26 Dec This paper is a reflection and discussion on the major research pro
This paper is a reflection and discussion on the major research projects you have engaged in throughout this course:
- making the familiar strange, 2) observation, 3) content analysis, 4) interviewing 5) surveying.
Research is cumulative process where we are always building on our experiences and enhancing our skills so that each successive project is building on the last.
Discuss how your perspective, skills and experience changed with each project and how those changes effected the next one. Make note of how you might have done things differently with the knowledge and skills you acquired later. Finally discuss how the course as a whole has affected your skills and perspectives as a researcher and where this might lead your future perspective. Pay to attention to your choices and explanations of your methodology for each project.
(This is essentially a walk through or your director’s commentary on the major course assignments)
1600-2000 words
Reaction Paper
Lysvette Rodriguez
Dr. Daniel Boudon
Chapter 2: A Survey of Qualitative Data Collection Methods
Qualitative research studies use varying methods of collecting data such as participant observation, written surveys and interviewing participants with the aim of gathering a boarder spectrum of perspectives and evidence to boost the trustworthiness and credibility of a particular analysis. However, other methods of interaction may not include participants, but they solely rely on the examination of artefacts, documents and other products created by human beings.
Several tools such as laptops, notepads, digital voice recorders and pens are utilized during the data collection procedure in order to detail the fieldwork activities. In qualitative research, it is the researcher who is regarded as the instrument for primary data collection. The methods employed are mechanical techniques like counting, writing, transcribing and observing, which mainly entail an effective and cognitive process like intuiting, evaluating and empathizing. I believe that the mechanical techniques used in data collection should be well documented since what individuals engage in during an entire research process is as well regarded as crucial information.
Chapter 2 details more on the methods of data collection employed by most qualitative researchers. However, prior to the data collection procedure, the participants must acquire relevant institutional approvals and participation consent before studying and collecting the data. Interviewing participants is one of the data collection methods which mainly involves procedures such as preparing for the interview, documenting the interview, conducting the interview and transcribing the interview with the aim of gathering broader perspectives on all that is being researched about. Participant observation is another technique whose legacy mainly emanates from varying ethnographic research customs of anthropological studies. Initially, fieldworks were carried out to carefully observe individuals’ culture and their varying ways of living. By contrast, ethnographic techniques now also take place in both rural and urban areas with a goal of capturing individuals' naturalistic actions, interactions and reactions that aids them to infer their feelings and thoughts effectively. I believe that most human processes of what they daily engage in are usually observed over an extended period of time in order to ensure that all individuals are available to witness the occasion and typical extraordinary events that constitute the life human beings.
Additionally, participant observation also acts as a prelude to interviewing whereby those who wish to communicate regarding what they observed are free to do so. Some methodologist has grouped the various human patterns that the qualitative researchers might observe such as individual's behavior, interactions, events and situations, rules and social conventions, rituals and ceremonies, emotions, motivations and various cultural practices and products such as movies, paintings, television programs and theater plays. The above patterns detail on an array of effective categories for detailed observation.
Quantitative data analysis is also crucial; hence the qualitative researchers should not shy away from either researching or including statistical information relevant to the study being carried out. I believe that the mixed methods of study should not necessarily always be the norm though sometimes the number applicable in statistical data analysis can be used to include texture, insight and context to the repository of qualitative data research methods in a report. Having statistical analysis in a report don not reflect the presence of sweeping in scope. The smaller the numbers that individuals deal with on a daily basis can aid in providing various points of reference for comprehending different situations. As such, managing data corpus is beneficial for small scale qualitative studies only.
The strategies of data collection, such as interviewing participants and participant observations, are beneficial in enhancing the quality of a qualitative study which mainly rely on the information gathered and how it is analytically applied. Further analysis has also been carried out to determine how varying methods might be combined and configured for a specific qualitative study research consequent analysis and study.
