07 Feb Read All instruction carefully & must be included selected topic and point & write according to instruction Due in 2 days
Read All instruction carefully & must be included selected topic and point & write according to instruction
Due in 2 days
4-5 Pages required
Must be 100% Original Work
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Literature Review (Due in 2 days)/.Literature Review (Required Question).docx
A. Literature Review Opening Narrative |
i. Contains a brief discussion of the content of the literature that includes a critical analysis and synthesis of various sources/content of the literature (journals, reports, and scholarly seminal books, etc.) to convince readers of depth of inquiry. |
ii. Explains the organization of the review. |
iii.Explains the strategy for searching the literature. |
iv. The majority of references should be from peer-reviewed sources. |
v. The majority of references should be current. (should be within the past 4 years). |
Must be 100% Original Work (due in 48 hours)
Read All instruction carefully & must be included all point and do on selected topic
Page requirement: 4 to 5 Pages
Course name: DDBA Doctoral Study Completion
Selected Topic name: Customer Complaint Strategies in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Topic for Literature Review: Customer Complaint Strategies in the Pharmaceutical Industry
References should be peer-reviewed & within the past 4 years.
Peer-reviewed sources (should be use below latest Source)
Kumar, N., & Jha, A. (2019). Application of principles of supply chain management to the Pharmaceutical Good Transportation Practices. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, 13(3), 306–330. https://doi.org/10.1108/ijphm-09-2017-0048
Song, S. Y., Lee, J. H., Kim, S. C., Choi, J.-W., Bae, J., & Kim, E. Y. (2019). Complaints addressed by regulatory authorities in drug advertising targeted at consumers: Cases across three, different countries. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 15(10), 1274–1279. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sapharm.2018.12.001
Omoush, M. M. (2020). Investigation the relationship between supply chain management activities and operational performance: Testing the mediating role of strategic agility-A practical study on the pharmaceutical companies. International Business Research, 13(2), 74. https://doi.org/10.5539/ibr.v13n2p74
Tweehuysen, L., Bemt, B. J., Ingen, I. L., Jong, A. J., Laan, W. H., Hoogen, F. H., & Broeder, A. A. (2017). Subjective complaints as the main reason for biosimilar discontinuation after open‐label transition from reference infliximab to biosimilar infliximab. Arthritis & Rheumatology, 70(1), 60–68. https://doi.org/10.1002/art.40324
Chen, M.-C., Hsu, C.-L., & Lee, L.-H. (2019). Service quality and customer satisfaction in Pharmaceutical Logistics: An analysis based on Kano model and importance-satisfaction model. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(21), 4091. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph16214091
Castillo Apraiz, J., Richter, N. F., Matey de Antonio, J., & Gudergan, S. (2020). The role of competitive strategy in the performance impact of exploitation and exploration quality management practices. European Business Review, 33(1). https://doi.org/10.1108/ebr-09-2019-0182
Literature Review (Due in 2 days)/DBA_Doctoral_Study_Rubric_Handbook_08252020 (1).doc
Doctor of Business Administration
Doctoral Study Rubric and Research Handbook
Walden University
DBA Doctoral Study Rubric and Research Handbook1 July 2020
This document consists of two components: the Doctoral Study Rubric2 and the Research Handbook. Thus, the purpose of this document is two-fold. First, the purpose of the rubric is to guide DBA students and DBA Doctoral Study supervisory committees as they work together to develop high-quality proposals and Doctoral Study research. The committee will use the rubric to provide on-going and flexible evaluation and reevaluation of the proposal and DBA Doctoral Study drafts. The University Research Reviewer (URR), who reviews the proposal/DBA Doctoral Study on behalf of the University, will also use this rubric to communicate feedback and any required revisions.
Second, the Research Handbook is an accompanying guide to the rubric that provides detailed instructions and knowledge pertaining to corresponding rubric components. The doctoral student is still responsible for utilizing self-identified resources to aid in the understanding and presentation of the rubric requirements. Elements in the Doctoral Study rubric correspond to elements in the Research Handbook. For example, one will find more detailed information on the Problem Statement (Heading # 1.3 in the DBA Rubric) in Heading # 1.3 (Problem Statement) of the Research Handbook. Using the Doctoral Study Rubric in conjunction with the Research Handbook when writing the proposal/Doctoral Study is highly recommended.
