24 May Academic English for International Business- I (LANG 10002)-Sprin
Academic English for International Business- I (LANG 10002)-Spring 2020- (Assignment 1) – QP1 | P a g eIN SEMESTER INDIVIDUAL ASSESSMENT– ILevel: 1 Max. Marks: 100Instructions for Students Answer all questions. Deadline of submission: 2 June, 2020 23:59 The marks received on the assignment will be scaled down to the actual weightage of theassignment which is 50 marks Formative feedback on the complete assignment draft will be provided if the draft is submittedat least 10 days before the final submission date. Feedback after final evaluation will be provided by 16 June, 2020. Make sure that your settings is in English.Module Learning OutcomesThe following LOs are achieved by the student by completing the assignment successfully1. Demonstrate the ability to find and use suitable academic sources, and reference themappropriately.Assignment ObjectiveThe objective of this assignment is to equip students with the skills required to find proper journal articlesand write down the annotations.Assignment TasksTask 1:You need to read 3 journal articles and write the annotations for each journal article.Academic English for International Business- I (LANG 10002)-Spring 2020- (Assignment 1) – QP2 | P a g eIn order to accomplish this assignment students are required to choose a topic from the list below andwrite the annotations based on the topics given below using e -library, Internet etc.PS- You can choose the topic on your own; however, please ensure that the topic relates to yourspecialization and the teacher approves it.TOPICS1. Computer Science2. Data Science3. Information Technology4. Online Shopping5. Renewable Energy Sources6. Globalization7. Omanisation8. Entrepreneurship9. Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Web Shopping Sites10. Personal Development11. Supply Chain12. Managing conflicts13. Strategic Marketing14. Risk Management15. Free Trade16. Effective Phoning in Business Contexts17. Facebook / Instagram / Twitter18. WhatsApp / Viber / Snapchat19. Photoshop20. Cybercrime21. You tube22. E – Commerce23. Multimedia and Its Application in Education / Entertainment24. Advertising on the Internet25. Animation Using Computers26. Artificial Intelligence27. Role of Computer Networks in a Business Organization28. Network Security Aspects and Related Threats29. Hospital Management System30. Web Design31. Online Examination32. Virtual Classroom33. Online Library SystemAcademic English for International Business- I (LANG 10002)-Spring 2020- (Assignment 1) – QP3 | P a g e34. Office Automation35. Voice Chatting and Voice Mail36. Online Job Application37. Networks Based Performance Analysis Tool38. Biometric System39. Inventory System40. Wireless Application Protocol41. Web- Server42. Peer to Peer Messaging43. Image Processing44. Web Based Chatting45. Power Generation – Procedure and Types46. Laser and its Applications47. Optical fibre and its Applications48. Radio Wave Propagation49. Microwaves (microwave frequency) and its Applications50. Security SurveillanceYou can use the following format which covers all the important areas you need to write theannotated bibliography.1. A Cover Page: College logo, Module Name and Code, Semester, Topic, Your Session, Your Name andID, Name of the Module Instructor (Submitted to: )2. Declaration Form (checked and signed by the Module Instructor)3. Table of Contents: Topics with the page numbers4. Introduction – A short description of each annotation5. Annotated Bibliography: Read three journal articles related to your topicAnnotated bibliographyAnnotated bibliography should consist of two elements1. Complete citation (reference of source as given in the reference list) in CU Harvardformat2. Each annotation consisting of the following points (word limit- 150 to 200 words) :a. Summary – It should include objective, methodology, findings, and recommendationsof the article you readb. Evaluation – It should carry an assessment of the itemc. Relevance – It should brief the significance of the item for student’s own researchtopic.Academic English for International Business- I (LANG 10002)-Spring 2020- (Assignment 1) – QP4 | P a g e6. Self- reflection:Students need to reflect on their online individual learning experiences, identify the challengesand opportunity by citing specific examples from the modules that they did this semester andrecommend strategies/approaches that can be adopted for online individual engagement inprofessional work environments.7. References: Alphabetical list of all the resources used by to prepare this report. You will use CUHarvard style of referencing.Assignment Rules & Guidelines: Specific guidelines to follow when completing this assignment are: All resources should be cited using CU Harvard referencing style. The final assignment must have a Title page, Table of Contents, References using CUHarvard Style and page numbers. Title Page must have Assignment Name, Module name, Session, your name, ID, and thename of the module instructor. Softcopy in word format is to be submitted through Turnitin link on Moodle.Guidelines:Instructions for Students: The assignment must be typed Font – Times New Roman/ Calibri Font – Style – Regular Font – Size – 12 Heading must be with the font size 14, Capitalize and Underline Each student is required to do the assignment individually. You can refer to the books in the e-library or use internet resources. Make sure not to copy andpaste information from the sources you refer to (in case you copy some pieces of information,you must give direct citations). You must write most parts of the assignment with your ownwords (paraphrase).Academic English for International Business- I (LANG 10002)-Spring 2020- (Assignment 1) – QP5 | P a g eMarking criteria for Annotated Bibliography (100 Marks / 50%)Contents MarksAllottedMarks AttainedCover Page 4Declaration Form 3Table of Contents 3Introduction 10Annotated Bibliography 60 AB 1(20)AB 2(20)AB 3(20)a. Citation details of thearticle (4)b. A short summary oftheory, research findings orargument in the articleselected (8)c. Evaluation of the article(4)d. Quality, Reliability, andRelevance