16 Jun A rectangular pulse has a height of 7.0 V and a duration of 0.399 microseconds. It is used to send a ‘I’ if the height is 1 V and send a ‘O’ if the height is -1
——————————————Please find all the questions in the attachment below.———————————-
A rectangular pulse has a height of 7.0 V and a duration of 0.399 microseconds. It is used to send a "I" if the height is 1 V and send a "O" if the height is -1 V.
What is the bit rate in Mbps?
Syllabus/Prin Dig Comm 5570 Summer 2022 syllabus.pdf
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E&C-ENGR 5570, Principles of Digital Communication Systems CS 5590, Special Topics, Principles of Digital Communications
2022 Summer Semester
Instructor Information • Instructor Name, Degree, and Title: Cory Beard, Ph.D., Associate Professor • Department/Division: Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department • Email address: [email protected]du • Phone Number: 816-235-1550 • Office: 550J Flarsheim Hall • Website: https://info.umkc.edu/sce-faculty/index.php/cory-beard-ph-d/
Course Details • Catalog Course IDs: 30884 and 32369 • Credit Hours: 3 • Course Format: Instructor led online asynchronous
• Meeting Times and Location: Optional synchronous lectures TR 2:00-3:15, 4:00-5:15, Zoom link provided in Canvas
• Graduate course: Elective course for Master of Science in Electrical Engineering or Master of Science in Computer Science. This course can be used to meet the Communications and Networking course requirement for the Master of Science in Electrical Engineering.
Common Questions about Course Communication
Communication Questions Instructor Answers
What is the best way to ask the instructor questions outside of class?
How quickly can I anticipate receiving feedback from my instructor(s) on assignments, exams, or questions I post or email?
24 hours
When are office hours held for this course? Office Hours: By Appointment (Zoom), schedule by email
Where are my instructors’ office locations or links for us to meet outside of class?
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Common Questions about Course Details Course Questions Answers
What is this course about (Course Description)?
Principles of random processes, information sources and source coding, modulation and demodulation, block and convolutional error control coding, and equalization. Prerequisites: COMP-SCI 394R, E&C- ENGR 380.
What knowledge, skills or perspectives (Student Learning Outcomes) will I gain from the course?
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
• Describe the main communication techniques that are used for a complete digital communication system.
• Critically analyze bit error performance and data rate of alternative modulation schemes in their application to various environments and user expectations.
• Design modulation and coding schemes to meet requirements.
• Design and describe block and convolution error control codes.
• Describe the operation of capacity-approaching error control coding schemes.
Are there Pre-requisites/Co-requisites that are key to my success in this course?
CS 394R (Applied Probability) or equivalents
Will I be dropped from class if I do not attend class? What happens if I do not attend class without communicating with my instructor?
Maintaining accurate enrollment records throughout the term is a partnership between instructors and students. Instructors are responsible for verifying student attendance and participation within the first three weeks (16 week course) through the Attendance Verification Survey (administered through UMKC Connect) as well as maintain records of participation throughout the term so that the last date of attendance for students with recorded “F” or “W” final grades may be submitted. Because student plans for enrollment sometimes change prior to the semester start, students not engaging in courses through the initial weeks of each course may be administratively dropped. For more detailed information regarding the policy see: [https://catalog.umkc.edu/undergraduate-academic- regulations-information/registration/administrative- drop-policy/]
How do I get permission before Recording Class Sessions?
The Instructor records class sessions for the sole purpose of sharing the recording with students who can’t attend class or for students to review the material later. Instructor(s) will take care not to disclose personally identifiable information from the student education records during the recorded lesson. Students are not to share videos with those outside of class.
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Course Questions Answers Is there Recommended Technology that I should have access to?
You will need access to the computing resources necessary to complete this course through personal and/ or University channels(e.g., computer labs). Our course will take place within the Canvas Learning Management System and utilizing various software technologies that facilitate interaction and communication. Below is a list of some helpful computer requirements for full participation in this online class:
• The latest version of Java
• The latest version of QuickTime
• The latest version of Adobe Reader
• A current version of word processing software
• A headset with microphone
• A webcam or smartphone camera –will be required for exams and to give a course presentation through Zoom while visible to the class.
