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Write a reflection to Analyze your own perceptions of reassessing physical activity readiness, health-related behaviors, and baseline fitness? Ana

THIS IS A SHORT SUSPENSE ASSIGNMENT. WILL NEED AN ANSWER BY END OF DAY (Korea Standard Time). Will accept a bid increase if necessary and reasonable.

Utilizing the attached baseline fitness assessment (FW4001) and the reassessment fitness assessment FW4006) (both attached to this question):

write a reflection to: 

  • Analyze your own perceptions of reassessing physical activity readiness, health-related behaviors, and baseline fitness 
  • Analyze your baseline fitness reassessment results relative to age and gender norms 

·  Recommend steps to create a personalized and comprehensive lifetime fitness and wellness program 

Note: While this is a reflective piece, it is important to consider how the supporting resources have informed your thinking, and you must cite this in your writing and provide references following APA 7 formatting.


Fit and Well

FW4006: Lifetime Fitness and Wellness

Develop a comprehensive fitness and wellness program

Fitness Activity Worksheet – Re-Assessing Baseline Fitness

Track 2

Student’s Name:

Fitness Activities:

1. Body Composition Assessments

Body Mass Index (BMI)

BMI Results

Student’s Name


Weight Classification

Risk Classification







Waist-to-Hip Circumference

Waist-to-Hip Circumference Results

Student’s Name

Waist Circumference Risk Classification

Waist-to-Hip Ratio

Waist-to-Hip Ratio Risk Classification







Based on a comparison between their body composition assessments in FW4001 and FW4006, what feedback would you provide to each of the students regarding their body composition assessments?

Write down two strategies to assist the students to either maintain or improve their body composition in the future.

2. Cardiorespiratory Assessment: 1-Mile Walk

1-Mile Walk Results

Student’s Name

Fitness Category Based on 1-Mile Walk Time







Based on a comparison of each student’s cardiorespiratory assessment in FW4001 and FW4006, what feedback would you provide to each of the students regarding their cardiorespiratory fitness?

Write down two strategies to assist the students to either maintain or improve their cardiorespiratory fitness in the future.

3. Muscular Endurance Assessments

Muscular Endurance Assessment Results

Student’s Name

Push-Up Fitness Category

Curl-Up Fitness Category







Based on a comparison of each student’s muscular endurance assessments in FW4001 and FW4006, what feedback would you provide to each of the students regarding their muscular endurance assessments?

Write down two strategies to assist the students to either maintain or improve their muscular endurance in the future.

4. Flexibility Assessments

Flexibility Assessment Results

Student’s Name

Trunk Flexion Test Fitness Category (add 9 to the score you recorded to compare it to the Table 6)

Left Shoulder Flexibility Fitness Category

Right Shoulder Flexibility Fitness Category







Based on a comparison of each student’s flexibility assessments in FW4001 and FW4006, what feedback would you provide to each of the students regarding their flexibility assessment?

Write down two strategies to assist the students to either maintain or improve their flexibility fitness in the future.

Note: While you are not assessed on the results of performing the fitness activities themselves, you will need to submit this activity Worksheet and use it to inform your responses in the main Post-Test template.

© 2019 Walden University

© 2019 Walden University


Fit and Well

FW4001: Personal Risk and Baseline Assessment

Assess personal risk and baseline assessment

Fitness Activity Worksheet – Baseline Fitness Assessment

Track 2

Student’s Name: Aiyana Watson

Fitness Activities:

1. Body Composition Assessments

Body Mass Index (BMI)

BMI Results

Student’s Name


Weight Classification

Risk Classification



Obesity Class II

Very High








No Risk







Obesity Class I






Waist-to-Hip Circumference

Waist-Hip Circumference Results

Student’s Name

Waist Circumference Risk Classification

Waist-to-Hip Ratio

Waist-to-Hip Ratio Risk Classification


Very High


Very High






No Data






Not enough info









Did the students obtain similar results for both body composition assessments? If not, why do you think the results might have differed?

All students, except for Jessica, obtain similar results for both BMI and Waist-to-Hip. Regarding Jessica, it is my thought that this had more to do with her height. She is 70”. BMI calculates total weight distribution throughout the body, whereas the Waist-to-Hip ratio measures and compares the adipose that is carried/stored around the midsection. Jessica is taller in comparison to the other two females making her weight distribution more widespread, however when measuring her waist and hips it was determined that Jessica had the same waist circumference as Tara and a greater one than Grace and for hip circumference had a bigger one than both Grace and Tara.

Which type of assessment do you feel most accurately reflects general health and wellness? Why?