In the writing process, use the DBA Template and Rubric as a suggested outline for the DBA Proposal and Doctoral Study and as a basis for feedback on early drafts.
Before the Proposal Oral Conference or DBA Doctoral Study Oral Conference, the committee and URR will complete the rubric in MyDR and upload the proposal per the process checklist. Find the MyDR Process Checklist at http://academicguides.waldenu.edu/researchcenter/osra/dba .The guidance on orals is located at http://academicguides.waldenu.edu/researchcenter/osra/oraldefense.
After the Proposal Oral Conference or DBA Doctoral Study Oral Conference, and once the student completes any committee or methodologist revision requests for the proposal/Doctoral Study, the committee will review the proposal/Doctoral Study and make any needed modifications. When the committee members agree that the student met all of the rubric requirements for the proposal and passed the oral defense, the chair then notes in MyDR that the student passed the oral defense.
1 The DBA Rubric and Research Handbook video tutorial can be viewed at: http://youtu.be/KiiDGmLbRN0.
2 The guidance in the rubric supersedes any guidance you might see depicted elsewhere. For example, the Problem Statement video tutorial on YouTube depicts a maximum word count of 250 for the Problem Statement. The Problem Statement is recommended not to be too lengthy (recommended not to exceed 150 words). It is recommended to support claims and decisions with multiple scholarly peer-reviewed or seminal sources (as appropriate).
About consensus: For the final copy of the proposal or DBA Doctoral Study, there must be unanimous agreement by the DBA Doctoral Study supervisory committee before the student proceeds to the next step in the process checklist.
Timely Review and Return of Student Work
For research courses (i.e., KAMs, dissertations, and doctoral studies), the guideline for review and return of student research drafts is generally within 2 weeks; or, alternatively, provide a substantive overview of issues and concerns and an estimate of when of the full review will be complete. The 2-week time frame is a guideline and representative of what the university believes to be best practices. It is a desired practice for faculty members to respond to students upon receipt of research drafts and indicate when the draft will be returned. The faculty mentor or committee chair should provide students guidance on activities to work on that support student progress in the meantime. If a review of student research work requires significantly more time, for example, due to the length or complexity of the submission from one or more students, then faculty members are expected to notify the student of the additional time estimated to review their work.
Committee chairs or faculty mentors should set expectations early in the term for deadlines relating to submission and return of specified research documents that provide evidence of substantial academic progress. This is part of the term plan and should include deadlines for submission of designated documents and the final term report. Please note: Faculty members are not expected to review research drafts between terms, outside of what is required for end-of-term grading. Any research draft submitted within 5 days of the final day of the term may not receive detailed feedback until approximately 10 days into the subsequent term.
If the review takes place during any of the official Walden holidays (New Year’s Day; Martin Luther King, Jr. Day; Memorial Day; Independence Day; Labor Day; Thanksgiving Day; day after Thanksgiving; or Christmas Day), the holiday will not count in the review cycle. It is important to note that MyDR, which includes a general 14-day review timeline, does not adjust for holidays and end-of-terms, so any late notices received from the workflow as a result of a holiday are not an accurate reflection of the review time frame.
Note: As you consider your references, it is recommended that in business 85% should be within the past 5 years. Other than data collected from the study site, students cannot use magazines, trade publications, summary textbooks, websites, and blogs as references.