• Google Chrome, Firefox, or Edge for Windows computers
• Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari for Apple computers
Broadband Internet connection is preferred. Examples of broadband Internet connection are high- speed DSL or a Cable modem.
If I am having difficulty with Canvas or other course technology, how can I get assistance?
The links below will connect you with answers and information for the most common technical questions and issues students experience. UM System Keep Learning: [https://keeplearning.umsystem.edu/students] UMKC Instructional Design/Technology: [https://idt.umkc.edu/support]
Where can I find the details on other important academic policies?
UMKC Policies and Resources for Students can be found at the end of this syllabus and also at the following link: [https://online.umkc.edu/support-policies]
Information about COVID-19 Policies
If I have questions regarding COVID-19 General Information, where do I go? Up to date information and FAQs regarding COVID-19 may be found on the UMKC COVID website: [https://www.umkc.edu/news/coronavirus.html]
If I have a disability (including COVID-related disabilities), who can assist me with getting important accommodations on campus? Any student seeking COVID-related academic accommodations should contact Scott Laurent in the
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Office of Disability Services as soon as possible by calling (816) 235-5696 or via email at [email protected]
Evaluation / Assessment Criteria and Grading: Regular students CPT Internship
Students Exam 1 85/3=28.33% 80/3= 26.67% Exam 2 85/3=28.33% 80/3= 26.67% Exam 3 85/3=28.33% 80/3= 26.67%
Mastery quizzes, online attendance, possible MATLAB assignments
15% 15%
Internship Progress Reports 5%
Students will be graded together on a curve – approximately the top 20% for A, next 25% for A-, next 25% for B+, and the final 30% for B and below.
Some adjustments may be made to individual grades for students whose scores are close to the grade cutoffs.
Additional Course Information Recommended (not required) Textbook and other Materials: B.P. Lathi, Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems, Fourth Edition, Oxford University Press, 2009. ISBN 978-0-19-533145-5 Other materials: Instructor will provide other materials on topics for further detail. Panopto lectures, announcements, mastery quiz solutions, and sample exams will be available on the Canvas site. Schedule of Course Topics Covered. Chapters from textbook1:
1. Introduction. 2. Signals and Signal Space (review) 3. Analysis and Transmission of Signals (review) 4. Amplitude Modulations and Demodulations
• Specific sections as needed, covered in detail in ECE 474. 5. Angle Modulation and Demodulation
• Specific sections as needed, covered in detail in ECE 474. 6. Sampling and Analog to Digital Conversion
• Not covered. 7. Principles of Digital Data Transmission
• Baseband topics briefly, covered in detail in ECE 474. ✓ Passband topics in detail.
8. Fundamentals of Probability Theory (review) 9. Random Processes and Spectral Analysis (not covered) 10. Performance Analysis of Modulated Communication Systems Under Noise.
✓ In detail. 11. Performance Analysis of Digital Communication Systems.
✓ In detail. ✓ Additional discussion of modulation and coding in modern systems
12. Spread Spectrum Communications (not covered) 13. Digital Communications under Linearly Distortive Channels.
✓ Some topics, such as multipath channels, OFDM, and channel distortions. 15. Error Correcting Codes.
1 Subject to modification
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✓ In detail. 14. Introduction to Information Theory.
✓ In detail. Voice and Video Compression Coding
✓ Summary Assignments, Requirements, Deadlines: Provided on the Canvas site for a calendar of exam dates and quiz dates. Teaching Philosophy
• Service provider – The instructor is a service provider and students are the clients (the ones who paid a lot of money!). Students are paying the instructor to teach the material in a way that is understandable and prepares them for subsequent courses and research. Students will be fairly graded, provided an accurate assessment of their performance in the class, and be prepared for their eventual careers. The course is intended for great value for both electrical engineering and computer science graduate students. All of these responsibilities the instructor acknowledges and commits to fulfill to the best of his ability.
