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There’s 2 discussion questions for discussion, need just 2 to 4 sentences for each questions

Question Description
1. Discussions:

You should think about the question and formulate your own answer BEFORE you read any of the postings made by other students. Your answer should be related to the topic being discussed, have logical reasoning, be supported by the chapter reading, be well written, and be on time.

Once you have posted your answer, you should read the answers posted by your classmates. When you respond to a classmate’s posting, do not simply say, “I agree,” or restate what has already be said by other students. Instead, comment on WHAT has been said, stating WHY you agree or disagree. You are not to use sources other than the textbook as a basis for your comments; this is not a research assignment. All comments should be based on your own understanding. You should provide a comment only if your answer adds a NEW insight or a different opinion. Over the course of the session, you should enter into the discussion of at least four other answers.

Decisions and Evaluation

The chapter discusses six types of short-term decisions (lease or sell assets, discontinue a segment or product, make or buy, keep or replace assets, sell or process further, and accept a special price) and which costs are relevant to making those decisions.

Identify decisions from your life, either personal or work experience, that fit under one of the categories presented in the text. (For example, a decision to cook dinner versus order a pizza is essentially a “make or buy” decision.) Determine the relevant costs associated with the decision and how you would apply those costs to your evaluation.

Share your example with the class. What information was relevant to your decision and what was not?

Post an initial answer for only one decision type. When you post, change the subject line to your name + the decision type. For example “Adam Smith – Make or Buy”. You should not give examples for each category. If others have posted examples of a make or buy decision, you should give an example of another decision category.

Come back later to engage in conversation about what you said and about what others answered, too. Comment on one anothers’ examples: are they a good example or a stretch, etc. If you come in late, first post an answer for a decision type no one else has addressed. 2.Discussions:

You should think about the question and formulate your own answer BEFORE you read any of the postings made by other students. Your answer should be related to the topic being discussed, have logical reasoning, be supported by the chapter reading, be well written, and be on time.

Once you have posted your answer, you should read the answers posted by your classmates. When you respond to a classmate’s posting, do not simply say, “I agree,” or restate what has already be said by other students. Instead, comment on WHAT has been said, stating WHY you agree or disagree. You are not to use sources other than the textbook as a basis for your comments; this is not a research assignment. All comments should be based on your own understanding. You should provide a comment only if your answer adds a NEW insight or a different opinion. Over the course of the session, you should enter into the discussion of at least one posting for each of the other questions.

2. Discussion Topic:

This week let’s talk about Budgeting. Consider the following questions:

Many of you have probably been involved in a budgeting process at work. What type of process was used? Was it a pleasant experience? (If you have no work experience with budgeting, you should not respond to this question.)
You are all trying to move up in your careers, since you are pursuing a Master’s degree. There are probably some of you who have had bad experiences with managers in authority over you. How will you use your new knowledge of the budgeting process to make life more pleasant for your future subordinates? (If you have no work experience at all, do not answer this question.)
Give an example of a non-financial budget and how it might be useful to management. Responders: Is this a good example? Can you provide others?
Do you keep a personal budget? (If you don’t, you should!) What process do you use? How has it helped you?
Your first visit to the discussion, post an answer to only one of the above questions, then come back later to engage in conversation about what you said and about what others answered, too. As always, do not post an answer that is simply a repeat of what has already been said

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