20 Feb Please view the attachments. All questions are in regard to US American Law. Please provide references as well.? Please do not ma
Please view the attachments. All questions are in regard to US American Law. Please provide references as well.
Please do not make separate documents, just answer the questions on the prewritten document where it says "your response here" … DA3001 has three questions and DA3002 has four questions.
DA3001: The Role of Research in Criminal Justice: Analyze the application of data driven research and crime analysis.
Written Response Submission Form
Your Name: First and last
Your E-Mail Address: Your email here
Write your responses where it reads, “Enter your response here.” Write as much as needed to satisfy the requirements indicated. Each item contains the Rubric, which will be used to evaluate your responses.
Item 1
Respond to the following in 250–300 words:
· Describe one way in which you have applied data analysis or research in your professional experience.
· The professional experience may be in a different field than criminal justice. Focus on the ways in which you have applied data analysis or research to be relevant in that field.
· If you have not had professional experience applying data or analysis in your professional experience, describe one way in which you could have applied one or both of them to achieve a positive outcome.
Support your argument with evidence from the learning resources. You may also incorporate relevant professional experience.
Your Response
Enter your response here.
0 Not Present |
1 Needs Improvement |
2 Meets Expectations |
Module 1: Research and Criminal Justice |
Describe one way in which you have applied data analysis or research in your professional experience. LO1: Explain application of data analysis and research to practice. |
Response is not present. |
Response contains a vague, inaccurate, or incomplete description of one way in which the student has applied data analysis or research in their professional experience. |
Response provides a complete, clear, accurate, and resource-based description of one way in which the student has applied data analysis or research in their professional experience. |
Item 2
To prepare for this Written Response item:
· First, identify a criminal justice problem or issue of interest to you. This will become the research problem that you will revisit throughout the course.
· Next, use the learning resources provided this week to help you examine how data analysis and research can be used in a specific criminal justice setting along with the importance of data analysis and research in that setting.
· Finally, select a database you would use to research the issue or problem you identified. You may select one covered in the resources this week or one that you find through your own search.
Respond to the following in 250-750:
· Describe the criminal justice problem or issue you identified.
· Explain how you might use the database you selected to research the problem or issue.
· Explain the importance of data analysis and research for criminal justice professionals when attempting to address this problem.
Be sure to use the information found under the Learning Resources to support your thoughts.
Your Response
Enter your response here.
0 Not Present |
1 Needs Improvement |
2 Meets Expectations |
Module 1: Research and Criminal Justice |
Describe the criminal justice problem or issue you identified. LO2: Describe current problems facing the criminal justice field. |
Response is not present. |
Response contains a vague, inaccurate, or incomplete description of a criminal justice problem or issue. |
Response provides a complete, clear, accurate, and resource-based description of a criminal justice problem or issue. |
Explain how you might use the database you selected to research the problem or issue. LO3: Explain the use of data analysis tools in researching criminal justice problems. |
Response is not present. |
Response contains a vague, inaccurate, or incomplete explanation of the use of a database to research the identified problem or issue. |
Response provides a complete, clear, accurate, and resource-based explanation of the use of a database to research the identified problem or issue. |
Explain the importance of data analysis and research for criminal justice professionals when attempting to address this problem. LO4: Analyze the importance of data analysis and research in addressing criminal justice problems. |
Response is not present. |
Response contains a vague, inaccurate, or incomplete explanation of the importance of data analysis and research in addressing the identified problem. |
Response provides a complete, clear, accurate, and resource-based explanation of the importance of data analysis and research in addressing the identified problem. |
Item 3
Respond to the following in 250–300 words:
· Describe an ethical issue in criminal justice research generally or one related to the research problem you identified in Item 2.
· Explain how you might address the issue using ethical standards from the ACJS Code of Ethics.
Your Response
Enter your response here.