of the source (4)Conclusion 10References 10Total 100Academic English for International Business- I (LANG 10002)-Spring 2020- (Assignment 1) – QP6 | P a g eImportant Policies to be followed1. Student Academic Integrity Policy*:MEC upholds the spirit of academic integrity in all forms of academic work and any form ofviolation of academic integrity shall invite severe penalty. Any benefit obtained by indulgingin the act of violation of academic integrity shall be cancelled.All cases of violation of academic integrity on the part of the student shall fall under any ofthe below mentioned categories:1. Plagiarism2. Malpractice3. Ghost Writing4. Collusion5. Other casesIf the student fails a module and has a proven case of academic integrity violation in this module,the student is required to re-register the module. This is applicable to first and second offendersof plagiarism.Plagiarism:Anyone plagiarizing on this assignment will suffer the penalties detailed in the Plagiarism andAcademic Malpractice section below. There are various ways to check for abstracts on line andwe will check your assignments to make sure that they have not been pulled from thesesources.1. PlagiarismA. First offence of plagiarisma. If a student is caught first time in an act of plagiarism during his/her course ofstudy in any assignment other than project work, the student will be allowed tore-submit the assignment once, within a maximum period of one week. However,a penalty of deduction of 25% of the marks obtained for the resubmitted work willbe imposed.b. Period of re-submission: The student will have to re-submit the work one weekfrom the date he or she is advised to re-submit.Academic English for International Business- I (LANG 10002)-Spring 2020- (Assignment 1) – QP7 | P a g ec. If the re-submitted work is also found to be plagiarized, then that assessment willbe awarded a zero mark. Re-submission of the work beyond the maximum periodof one week will not be accepted and the assessment will be awarded a zero mark.d. If plagiarism is detected in Project work (Project 1, Project Planning and ProjectDesign and Implementation) the above clauses do not apply and the work will besummarily rejected. In these cases the student will be awarded a fail (F) grade andis required to re-register the module (only applicable to UG). PG students arerequired to exit with a PG Diplomae. If the student fails the module and has a proven case of academic integrityviolation in this module, the student is required to re-register the moduleB. Second offence of plagiarisma. If any student is caught second time in an act of plagiarism during his/her courseof study (in a subsequent semester), the student will directly be awarded zero forthe work in which plagiarism is detected. In such cases, the student will not beallowed to resubmit the work. A warning of suspension shall be issued, andstudent has to sign an undertaking and undergo counselling session in such casesb. If the student fails the module and has a proven case of academic integrityviolation in this module, the student is required to re-register the module.Types/Variations of cases of Plagiarism and associated actionsA. Type 1:In case plagiarism is detected in any component or part submission (submitted atdifferent times) of one assessment (assignment), the deduction in marks will beapplicable for the whole assessment (assignment), even if only the component or partsubmission alone needs to be resubmitted.B. Type 2:.In case plagiarism is detected in a group assessment, all students of the group will beconsidered as having committed an act of plagiarism irrespective of whetherplagiarism is on account of the act of all or a few or only one member. The policy willthen be applied to all studentsC. Type 3:.Combination of Type 1 and Type 2: In case plagiarism is detected in any componentor part submission (submitted at different times) of a group assessment (assignment),the deduction in marks will be applicable for the whole assessment (assignment),even if only the component or part submission alone needs to be resubmitted. AllAcademic English for International Business- I (LANG 10002)-Spring 2020- (Assignment 1) – QP8 | P a g estudents of the group would be considered as having committed an act of plagiarismirrespective of whether plagiarism is on account of the act of all or a few or only onemember. The policy will then be applied to all the students of the group.D. Type 4:In cases where the assessment consists of components or part submissions thatcould be a group assessment component (e.g. group assignment) and an individualassessment component (e.g. individual reflection), the following will be applicable:a. If plagiarism is detected in the group assessment component, all studentsof the group will be considered as having committed an act of plagiarism,irrespective of whether plagiarism is on account of the act of all or a few or onlyone member. The policy will then be applied to all students of the group. In suchcases the group assessment component will be resubmitted as per the policy.b. If plagiarism is detected in the individual assessment component, theindividual assessment component will be resubmitted as per the policy. The policywill then be applied to that student alone.c. In both cases (a) and/or (b), the deduction in marks will be applicable forthe whole assessment (assignment).2. Malpractice/Ghostwriting/CollusionA. First offence of Malpractice/Ghostwriting/CollusionIf a student is caught in an act of Malpractice/Ghostwriting/Collusion for anassessment component irrespective of coursework or end semester, thestudent shall fail the module and shall be required to re-register the module.B. Second Offence of Malpractice/Ghost writing/CollusionIf a student is caught a second time in an act ofMalpractice/Ghostwriting/Collusion for an assessment componentirrespective of coursework or end semester, the student shall fail the module.A warning of suspension shall be issued, and student has to sign anundertaking and undergo counselling session in such cases.3. Third Offence of Academic Integrity ViolationIf a student is caught a third time in an act of Academic Integrity