• Feedback – Student feedback is needed and will be solicited regarding how the course is being taught. Student course evaluations at the end of the semester and those from previous semesters are used to improve future course offerings.
• Respect – Everyone in class deserves the highest respect as an important member of the engineering community. It is the instructor’s commitment to treat students with all the respect of a colleague. This respect should be demonstrated through academic honesty on exams and quizzes.
Course Expectations, Course Policies, Requirements and Standards for Student Coursework and Student Behavior Exams All exams are open book and open notes. The second and third exams will not be cumulative, but certainly may be based on the knowledge from the early part of the course. Exams will be taken online. All students must take exams on the prescribed exam dates and times. The exam will be supervised through Zoom, and the instructor will be available for questions and exam corrections. Attendance Attendance points will be given for each lecture. There will be two lectures each lecture day. There will be a total of 8 weeks, 4 lectures per week, except for three exam days with no lectures. Therefore, there will be a total of 26 lectures, 20 points apiece, for a total of 520 points. To achieve attendance points, students will be expected to either participate in the Zoom lecture or watch the Panopto lecture video within Canvas within 4 days. Some online lectures will be provided that are not required to be viewed (no attendance points). These will consist of a probability review, overviews of communications topics not covered in the course, exam reviews, etc. Mastery Quizzes Homework assignments will not be submitted to the instructor for evaluation. Instead, problems and their solutions will be provided. Then students must complete online mastery quizzes. It is called a
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“mastery quiz” because students will be allowed to attempt the quiz multiple times until achieving the correct answer. The problems will be similar to those that had been provided with the solutions. The mastery quizzes will be open notes and must be completed within the prescribed deadlines. They will be completed asynchronously at a time of the student’s convenience. They will be 60 points. There also will be a simple MATLAB-based assignment. This will allow better visualization of the concepts covered in class. The Communications Toolbox in MATLAB would be used that is available through UMKC remote labs. Mastery quizzes, attendance, and MATLAB assignments together comprise the mastery quizzes and online attendance portion of the grade. No excused absences, free points No excused absences will be given. Instead, up to free 80 points will be credited to the quizzes/attendance portion of the grade. A maximum of 100% score can be attained for the quiz/attendance portion of the grade. Summary: Attendance 520 points Mastery quizzes 60 points apiece Free points 80 points Total semester quiz/attendance points: 700 to 800 points CPT Internship Students A short progress report must be provided every two weeks by each Curricular Practical Training (CPT) student. This should be sent as an email to [email protected] with the subject line “ECE 5570: Internship Progress Report Week __” where the blank should be filled for weeks 2, 4, 6, and 8 corresponding to the start of class. Each progress report should include recent activities and how those activities relate to the material in the course. Each progress report will contribute to the special portion of the semester grade for CPT students. Electronic Mail E-mail and Canvas correspondence will be used throughout the course for course announcements, submission of assignments, etc. Any email to the professor should start with “PDC:” at the beginning of the subject line. Make-Ups Make-up exams will be given only if: 1) notification is provided in ADVANCE of the exam, and 2) the reason is approved as being sufficiently meritorious. If the reason is illness, documentation of the illness from a health-care professional is required. Special Considerations Any student in this course who has a disability or impairment that prevents the fullest expression of your abilities should contact the course instructor personally as soon as possible to discuss the appropriate accommodations necessary to complete the course requirements. Students with technology limitations should also contact the course instructor to discuss possible accommodations.
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Policy on late assignments Late work is not accepted unless documented extenuating circumstances prevent the submission by the posted deadline.