It is my opinion that the Waist-to-Hip assessment is more accurate than the Body Mass Index. A cohort study of 4,055 people over a period of 18 years was conducted to study the relation of anthropometric measures as predictors for high blood pressure. The study concluded that Waist-to-Hip assessment proved as a stronger predictor for hypertension than BMI. The study stated that “people with shorter stature have noticeably higher amounts of body fat than taller individuals with the same BMI” (Moosaie et al., 2021). The amount of adipose that a person carries in their midsection is a strong indicator and risk factor for diseases such as hypertension and diabetes (Moosaie et al., 2021).

2. Cardiorespiratory Assessment: 1-Mile Walk

1-Mile Walk Results

Student’s Name

Fitness Category Based on 1-Mile Walk Time













What specific recommendations would you provide to each student to maintain or improve their cardiorespiratory fitness? Write down two strategies they might use to achieve their goal.

Tara, Jessica, and Steven all were assessed in the “poor” fitness category for the one mile walk assessment. My recommendation for all three is to set a small step goal based upon their lifestyle/schedule. The CDC recommends that the average person take at least 10,000 steps per day (CDC, 2020). Using a tracker such as the pedometer on a smart watch or phone, they can track their progress on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. They can start off with brisk walking and then move on to jogging and then they can do a run if they fell okay to do so. Another strategy that could be used with all three is peer or family motivation. Walking/Jogging/Running can be more enjoyable when they have someone right there with them doing it as well.

Grace is a 68-year-old female, who assessed as excellent in the 1 mile walk assessment. My recommendation for Grace is to continue with her current cardiorespiratory exercises. If she reaches a plateau, she can mix up the type and intensity of the exercises that she is completing.

George assessed as fair, and Willie assessed as average in the walk assessment. For these two I would suggest tracking their steps an increasing the number of steps taken per day. They can increase steps by adjusting habits such as taking the stairs versus the elevator or parking further away from building entrances to increase number of steps.

3. Muscular Endurance Assessments

Muscular Endurance Assessment Results

Student’s Name

Push-up Fitness Category

Curl-up Fitness Category








Very Poor



Very Poor

Needs Improvement







What feedback would you provide to each of the students regarding the results from their muscular endurance assessments?

The Muscular Endurance Assessment is a test of your upper and lower body strength. This assessment will be used throughout a workout regime to assess your progress and strength overtime. Muscle strength focuses on the specific muscle(s) worked. Jessica, George, Steven, and Willie will need to work on upper body, abdominal, and back exercises to improve fitness. Tara and Grace had good results in the push up category, but it was modified. We will need to work on going to full form. In the curl up category it will be everyone’s goal to get to a full sit-up.

Based on their results, provide recommendations about how each student might maintain or improve their musculoskeletal fitness. Write down two strategies for how they might achieve their goal.

Tara assessed good in the push-ups and excellent in the curl-ups. Push up improvement can be achieved by increasing the resistance and increasing the number of repetitions each day. To increase resistance, Tara can elevate her feet. The higher she elevates her feet the more resistance is given when conducting the pushup. Each day Tara should strive to do more pushups than the day prior. Tara was also conducting modified pushups. She should strive to do a regular pushup. To get to the point of doing a regular pushup she should work on building a stronger core with abdominal exercises. For curl-ups, since Tara assessed as excellent, she should progress to attempting to do full sit-ups. This will also help with her push up improvement, as the sit-up and curl ups are abdominal exercises. Sit-ups are done rhythmically and not at full speed.

Grace assessed excellent in the pushups (modified) and fair in the curl-up. Grace should progress to learning to do a full push up with no modifications. Proper hand placement and width of the feet can be adjusted if technical form is not compromised. Once Grace has achieved good form with full push up then she can progress to a different style of push up such as incline or decline pushup using a bench or box. Although Grace assessed excellent there is always room for improvement. She should strive to do more push-ups than the day prior. For curl-ups, other abdominal exercises, such as the plank and the cobra, will help strengthen the muscles needed for curl-ups. As the muscles strengthen and stretch, Grace should be able to progress to a full sit-up.

Jessica and George both assessed as very poor for push-ups. Jessica is significantly younger (21) then George, who is 85. However, the method for push up improvement will be the same for both, but the pace of progression may differ as noted between male and females and age differences. Jessica and George both were assessed with normal push-ups. Starting with modified push-ups is an option for both. By starting with modified this will allow time for the back, shoulder, and abdominal muscles to strengthen without loss in form or early fatigue. Once they have gained confidence and strength in the modified exercise, then they will both move back to executing the regular push-up. Each day the number of reps will increase, and the pace/speed of execution will be steady. Additional exercises such as the rower or dumbbell row, chest press, and shoulder press will be incorporated into their weekly exercise plan to help develop the major muscles that are associated with the push-up. Low weight with high repetition ratio will be utilized.