1.1 – Abstract 28
1.2 – Background of the Problem 28
Applied DBA Versus a Speculative/Theoretical PhD 28
Preparing the Background of the Problem 29
Strategy for Mapping to the Rubric 31
Aligning the Specific Business Problem With the Purpose Statement and RQ … 33 1.4 – Purpose Statement 35
Six Elements of the Purpose Statement 35
Hypothetical Quantitative Example 38
Hypothetical Qualitative Example 38
1.6 – Research Question (Quantitative Only) 39
1.7 – Hypotheses (Quantitative/Mixed-Method Only) 40
1.8 – Research Question (Qualitative Only) 40
1.9 – Interview Questions (Qualitative Only) 42
Example Applied DBA Interview Questions 43
1.10 – Theoretical/Conceptual Framework 43
1.11 – Operational Definitions 46
1.12 – Assumptions, Limitations, and Delimitations 46
1.13 – Significance of the Study 47
1.14 – Review of the Professional and Academic Literature 47
1.15 – Transition 49
2.2 – Role of the Researcher 51
Data Saturation in Qualitative Study Designs 53
How to Use Multiple Sources to Support Claims and Decisions 54
2.6 – Population and Sampling (Quantitative Only) 54
2.7 – Population and Sampling (Qualitative Only) 55
Data Saturation and Sampling 56
2.9 – Data Collection—Instruments (Quantitative) 57
2.10 – Data Collection – Instruments (Qualitative) 57
2.11 – Data Collection Technique 60
2.12 – Data Organization Technique (Qualitative Only) 60
2.13 – Data Analysis (Quantitative Only) 60
2.14 – Data Analysis (Qualitative Only) 61
2.15 – Study Validity (Quantitative Only) 63
Internal Validity 63
2.16 – Reliability and Validity (Qualitative Only) 65
2.17 – Transition and Summary 66
3.2 – Presentation of Findings (Quantitative) 68
3.3 – Presentation of Findings (Qualitative) 74
3.4 – Application to Professional Practice 74
3.5 – Implications for Social Change 74
3.6 – Recommendations for Action 75
3.7 – Recommendations for Further Research 75
3.8 – Reflections 75
3.9 – Conclusion 75
3.10 – Appendices/Table of Contents 75
Assumptions, Limitations, and Delimitations 98
Data Saturation and Data Collection Sources 111
Ethical Considerations/IRB 117
Interview Protocol Sources 142
Qualitative Research Foundation 175
Qualitative and Quantitative Sources 180
Reliability, Validity, Transferability, and Generalizability Sources 189
Qualitative Software Analysis Sources 205
Student and Committee Information3
Student’s Name (Last, First): |
Student ID (For office use only): |
Chairperson: |
Second Committee Member: |
University Research Reviewer: |
Student to provide total number of references: (As you consider your references, it is recommended that in business 85% should be within the past 5 years). |
Note: Provide the required information in the yellow highlighted column.
3 Chair will complete the yellow highlighted fields in this section before submitting the rubric. Be sure to include the names of all members of the committee.
5Date/Stage of the Rubric:
Date of Review |
Before Proposal Oral Defense |
Before Proposal Oral (Revised)6 |
Before Doctoral Study Oral Defense |
Before Doctoral Study Oral (Revised)7 |
Note: Place an “X” in column (yellow highlight) associated with the appropriate stage.
Evaluation of State of the DBA Doctoral Study or Proposal:
No changes required, advance to next step; rubric requirements met |
Changes required for resubmission; rubric requirements not met |
Note: Place an “X” in the column (yellow highlight) associated with the appropriate evaluation decision.
Member Information:
Name of member providing this review |
Role of the member providing this review |
Note: Enter the information in the yellow highlighted column.
4 Each member of the committee completes the evaluation.
5 Be sure to follow the Process Checklist (located at http://academicguides.waldenu.edu/researchcenter/osra ) naming convention when sending the document through the review process. Following the naming convention is vital for tracking student progress throughout the doctoral study process.
6 Check when second and subsequent rubrics are needed if previous proposal defense was not passed.
7 Check when second and subsequent rubrics are needed if previous Doctoral Study defense was not passed.
Section 1 Foundation of the Study (FOR PROPOSAL & DBA DOCTORAL STUDY DOCUMENTS) Quality Indicators |
Type Met, Not Met, or N/A in Each Cell |
Abstract (To be completed only after completion of Section 3). Each area usually needs one sentence, except for Methodology and Results, which may take a few. Walden Abstract Guidelines: https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/ld.php?content_id=54774447
a. Background/General Introduction of the Issue (optional)—abstract may begin with research problem. |
b. Research Problem and Why It’s Important—be clear; who cares if the problem is solved? |
b. Purpose or Rationale—this is sometimes combined with research questions to avoid redundancy. |
d. Theoretical Foundations—name the theory OR describe the conceptual framework, if appropriate. |
e. Research Questions (RQs)/Guiding Question—present these as statements, not questions. |
f. Methodology and Overall Design—be specific; include the sample size and inclusion criteria. |
i. Data Analytic Procedures—explain how data were analyzed to address the research questions. |
j. Key Results/Conclusions/Recommendations (for final paper only)—ensure alignment with purpose/RQs. |
k. Implications for Positive Social Change—specify who benefits from the research and in what ways.