Academic Honesty The Board of Curators of the University of Missouri recognizes that academic honesty is essential for the intellectual life of the University. Faculty members have a special obligation to expect high standards of academic honesty in all student work. Students have a special obligation to adhere to such standards. Academic dishonesty, including cheating, plagiarism or sabotage, is adjudicated through the University of Missouri Student Conduct Code and Rules of Procedures in Student Conduct Matters. Penalties for academic dishonesty will be severe. Academic dishonesty includes cheating, plagiarism or sabotage as defined in the UMKC Academic Catalog. The UMKC Academic Catalog is the final authority for definitions and procedures. Cheating includes looking on other students’ papers and using unapproved helps during the exam, such as cellphones. For this class, exam work must be original and represent an individual effort. IF CHEATING IS IDENTIFIED, AN AUTOMATIC GRADE OF ZERO WILL BE GIVEN ON THE ENTIRE QUIZ OR EXAM TO ALL PARTIES INVOLVED. Exam observers will take note without notification of inappropriate student behavior. Names of persons involved in any of these incidents will automatically be forwarded to the campus Primary Administrative Officer. Students will be given sufficient opportunity to appeal academic dishonesty sanctions. Those students will be subject to sanctions as outlined in the general catalog. Even first-time offenses commonly involve loss of departmental scholarships and loss of eligibility for departmental assistantships. Further sanctions may result in dismissal from the University.
Summer 2022 Academic Calendar Important Dates
Date Significance June 6 Classes Begin (full 8 week session) (first 5 week session)
June 8 Last day to add courses without an instructor signature (full 8 week session)
June 8 Last day to change audit to credit (full 8 week session)
June 8 Last day for 100% refund (full 8 week session)
June 8 Last day to register without paying a late registration fee (full 8 week session) June 8 Last day for a 25% refund (first 5 week session)
June 8 Last day to withdraw with a "W" (graduate/professional – first 5 week session)
June 16 Last day to withdraw with a “W” (undergraduate – first 5 week session)
June 17 Last day to drop a course and not have it appear on your transcript (full 8 week session)
June 17 Last day for a 50% refund (full 8 week session)
June 17 Last day to change a course from Credit to Audit (undergraduate – full 8 week session)
June 20 Juneteenth (observed) University Closed
June 24 Last day to withdraw with "W" or "WF" (graduate/professional – first 5 week session)
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Date Significance
June 24 Last day to change a course from Credit to Audit (graduate/professional – first 5 week session)
June 24 Last day of classes (first 5 week session)
June 27 Classes begin (first 5 week session)
June 28 Last day to add courses without an instructor signature (second 5 week session)
June 28 Last day to change a course from Audit to Credit (second 5 week session)
June 28 Last day for a 100% refund (second 5 week session) June 30 Deadline to apply for Summer 2022 graduation
July 5 Last day for a 25% refund (full 8 week session)
July 5 Last day to withdraw with a "W" (graduate/professional – full 8 week session)
July 5 Last day to drop a course and not have it appear on your transcript (second 5 week session)
July 5 Last day for a 50% refund (second 5 week session)
July 5 Last day to change a course from Audit to Credit (second 5 week session)
July 13 Last day for a 25% refund (second 5 week session)
July 13 Last day to withdraw with a "W" (graduate/professional – second 5 week session)
July 19 Last day to withdraw with a "W" (undergraduate – full 8 week session)
July 21 Last day to withdraw with a "W" (undergraduate – second 5 week session)
July 29 Last day to withdraw with a "W" or "WF" (graduate/professional – second 5 week session)
July 29 Last day to change a course from Audit to Credit (second 5 week session)
July 29 Last day to withdraw with a "W" or a "WF" (graduate/professional – full 8 week session)
July 29 Last day to change a course from Credit to Audit (graduate/professional – full 8 week session)
July 29 Last day of classes (full 8 week session) (second 5 week session)
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Additional University-Wide Information
Regarding Your Courses and Your Success Basic Needs
It can be challenging to do your best in class if you have trouble meeting basic needs like safe shelter, sleep, and nutrition. If you have difficulty affording groceries or accessing sufficient food to eat every day, or lack a safe and stable place to live, UMKC is here to help. The UMKC Basic Needs webpage has information on resources for food assistance, housing assistance and financial literacy. The Kangaroo Pantry is a free resource for all UMKC students that provides food and other items to those in need. Check out the Kangaroo Pantry website for details on hours and locations. I strongly encourage you to set up an appointment with UMKC Basic Needs and/or me if you have a need for this type of assistance.