Jessica assessed fair in curl-ups. Just the same as Grace, Jessica can execute other abdominal exercises, such as the plank and the cobra, will help strengthen the muscles needed for curl-ups. As the muscles strengthen and stretch, Jessica should be able to progress to a full sit-up. George, who assessed as needs improvement for curl-ups, will need exercises to help strengthen his core. Due to his age, impact of certain exercises may not be beneficial to his skeletal system. One strategy to help George with curl-up improvement is to use a wedge or a Bosu ball under the small of his back. This method helps with momentum and minimizes the ground impact felt when descending back down to the ground from the curl-up. Another abdominal exercise such as a modified plank can help strengthen his core. All strength exercises with George will be executed with resistance bands or body weight exercises until muscle strength develops.

Steven and Willie assessed as poor for push-ups. They did both do regular push-ups. Steven and Willie should maintain doing regular push-ups. To help them improve we will work on their shoulder, back, biceps, and triceps muscles throughout their exercise regiments. Steven will have heavy weights with low reps at a medium intensity while Willie will be doing low weight high repetitions at a medium intensity. Willie is 13 years older than Steven and may require further adjustments due to age, if necessary. Like everyone else they will aim to increase the number of push-ups executed each day. Resistance to the push-up can be added if a plateau is achieved.

Steven assessed as fair on the curl-ups and Willie assessed as good. Steven should work on additional abdominal exercises such as the plank and the cable abdominal crunch. The cable abdominal crunch works the rectus abdominal muscles. In addition to abdominal exercises on the cable machine, Steven can use the same rope and switch to a triceps and biceps exercise which will assist with push-up improvement. Willie can improve with curl-ups by adding a modification to the type of curl-ups that are conducted. He can add a weighted plate or hold a kettlebell to add resistance and weight. Increasing the number of reps each day will assist with progression.

4. Flexibility Assessments

Flexibility Assessment Results

Student’s Name

Trunk Flexion Fitness Category (add 9 to the score you recorded to compare it to Table 6)

Left Shoulder Flexibility Fitness Category

Right Shoulder Flexibility Fitness Category


Needs Improvement




Needs Improvement








No Data

Very Poor

Very Poor


Needs Improvement




Needs Improvement


Very Poor

Based on their results, provide recommendations about how each student might maintain or improve their flexibility. Write down two strategies for how they might achieve their goal.

To maintain or improve flexibility it is important to stretch prior to exercising, especially the group of muscles that will be worked out during the workout. Stretch often and not just during workouts. Flexibility can be included within a workout as well when conducting strength workouts. Resistance bands are a good tool to use for flexibility. They can assist with stretching. With each stretch try to reach further than before. To help with stretching breathing is also a key factor. Stretching should be conducted on the exhale not the inhale. This will help with muscle relaxation. Grace, Jessica, and Willie have unequal flexibility ranges between the left and the right side. The goal for them will be to get equal distance. This will help prevent imbalances with future exercises especially when weight training. To monitor flexibility a measuring tape could be used to track progress in stretching and range of motion. Participants should not be stretching until the point of pain but should try to increase the distance in the stretch.

Due to George’s age, there was no data available for trunk flexion. As the body gets older, muscles and joints become stiff and brittle, especially for someone that is sedentary. According to Newton’s first law of physics: a body in motion stays in motion. This concept applies to exercising as well. The more movement and exercise that a person does the better the range of motion. Although there is no data on the flexibility for George, during the actual assessment a base line can be established. Improvement or maintaining can be gaged off the base line assessment. To increase or maintain flexibility for George, a variety of exercises can be done to increase flexibility. George can engage in the following activities: yoga, active stretching, foam rolling, and even low impact swimming. All these activities can be done at his own pace. Improvement is assessed on a weekly basis by retesting his flexibility.

Steven is 38 years old and should ideally still have great flexibility, which he does in shoulder flexibility. It is Steven’s trunk flexibility that needs improvement. Looking back at his BMI and hip to ratio assessment results, it can be deduced that if Steven loses weight, then he may regain some flexibility back. Some abdominal exercise s that would assist would be the curl-up/sit-up, which he is already currently doing, static and dynamic stretching, and a variety of lumbar flexion exercises. Nutrition and diet will play a role in Steven’s fitness journey. As he loses weight in the mid-section, he will find that many exercises, especially the abdominal exercises will be easier to execute.

Note: While you are not assessed on the results of performing the fitness activities themselves, you will need to submit this activity Worksheet and use it to inform your responses in the main Pre-Test template.


Moosaie, F., Fatemi Abhari, S. M., Deravi, N., Karimi Behnagh, A., Esteghamati, S., Dehghani Firouzabadi, F., Rabizadeh, S., Nakhjavani, M., & Esteghamati, A. (2021). Waist-To-Height Ratio Is a More Accurate Tool for Predicting Hypertension Than Waist-To-Hip Circumference and BMI in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A Prospective Study. Frontiers in Public Health9.

CDC Online Newsroom, CDC. (2020). Higher Daily Step Count Linked with Lower All-cause Mortality.

© 2019 Walden University

© 2019 Walden University

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