My rationalizations, thoughts and feelings about the information detailed in the chapter, help in a better elaboration of what individuals should expect, as they live in the social world and effectively reflect on it daily. The proper comprehending of qualitative studies requires individuals to collect sufficient evidence to document the categories, patterns that human beings have created. The documentation aids to credibly and systematically extract, construct and examine from the complexity of living its essence in order to coexist in a better world. However, there are also times when the ambiguities and complexities of being human are exactly what is needed to document and effectively report with the aim of contemplating the messy mysteries of it.
Lysvette Rodriguez
Dr. Boudon
Interview Memo
The only thing that has consistently continued to portray people as one race community is sports. Generally, players participating in different sports come from different races, ethnicities, countries and belong to diverse religious backgrounds. But despite this diversity, we have not missed seeing a black gold medalist hugging a white runner up colleague after the race. Regardless of where one comes from, sports have mostly depicted themselves as the best form of the melting pot, celebrating all world races collectively without biasness. An eighteen-year-old Kenyan Eliud Kipchonge denying Moroccan Hicham ElGuerrouj the gold medal chance by a whisker did not prevent the two Olympic champions from hugging and congratulating each other after the race, despite their racial, ethnic, and religious diversity. Athletes from different sports have exemplified love beyond ethnic and racial boundaries, and it is an aspect I find exciting.
Regardless, I thought getting somebody and requesting to interview them would have been very difficult for me to do and come out of my shell. When this project was first mentioned, I thought the most challenging part would have been discovering somebody to interview who knew my range consummately. Since I chose a discussion topic that I really like, I had the option to make it fascinate for myself and knew the ideal individual to interview when I reached my determination of a base persona. I wound up interviewing somebody who we were not amazingly close. It was incredibly simple to request for an interview just after mentioning my subject about minorities in sports. We both realized she would be the best individual to go to for my interview theme and would know precisely what the two closures of my exploration field resembled. Since I knew the individual, it was not as hard as I expected and made the interview significantly less nerve-wracking and more pleasant for the two of us. When requesting the interview, I ensured I clarified the project incredibly well, essentially indicating her the rules to ensure she comprehended what she was getting herself into. I enlightened her precisely regarding the fields I had explored, why I needed her mainly, and how anything shared was in all probability going to be imparted to a professor and different understudies. I think being this straight-forward is the thing that got me her permission. Likewise, since she is an open and sparkling individual, I realized I would undoubtedly get a yes from her whichever way since she genuinely appreciates this subject and is generally a massive talker.
Moreover, I accept my genuine interview reflected well with my interview plan. Since I was the person who investigated most of the information on the topic in the sports, my research inquiries were structured as expected in the guide, and at the same time, had the option to keep up on target with my inquiries and project topic. The primary interview questions were centered on my interviewee's personal information, where she grew up, how it felt like being a black American, and the rise and struggles to an Olympic champion. This was a huge discussion aspect knowing how hard it is to grow up in the U.S as an African American female. Thus, even though I thought the base inquiries would have been restricting, it helped manage a significant number of my best inquiries questions and discussions introduced in my task that focused in on our theme and indeed gave a genuine look at the games around our school and how our locale related with it. If I somehow happened to reexamine my guide for another interview, I would make a point to focus more on sports generally than only the athletics games alone.