0 Not Present |
1 Needs Improvement |
2 Meets Expectations |
Module 2: Ethics and Research |
Describe an ethical issue in criminal justice research generally or one related to the research problem you identified in Item 2. LO1: Describe an ethical issue in criminal justice. |
Response is not present. |
Response contains a vague, inaccurate, or incomplete description of an ethical issue in criminal justice research. |
Response provides a complete, clear, accurate, and resource-based description of an ethical issue in criminal justice research. |
Explain how you might address the issue using ethical standards from the ACJS Code of Ethics. LO2: Apply ethical standards to ethical issues in criminal justice research. |
Response is not present. |
Response contains a vague, inaccurate, or incomplete application of ethical standards to an ethical issue. |
Response provides a complete, clear, accurate, and resource-based application of ethical standards to an ethical issue. |
Provide a citation for each resource you used to write your response to this Assessment. The following citation has been provided as an example:
· Bachman, R. D., & Schutt, R. K. (2019). The practice of research in criminology and criminal justice (7th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
Mastery Rubric
In order to achieve mastery of this Competency, you must achieve a “2” on every rubric row in addition to meeting the additional expectation indicated in the Mastery Rubric.
Mastery Rubric |
No |
Yes |
Exceeds Expectations: Connections to Experience |
Responses do not integrate professional knowledge and experience from the criminal justice discipline when applied to contemporary processes and structures in the criminal justice system; and responses do not demonstrate an understanding of context, precedent, and history in the relationship between society and the field of criminal justice. |
Responses integrate professional knowledge and experience from the criminal justice discipline when applied to contemporary processes and structures in the criminal justice system; responses also demonstrate an understanding of context, precedent, and history in the relationship between society and the field of criminal justice. |
Professional Skills Assessment
In this Competency Assessment, you will be assessed on the following Professional Skills: Written Communication. These skills count toward your achievement of the Competency and the Professional Skills.
Written Communication: Write with clarity, coherence, and purpose. |
0 Not Present |
1 Needs Improvement |
2 Meets Expectations |
LO1.7: Develop clear thesis statements. (AWE 3; essay-level skills) |
Thesis statement is not present. |
Thesis statement is unclear and/or unfocused. |
Thesis statement is well-defined and clearly describes the topic and focus of the response. |
LO1.8: Use transitions to connect ideas. (AWE 3; essay-level skills) |
Transitions are not present. |
Transitions are used inconsistently or limit reader’s access to ideas. |
Writing conveys a cohesive idea through the effective use of transitions. |
LO1.9: Use appropriate tone and vocabulary for a given audience. (Awe 3; Awareness of audience and discipline) |
Vocabulary and tone are inappropriate for the audience. |
Vocabulary and tone vary throughout the writing, limiting reader’s access to ideas. |
Vocabulary and tone communicate key concepts that are appropriate for the audience. |
LO10: Apply APA formatting and style guidelines. (Awe 3 awareness of audience and discipline and credit to source) |
APA formatting and style are not present. |
Writing inconsistently uses in-text citations and references. Major errors in APA style impede understanding and/or violate standards for academic integrity. |
Writing uses in-text citations appropriately, includes references when applicable, and is formatted according to APA style. Minor errors in APA style do not impede understanding or violate standards for academic integrity. |
©2019 Walden University 4
DA3002: Foundational Research Methods: Apply data analysis and foundational research methods in criminal justice settings.
Written Response Submission Form
Your Name: First and last
Your E-Mail Address: Your email here
Write your responses where it reads “Enter your response here.” Write as much as needed to satisfy the requirements indicated. Each item contains the rubric that will be used to evaluate your responses.
Item 1
Identify a criminal justice problem or issue of interest to you. You will use this issue throughout the Written Response items.
In 500–750 words, address the following:
· Describe two research designs that you could apply to the research problem you selected.
· Explain at least one strength and one limitation of each research design.
· Explain how you would use each research design in your criminal justice research.
Support your response with evidence from the learning resources.
Your Response
Enter your response here.
0 Not Present |
1 Needs Improvement |
2 Meets Expectations |
Module 1: Research Designs and Sampling |
Describe two research designs that you could apply to the research problem you selected in Item 1. LO1: Identify appropriate research designs. |
Response is not present. |
Response describes one research design completely and one incompletely OR describes two research designs in a vague, inaccurate, inappropriate, or incomplete way. |
Response provides a complete, clear, accurate, appropriate, and resource-based description of two research designs that could be applied to the selected research problem. |
Explain at least one strength and one limitation of each research design. LO2: Analyze strengths and limitations of research designs. |
Response is not present. |
Response contains a vague, inaccurate, or incomplete description of at least one strength and one limitation of each research design. |
Response provides a complete, clear, accurate, and resource-based description of at least one strength and one limitation of each research design. |
Explain how you would use each research design in your criminal justice research. LO3: Apply research designs in the criminal justice field. |
Response is not present. |
Response contains a vague, inaccurate, or incomplete explanation of the use of each research design in the student’s criminal justice research. |
Response provides a complete, clear, accurate, and resource-based explanation of the use of each research design in the student’s criminal justice research. |
Item 2
Respond to the following in 250–300 words:
To prepare for this Written Response item, do the following:
· Select a probability or nonprobability sampling method to use for this Discussion that you could apply to a research problem you have selected.