Academic Calendar
Students are encouraged to review important add, drop or withdraw dates: https://calendar.umkc.edu/academic-calendar/
Academic Support and Mentoring
UMKC’s office of Academic Support and Mentoring provides innovative support services and resources to ensure educational access and personal success for every student. For information on tutoring,
student success seminars, and other information, please visit: https://www.umkc.edu/asm/
Attendance Policy
Students are expected to attend and participate in classes as indicated by the course modality (Classroom based, Online, etc. available on Pathway). For more information on course modalities, please visit: https://www.umkc.edu/registrar/policies-procedures/classroom-scheduling.html. In order to comply with federal regulations associated with eligibility rules for federal financial aid, students not attending/participating a course during the first three weeks of the term will be administratively dropped from the specific course. Advance notice of attendance policies of academic units and individual instructors should be given, and such notice should be in writing. Students should notify instructors of excused absences in advance, where possible. Students who have an excused absence are expected to make arrangements with instructors for alternative or make-up work. Such arrangements should be made in advance of the absence, where possible. Instructors should accommodate excused absences to the extent that an accommodation can be made that does not unreasonably interfere with the learning objectives of the course or unduly burden the instructor. Attendance policies shall be applied in a non-discriminatory manner. Enrollment as a student is required to attend any class unless otherwise pre-approved by the instructor. Instructors are responsible for verifying student attendance and participation within the first three weeks (16 week course) through the Attendance Verification Survey (administered through UMKC Connect) as well as maintain records of participation throughout the term so that the last date of attendance for students with recorded “F” or “W” final grades may be submitted.
Campus Safety
Inclement weather, mass notification, and emergency response guide:
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UMKC Connect
Important information is available to undergraduate students in UMKC Connect accessed through Canvas. Throughout the term, students may receive emails regarding course grades or academic performance. Students are expected to address information posted in a timely fashion. This information may be shared with the student’s Success Network made up of his or her academic advisor(s) and other campus resources so that UMKC may fully support the student’s success.
Grade Appeal Policy
The University grade appeal procedure is available only for the review of allegedly capricious grading and not for review of the instructor's evaluation of the student's academic performance. Capricious grading, as that term is used here, comprises any of the following:
• The assignment of a grade to a particular student on some basis other than the performance in the course;
• The assignment of a grade to a particular student according to more exacting or demanding standards than were applied to other students in the course; (Note: Additional or different grading criteria may be applied to graduate students enrolled for graduate credit in 300- and 400-level courses.)
• The assignment of a grade by a substantial departure from the instructor's previously announced standards.
Privacy Policies
Privacy Policy: https://www.umkc.edu/web-policy/privacy.asp
Webcam Policy: https://www.umsystem.edu/ums/elearning/policies
Counseling Services and Student Health & Wellness
UMKC students may experience many challenges in their lives while attending college – stress, depression, suicidality, trauma, relationship issues, health concerns, etc. As your professor, I care about your success and well-being, and want to make you aware of some helpful resources on campus. UMKC Counseling Services (https://info.umkc.edu/counseling-services/), located at Brookside 51 Building, 5110 Oak Street, Suite 201, offers a wide range of supportive services to students. Appointments can be made by calling 816-235-1635. UMKC Student Health and Wellness (http://info.umkc.edu/studenthealth/), located at Brookside 51 Building, 5110 Oak Street, Suite 237, offers a full range of health care and promotion services. Appointments can be scheduled online or by calling 816-235-6133. The MindBody Connection (www.umkc.edu/mindbody) is located in the Student Union, room 413 and offers a variety of stress-reduction services.
Students are encouraged to review UMKC’s Policy on Suicide Prevention Resources (https://info.umkc.edu/saem/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/UMKC-Suicide-Prevention-Policy.pdf), which provides resources, referral information, and training opportunities to help recognize signs of distress
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