I would portray my interview strategy as relaxed and comfortable. I think the interview looked relaxed and comfortable because both of us seemed interested in the subject of discussion. Becoming more acquainted with different aspects of the athletics game, this interview was very enlightening and simple to tune in to, making it amuse to conduct. Additionally, since I chose to pick somebody whom I was a huge fan of, I knew precisely what to ask and could most likely think about what her reactions were; it gave me an extremely relaxed feeling. While I did genuinely appreciate directing this interview, glancing back at my transcript, I understood that if I had not researched or had a clue about the individual, I would presumably appear to be less cold and way keener on her responses than how I initially was. Investigating the transcript, I saw I would not elaborate on much she said despite t that she had plenty to share about everything I asked her about. Understanding this now, considering that I did this with another interviewee, they would most likely become sick of me, stop the interview, or basically, offer me one-sentence responses back and make the interview not as comfortable or energizing as I was anticipating that it should be. To ensure I got her full truth and best data, I would consistently keep a smiley face and node her on, or at times fake laugh to make she felt at ease and got a positive spectrum about my research topic. A few things I actually need to explore much on at as an interviewer is structuring a more coordinated set of inquiries for my interviewee, ensuring that they feel good, and giving them as much input and excitement as they give me. While directing the interview, I had a bunch of base questions that I had formed and staying focused on them helped me stay relevant to my project topic throughout the interview. Another enormous issue I understood was my tone and responsiveness to my interviewee, which, again, if I did not have any acquaintance with her, would have been a major issue. Although these specific setbacks happened, I am still exceptionally content with the response and data I got from this project interview.
Altogether, numerous inquiries were raised after conducting my interview, explicitly on the topics and issues encompassing challenges faced by minorities in their Athletics career journey. Coming into this theme, I was confident as a huge fan of the athletics games, and it became even more intriguing discussing a sport's career of a person I am a huge fan of. What got from my interview and research coincided with what I was anticipating. Sports is generally a contested space. For the African Americans to become the best athletes, they had to be the best and perform beyond levels where racial biasness could be used to disqualify them and cut their careers short. Think of a person like Jack Johnson, who never hesitated to tell people that they could kiss his ass, and more interestingly when Joe Louis fights Hitler's favorite boxer, Max Schmeling, in 1938. Dr. Martin Luther King, he called Jackie Robinson a "sit-inner before sit-ins, a freedom-rider before freedom rides " (Zirin & Jhally, 2013). This gives you an instinct into why most of the best performing athletes in the U.S are from the black community. To me, this depicts how powerful the sports are, since it forces people to face ideas and scenarios that they would instead be mentally separated from. Everyone one of us has a role in understanding racism and how it works in our society, and as well as a role in understanding how sports and race connect. Our ability to have this understanding or not have it marks the difference between us being liberated or us being shackled. The underrepresentation of black Africans in sports is based on the racial thought that channels them into probably athletics as whites gravitate to sports and tasks that need intelligence. One of the noticeable leading bizarreries today is that majority of the star athletes are mostly blacks. The ultimate irony is that in a country where blacks in the past decades were barred from institutional sporting activities and voting, the majority of the top athletes waving high our national flag are the blacks.
Zirin, D., & Jhally, S. (2013). Race, Power & American Sports.
The Three Identical Strangers
Lysvette Rodriguez
Dr. Daniel Boudon
The Three Identical Strangers
Reaction Paper Film Three Identical Strangers
The film the three identical strangers' details more on the story of identical siblings who were adopted as infants in different families and later raised separately. The siblings knew each other as adults and came to terms with a new comprehension and shared their story. The three identical strangers rekindle their lives of how they met in their college years and enjoyed a period of a celebrity before emotionally deciding on the implication of their separation. David Kellman, Edward Galland and Robert Shafran have their lives focused as twins who got separated at birth than later reunited though their reactions echoed those of triplets.
The story is more of fiction than the truth since the film ignores critical contextual information and omits evidence. The film claims that the identical triplets were separated by a doctor referred to as Dr. Peter Neubauer, who had to abscond adoption to conduct their developments. Additionally, also the film highlights how Bobby Shafran discovered that he had a twin brother when he first arrived on the campus. The brothers found themselves alike in many ways and celebrated their newly discovered brotherhood. The brothers hastily became a media sensation appearing on top television shows and conducted most of their businesses together.
The film highlights some of the vital points that impact the current nature-nurture debate, which is outlined in the three identical strangers. When the brothers reunited, they did not only look like doppelgangers but also displayed several shared habits. The young men had similar facial features, heavy build with dark complexions. Additionally, they also had the same birthdays, a clear indication that they were identical twins, an idea that was confirmed from the hospital records.
