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Week 3 Increasing Profitability In A Healthcare Organization Management

Question Description
Question 1 (Discussion Board) Due by friday

Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:

In Week 1, you did a literature review. In your discussion, identify a project that you read about that most closely resembles the project that you are undertaking in this course. Answer the following:

What characteristics of the project are similar to your organizational characteristics?
What goals of the project are most similar to your proposed goals?
How might your results differ? Why?
Question 2 MBA Healthcare Management CAPSTONE

Week 3: Project Plan (3-4 pages not including title page and reference page)

All projects should have a comprehensive plan for successful completion. This week, you must provide details about your project that are designed to organize and manage all relevant resources to achieve specific goals and objectives.

Write 3-4 pages not including title page and reference page that explain the following:

Problem statement
Measurable goals and objectives
Resources required
A list of the tasks that are required for successfully implementing the project
Communication plan
Key stakeholders
Abbreviated Example

Board approval: Present the project to the board, including the executive summary. Obtain approval to move forward with requests for proposals (RFPs).
Resource allocation: Submit requests for proposals to the 2 vendors that are identified. Include the return on investment (ROI) requirement. Meet with the bank representatives regarding financing. Meet with marketing to develop a campaign promoting the new process.
Implementation tasks: Schedule employee meetings to share the plan to use new laboratory equipment that will allow a shorter time for obtaining results. Meet with all staff to communicate the plan, and create teams to handle the different components of the implementation. It is necessary to communicate the purpose of the proposed change and highlight the benefits. Create training schedules to allow the nursing staff time to learn the new laboratory process. The receptionists will need to be trained to identify which patients will be using the new laboratory and the standard process.

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