Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Develop an implementation plan for your technical solution. The pla | Wridemy

Develop an implementation plan for your technical solution. The pla

Refer to Week 6 instructions document for more details:

Use Week 4 Document as what it was submitted before:

Use Module for the presentation.

See the Sample for week 6 submitted by the professor for reference as well.


· The objective of this project is to develop an audiovisual presentation on how technology can be applied to solve an organizational problem within an Internet of Things (IoT) framework.

· Approach the project as if you are recommending a technology implementation initiative to your chosen organization's technology planning committee.

Implementation Plan (due at end of Module 6)

· Include a problem statement and recommended solution slides from previous deliverable for reference.

· Develop an implementation plan for your technical solution. The plan should include a work breakdown structure and schedule.

· Describe how the solution will be validated before deployment.

· Describe how the solution will be evaluated and continuously improved in operation.

· Discuss any legal, ethical, and cultural considerations associated with the solution.

A template file is provided below for your deliverable. To complete your deliverable, fill in the required sections with the content for your project.


TECH460 Module 6

Implementation Plan


Criteria Total
Include problem statement slide from previous deliverable 10
Include recommended solution slide from previous deliverable 10
Work Breakdown Structure 20
Schedule 20
Solution validation 30
Solution evaluation and continuous improvement 30
Legal, ethical and cultural considerations 30
Total 150

Problem Statement

Provide a clear, concise statement of a single problem that you will address with technology in your project. Copy this slide from your Module 4 deliverable for reference.

(Delete this instruction box before submitting your assignment.)

Recommended Solution

Select a suitable solution from your alternatives and justify why you selected it. Copy this slide from your Module 4 deliverable for reference.

(Delete this instruction box before submitting your assignment.)

Work Breakdown Structure

Provide a work breakdown structure (WBS) for the implementation plan for your recommended solution. You may add slides to this section if needed for your WBS.

(Delete this instruction box before submitting your assignment.)


Provide a schedule for the implementation plan for your recommended solution. You may add slides to this section if needed for your schedule.

(Delete this instruction box before submitting your assignment.)


Describe how your recommended solution will be validated before deployment.

(Delete this instruction box before submitting your assignment.)

Evaluation and Continuous Improvement

Describe how your solution will be evaluated and continuously improved in operation.

(Delete this instruction box before submitting your assignment.)

Legal, Ethical and Cultural Considerations

Discuss any legal, ethical and cultural considerations associated with your recommended solution. You may add slides to this section if needed.

(Delete this instruction box before submitting your assignment.)


TECH 460 Technology Selection and Design

Elyes Ouechtati

DeVry University


Problem Statement

Coca Cola Company needs to focus on incorporating technology to enhance customer focus.

It is possible that incorporating CRM, also known as customer relationship management, into daily technical operations can help the company in becoming more customer-focused.  It refers to a system that enables businesses to control their interactions with customers.

For instance, Coca-Cola may achieve this aim by implementing customer relationship management software. This would enable management to communicate with customers more successfully.

The management of the company will be able to identify consumer complaints more quickly, which will allow them to quickly and effectively address these problems.

With the combination of Internet of Things IoT and CRM, Coca-Cola Company can collect the customer data in a more efficient and effective way.

Alternative Technology Approaches

For Coca Cola Company, the two main technology approaches in customer relationship management (CRM) include the following:


The software is used by medium companies for B2B model.

The software helps in delivering random messages to the various customers.

There is limited work using the software especially on contact and engagement of the organizational professionals.


The software has a feature for live chats and chat bots.

The appeal and engagement to customers is on another level.

Tracks emails and effectively deliver them ASAP.

Automatically schedules meetings.

Qualitative Analysis



Helps in tracking sales data.

Engages the customers effectively.

A remote and virtual assistant is possible with the software.

Automatic email to the customers as a CRM.


Mostly focused on communication only.

Relatively difficult to use and not as lively as thought.



Has the live chat bot which makes CRM easy.

Relatively cheaper to acquire.

Multitasking and ease of use within the organization.

Helps in keeping the clientele engaged.

Relatively good since the customers have their was of interacting with one another.


Requires maintenance.

Additional personnel and training needed for deployment.

Time consuming to install and high-definition devices required to accomplish the organizational tasks.

Quantitative analysis


Cost for development is $12,000.

The relative gain for Coca Cola following efficiency in management is $30,000.

The relative profit is therefore valued at $18,000.


Cost of acquisition is $30,000.

Gain on successful deployment is $70,000.

Net profit associated with the CRM deployment is $40,000.

The success of the software development matters and competency is accomplished through the right avenues and quality in making things work as required.

Recommended Solution



The feasibility and efficiency is good.

Coca Cola is most likely going to make profits following the rollout.

A net profit of $40,000 is good.

With the effective use policy, the product is necessary and competitive equally.

High Design Data Flow

User Interface High level design





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