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Non-Destructive Inspection (Powerpoint)

uestion Description
Using non-destructive inspection techniques to inspect and identify potential problems before they become catastrophic is critical to aviation safety. NDT, or non-destructive testing, has proven to be reliable in helping detect fatal flaws that otherwise could not have been seen with other inspection techniques.

For this activity, you will choose a non-destructive inspection technique, and prepare a PechaKucha presentation to describe how this nondestructive inspection is being used in the field, the potential cost of the inspection and how it works to spot catastrophic structural damage that may not be visible to traditional inspection methods.

Using the resources in this module (textbook, web links, publications) create a presentation to express what you have learned. Your presentation must have 10 slides including a reference slide. Each slide must have graphics and text information supporting your topic. Be sure to provide APA citations on each slide to give credit to the source of the graphics and text information. Your presentation must include either audio narration or a script in the notes section for each slide.

Use creativity in building your presentation, and remember graphics and text go hand in hand. Your graphics should be relevant, and your text should overtake the slides. Once you have shared your presentation, please view your peers’ presentations. Replies are optional but encouraged.

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