Violation for anassessment component irrespective of coursework or end semester (in asubsequent semester), the student shall fail the module and also shall besuspended for one semester from the College, as recommended by institutionallevel academic committee, Chaired by the Associate Dean, Academic Affairs.4. Fourth Offence of Academic Integrity Violation:If a student is caught a fourth time in an act of Academic Integrity Violation for anassessment component irrespective of coursework or end semester (in asubsequent semester), the student shall fail the module and also shall be expelledAcademic English for International Business- I (LANG 10002)-Spring 2020- (Assignment 1) – QP9 | P a g efrom the College, as recommended by institutional level academic committee,Chaired by the Associate Dean, Academic Affairs.5. Other casesIf a student commits an act of academic integrity violation as per the definition of“other cases” mentioned in the previous section or of a different nature, student’scase shall be forwarded to an institutional level academic committee, Chaired bythe Associate Dean, Academic Affairs. The committee shall investigate the case bymeans of a viva and/or a disciplinary hearing and shall take appropriate decision.The penalty that can be granted to a proven case of academic integrity violationwhich falls in this category of “other cases” can be a warning/component zero/module fail/suspension/expulsion depending on the nature and gravity of theoffence.Types/Variation of Cases of Multiple OffencesI. If plagiarism is detected in any component of one assessment, the deduction inmarks will be applicable for the whole assessment, even if only the component or partsubmission alone needs to be resubmitted.II. If plagiarism is detected in a group assessment, all students of the group will beconsidered as having committed an act of plagiarism and the policy will then be appliedto all studentsIII. If plagiarism is detected in any component of a group assessment, the deduction in markswill be applicable for the whole assessment even if only the component or partsubmission alone needs to be resubmitted.All students of the group would be considered as having committed an act of plagiarismand the policy will then be applied to all the students of the group.IV. If the assessment consists of components or part submissions that could be a groupassessment component (e.g. group assignment) and an individual assessment component(e.g. individual reflection), the following will be applicable:a. If plagiarism is detected in the group assessment component, all students of thegroup will be considered as having committed an act of plagiarism, The policy willthen be applied to all students of the group. Group assessment component willbe resubmitted as per the policy.b. If plagiarism is detected in the individual assessment component, theindividual assessment component will be resubmitted and the policy will then beapplied to that student alone.c. For both (a) and/or (b), the deduction in marks will be applicable for the wholeassessment.* for further details Refer to MEC Student Academic Integrity Policy in Student Handbook.Academic English for International Business- I (LANG 10002)-Spring 2020- (Assignment 1) – QP10 | P a g e2. Late Submission Regulations:It is the students’ responsibility to check all relevant timelines related to assessments.As per the Assessment Policy at MEC, late submissions are allowed for one week (5working days) for all UG modules with a penalty. In such cases, a deduction of 5% of themarks obtained for the submitted work shall be imposed for each working day followingthe last date of submission till the date of actual submission. Assessment documentssubmitted beyond a period of one week (5 working days) after the last date of submissionwill not be accepted and will be awarded a zero for that assessment. In cases where thesubmission has been delayed due to extenuating circumstances, the student may bepermitted to submit the work without imposing the late submission policy stated above.The extended period of submission will be one week from the original last date ofsubmission. In such cases, the student is expected to submit the supporting certificateson or before the original last date of submission of the assessment and the decision ofextension rests with faculty responsible for the assessment .The late submission policyshall be applied if the student fails to submit the work within one week of the original lastdate of submission.Students may contact their teachers for clarification on specific details of the submissiontime if required.It is the students’ responsibility to check all relevant timelines related to assessments.Students may contact their teachers for clarification on specific details of the submissiontime if required.3. Research Ethics and Biosafety PolicyTo protect and respect the rights, dignity, health, safety, and privacy of research subjectsinvolved including the welfare of animals and the integrity of environment, all studentprojects are expected to be undertaken as per the MEC Research Ethics and BiosafetyPolicy. Accordingly the following shall apply. Research and other enterprise activities shall be conducted by maintaining the highethical standards consistent with national and international standards and conventions. Any research at MEC that is categorized as high-risk research shall be subject to reviewand approval by the Research Ethics and Biosafety Committee. Research activities involving collection of human or animal tissues and manipulation ofmicrobial, animal or plant cells shall be subject to review and approval by the ResearchEthics and Biosafety Committee.Academic English for International Business- I (LANG 10002)-Spring 2020- (Assignment 1) – QP11 | P a g e Participants involved in research must be informed about the purpose of research andintended uses of research findings. Written consent must be obtained from peopleinvolved prior to the commencement of research. Data obtained from participants must be treated with high confidence and should beused only for the intended purpose of research.
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