Respond to the following in 250–300 words:
· Describe the sampling method you selected.
· Explain two strengths and two limitations of the sampling method.
· Explain how you would use the sampling method with your research problem or in criminal justice research generally.
Support your response with evidence from the learning resources.
Your Response
Enter your response here.
0 Not Present |
1 Needs Improvement |
2 Meets Expectations |
Module 1: Research Designs and Sampling |
Describe the sampling method you selected. LO4: Apply a sampling method to a research problem. |
Response is not present. |
Response contains a vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete description of a selected sampling method that is applicable to a research problem. |
Response provides a clear, accurate, and complete description of a selected sampling method that is applicable to a research problem. |
Explain two strengths and two limitations of the sampling method. LO5: Analyze strengths and limitations of sampling methods. |
Response is not present. |
Response contains a vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete explanation of two strengths and two limitations of a selected sampling method. |
Response provides a clear, accurate, and complete explanation of two strengths and two limitations of a selected sampling method. |
Explain how you would use the sampling method with your research problem or in criminal justice research generally. |
Response is not present. |
Response contains a vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete explanation of the use of the sampling method with a research problem or in criminal justice generally. |
Response provides a complete, clear, accurate, and resource-based explanation of the use of the sampling method with a research problem or in criminal justice generally. |
Item 3
In 300–500 words, address the following:
· List the four levels of measurement.
· Provide an example of each of the four levels of measurement using the criminal justice research topic you chose in Item 1.
· Determine whether there are variables in this relationship that could be analyzed at more than one level of measurement. Explain why.
· Define the three measures of central tendency including mean, median, and mode. Include the factors that must be considered when using each measure of central tendency and explain why they are important.
· Explain how you could use each of the measures of central tendency to better understand the criminal justice research topic you chose in Item 1.
Support your response with evidence from the learning resources.
Your Response
Enter your response here.
0 Not Present |
1 Needs Improvement |
2 Meets Expectations |
Module 2: Levels of Measurement, Measures of Central Tendency, and Measures of Variability |
List the four levels of measurement. Provide an example of each of the four levels of measurement using the criminal justice research topic you chose in Item 1. LO2.1: Apply levels of measurement. |
Response is not present. |
Response contains a vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete application of the four levels of measurement to a research problem. |
Response provides a clear, accurate, and complete application of the four levels of measurement to a research problem. |
Determine whether there are variables in this relationship that could be analyzed at more than one level of measurement. Explain why. LO2.2: Analyze the ability to measure variables at more than one level of measurement. |
Response is not present. |
Response contains a vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete analysis of the ability to analyze variables at more than one level of measurement. |
Response provides a clear, accurate, and complete analysis of the ability to analyze variables at more than one level of measurement. |
Define the three measures of central tendency including mean, median, and mode. Include the factors that must be considered when using each measure of central tendency and explain why they are important. LO2.3: Define measures of central tendency. |
Response is not present. |
Response contains a vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete definition of the three measures of central tendency. |
Response provides a clear, accurate, and complete definition of the three measures of central tendency. |
Explain how you could use each of the measures of central tendency to better understand the criminal justice research topic you chose in Item 1. LO2.4: Apply measures of central tendency. |
Response is not present. |
Response contains a vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete application of central tendency to a criminal justice research topic |
Response provides a clear, accurate, and complete application of central tendency to a criminal justice research topic. |
Item 4
In 500–to 750 words, using the sample provided below, respond to the items that follow.
Person |
Number of Arrests |
Bob |
0 |
Johnny |
1 |
Sarah |
3 |
Julie |
5 |
Barbara |
0 |
Ken |
2 |
Keith |
8 |
Nicole |
2 |
Sam |
1 |
Stuart |
3 |
1. What is the range of the sample?
2. What is the interquartile range of the sample?
3. What is the variance of the sample?
4. What is the standard deviation of the sample?
· Based on your calculations, explain the distribution and variance of data.