l. OVERALL—Alignment (along the logical progression from problem→ research questions→ method→ results) |
m. Ensures the first line in the abstract is not indented and abstract does not exceed one page. |
n. Use plural verbs with data (e.g., the data were – the word data is the plural of datum). |
Section 1 Foundation of the Study (FOR PROPOSAL & DBA DOCTORAL STUDY DOCUMENTS) Quality Indicators |
Type Met, Not Met, or N/A in Each Cell |
o. Ensures all numbers are expressed in digits (i.e., 1, 2, 10, 20, etc.) and not spelled out unless beginning a sentence; Ensures Abstract does not include seriation (i.e., (a), (b), (c), etc.). |
(1.2) Background of the Problem 9 Provides a brief and concise overview of the context or background of the problem. DBA Doctoral Studies are focused on applied business research. This sets the stage for the study. This heading should comprise no more than one page in length. |
Please review the video tutorial located @: http://youtu.be/IYWzCYyrgpo to aid you in preparing the Problem Statement. |
a. Provides a hook10 supported by peer- reviewed or government citation 5 or less years old from anticipated completion date (CAO approval). |
b. Provides an anchor11 supported by peer- reviewed or government citation 5 or less years old from anticipated completion date (CAO approval). |
c. States the general business problem Note: This element should start as follows: The general business problem is… |
d. States the specific business problem. Be sure to state who has the specific problem (i.e., small business leaders, project managers, supply chain managers, etc.) Note: This element should start as follows: The specific business problem is that some (identify who has the problem)… |
9 Include an introductory paragraph before the Background of the Problem component. However, do not label this introductory paragraph with a L1 APA heading. The purpose of the background is to introduce the topic and problem you will address. Briefly indicate why the problem deserves new research. More important, the Doctoral Study must address applied research, so you will want to identify the need to solve an applied business problem. The goal of this section is to encourage readers to continue reading, to generate interest in the study, and provide an initial frame of reference for understanding the entire research framework
10 The hook should be a succinct WOW statement to catch the reader’s attention.
11 An anchor comprises a number, percentage, dollar value, ratio, index, etc.
Section 1 Foundation of the Study (FOR PROPOSAL & DBA DOCTORAL STUDY DOCUMENTS) Quality Indicators |
Type Met, Not Met, or N/A in Each Cell |
e. Ensures the specific business problem aligns with the research question and purpose statement. |
f. Problem Statement should be clear and succinct (It is recommended to be approximately 150 words). |
· Check with Ulrich’s Periodical Directory http://library.waldenu.edu/728.htm to ensure citations are peer reviewed.12 · See Problem Statement Video Tutorial at: http://youtu.be/IYWzCYyrgpo. |
Describes the intent of the research13. The Purpose Statement is a mini story and recommended to be approximately 200 words. The Purpose Statement must address the following six eleme Our website has a team of professional writers who can help you write any of your homework. They will write your papers from scratch. We also have a team of editors just to make sure all papers are of HIGH QUALITY & PLAGIARISM FREE. To make an Order you only need to click Ask A Question and we will direct you to our Order Page at WriteDemy. Then fill Our Order Form with all your assignment instructions. Select your deadline and pay for your paper. You will get it few hours before your set deadline. Fill in all the assignment paper details that are required in the order form with the standard information being the page count, deadline, academic level and type of paper. It is advisable to have this information at hand so that you can quickly fill in the necessary information needed in the form for the essay writer to be immediately assigned to your writing project. Make payment for the custom essay order to enable us to assign a suitable writer to your order. Payments are made through Paypal on a secured billing page. Finally, sit back and relax. About WridemyWe are a professional paper writing website. If you have searched a question and bumped into our website just know you are in the right place to get help in your coursework. We offer HIGH QUALITY & PLAGIARISM FREE Papers. How It WorksTo make an Order you only need to click on “Order Now” and we will direct you to our Order Page. Fill Our Order Form with all your assignment instructions. Select your deadline and pay for your paper. You will get it few hours before your set deadline. Are there Discounts?All new clients are eligible for 20% off in their first Order. Our payment method is safe and secure. Hire a tutor today CLICK HERE to make your first orderRelated TagsAcademic APA Writing College Course Discussion Management English Finance General Graduate History Information Justify Literature MLA |