families of children with disabilities. This reflection must clearly tie your interview and summary of instructional strategies together in a nice, concise conclusion. Your conclusion must be at least 500 words, written in APA format.

*This assignment must follow current APA guidelines and must include a title page and reference page. However, it is appropriate to use first-person language throughout all 4parts of this assignment.

Submit the Experience Interview by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 6.

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