· Explain how the ability to analyze the data in these ways can affect your criminal justice practice.
· Explain how the ability to understand data presented in these ways can affect citizen understanding of crime.
Support your response with evidence from the learning resources.
Your Response
Enter your response here.
0 Not Present |
1 Needs Improvement |
2 Meets Expectations |
Module 2: Levels of Measurement, Measures of Central Tendency, and Measures of Variability |
What is the range of the sample? What is the interquartile range of the sample? What is the variance of the sample? What is the standard deviation of the sample? LO2.5: Calculate the range, interquartile range, variance, and standard deviation of a sample. |
Response is not present. |
Response answers one, two, or three of the four questions correctly. |
Response answers all four questions correctly. |
Based on your calculations, explain the distribution and variance of data. LO2.6: Analyze sample research data. |
Response is not present. |
Response explains both distribution and variance in a vague, inaccurate, or incomplete way OR response explains one completely and one incompletely. |
Response provides a complete, clear, accurate, and resource-based explanation of both the distribution and variance of data. |
Explain how the ability to analyze the data in these ways can affect your criminal justice practice. LO2.7: Apply data analysis in criminal justice practice. |
Response is not present. |
Response contains a vague, inaccurate, or incomplete explanation of how analyzing data can affect criminal justice practice. |
Response provides a complete, clear, accurate, and resource-based explanation of how analyzing data can affect criminal justice practice. |
Explain how the ability to understand data presented in these ways can affect citizen understanding of crime. LO2.8: Analyze how the ability to understand data representation can affect citizen understanding of crime. |
Response is not present. |
Response contains a vague, inaccurate, or incomplete explanation of how the ability to understand data presented in these ways can affect citizen understanding of crime. |
Response provides a complete, clear, accurate, and resource-based explanation of how the ability to understand data presented in these ways can affect citizen understanding of crime. |
Provide a citation for each resource you used to write your response to this Assessment. The following citation has been provided as an example:
· Bachman, R. D., & Schutt, R. K. (2019). The practice of research in criminology and criminal justice (7th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
Mastery Rubric
In order to achieve mastery of this Competency, you must achieve a “2” on every rubric row in addition to meeting the additional expectation indicated in the Mastery Rubric.
Mastery Rubric |
No |
Yes |
Exceeds Expectations: Connections to Experience |
Compares life experiences and academic knowledge to infer differences and similarities to concepts/theories/frameworks of fields of study. |
Responses do not integrate professional knowledge and experience from the criminal justice discipline when applied to the reporting of crime, the application of crime statistics, and the perceptions between crime occurrence and crime statistics. |
Responses integrate professional knowledge and experience from the criminal justice discipline when applied to the reporting of crime, the application of crime statistics, and the perceptions between crime occurrence and crime statistics. |
Professional Skills Building
The faculty Assessor will provide feedback based on the following Professional Skills: Information Literacy. Although the feedback is here to inform the development of your skills, it is not a barrier to achieving the Competency, unless the writing is too poor to be able to score the content of the Assessment. Review the rubric and check your work based on the learning objectives listed. If you are concerned that your writing will not meet these expectations yet, reach out to your Faculty Subject Matter Expert (SME) so he or she can work with you to further develop this important professional skill.
It is highly recommended that you use this opportunity to practice these important skills in the context of this Competency Assessment in order to receive feedback about your current level of proficiency.
Interpreting Data & Quantitative Fluency: Interpret quantitative data in order to analyze issues and make decisions. |
0 Not Present |
1 Needs Improvement |
2 Meets Expectations |
LO1: Identify conclusions from numeric information presented in narrative and/or graphic form. |
No conclusions are made based on numeric information. |
Connections between conclusions and numeric information are vague or inaccurate. |
Conclusions identified are appropriately connected to the numeric information. |
LO2: Use both narrative and graphic form to explain the same data. |
Graphs and/or narrative are not present. |
Supportive connection between narrative and graph is not clearly explained. |
Narrative explanation of quantitative data explains the graph and the graph illustrates and clarifies the narrative. |
LO3: Use quantitative data as evidence for a decision or recommendation. |
Quantitative evidence is not used. |
Quantitative evidence does not support or is superfluous to the decision or recommendation. |
Argument for a decision or recommendation incorporates appropriate quantitative data as evidence. |
©2019 Walden University 12
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