The stories of the separation of triplets and their subsequent reuniting represent a dark core in the three identical sisters. That emerges as a tale of medical manipulation that would have today led to enormous prosecutions of malpractice. The film also represents a tale of reuniting lives though the crucial illustration in the movie is that of the unexpected ways that life events and genes usually interact to mold individuals, an idea that is relevant since the genetic news is still back in the news. However, the film was well-timed, with genetic essentialism being on divisiveness and on the rise. The crucial point that impacts the current nature nurture and which is effectively outlined in the three identical strangers is the immense impact of various genetic influences on David, Robert and Eddy. The identical strangers were reunited; they not only displayed numbers of shared habits and looked like doppelgangers. Despite their childhood being very different, they all loved the same films and smoked the same cigarettes. Their upbringings were very different whereby Eddy came from a middle-class suburb, Robert came from a prosperous family and David's Parents lived-in working-class areas.
However, triplets' varying fate suggests other crucial non genetic forces that must have been involved in determining how their lives were; thus, the film's interests starred among nature-nurture protagonists. As the study of the siblings raised apart, shines some light on the genes interaction and various environmental factors affecting human upbringing. The triplets' story suggested that the first DNA process looked like an overwhelming determinant of human destiny, though, according to the film finale, the assumption looks unlikely and strained. Nurture is effectively depicted in the story of Eddy, David and Robert.
The implication of nurture is supported by the works of professor Spector Tim, whose studies mainly uncovered many examples of identical twins who were raised together; thus, their life experiences were also similar. However, the twins shared both similar upbringing and genes though some critical environmental influences could also be involved. However, there is a belief that epigenetic changes mostly facilitate the influences, one in which major life events such as drugs, illness, diet, smoking and drugs van bring about temporary alterations in the behavior of an individual's twin genes and not the other and also major health complications to individuals. There is no particular similar age between identical twins. As such, there are several types of research undertaken to determine how identical triplets who are separated at birth had reignited the dominance of DNA in effectively controlling the behavior of individuals and how they live.
Survey Memo
Lysvette Rodriguez
Dr. Daniel Boudon
Survey Memo
The satisfaction of employees highly impacts their productivity and performance in an organization. Over the years, employee satisfaction surveys have been carried out to be informed on changing employee attitudes and perceptions. Choosing the survey topic was influenced by the need to provide organizations with survey questions, which can enable them to establish employee attitudes and feedback in the overall organizational culture. Further, the topic would continuously provide organizations with insights on attracting and retaining employees. The topic takes into consideration the use of “climate surveys” to understand employee opinions and views, facilitating excellent working environments to foster performance. Determining satisfaction levels on work-related issues can enable positive outcomes through policy and practice changes.
Perceptions and attitudes in the current strategies and tactics to enable employee performance are questioned during the survey. Further, opinions and views would guide the organization towards understanding how employees perceive the organization itself. Gaining the different elements would lead to an understanding of how employees currently feel about the organization. Further, gaining insights from feedback would articulate employee expectations on organization motivation and satisfaction strategies. Such feedback information would reflect on new strategies applied by the organization towards improving the working environment and culture of employees. The information would prove to be a great deal to the entire organization as improved productivity will be based on the expectations. Trends would be incorporated for future performance and productivity effectiveness.
The questions were written with consideration of the feedback to be expected. For instance, current feelings and organization strategies applied in the questions to elicit honest feedback. This would provide a realistic picture of normal employee satisfaction. Also, the questions considered the survey administration during the month as compared to peak seasons when responses might be false. Information to be obtained from the survey entails employee satisfaction levels, key indicators on satisfaction, and future perceptions on what satisfaction should consider. The feedback would exclusively be utilized to add to the current strategies and future strategies, which include employee welfare. Also, the information obtained would communicate feelings about the organization and its strategies towards ensuring employee satisfaction.
The survey was arranged according to questions in order facilitating its layout. First, the instructions page entailed a description of the survey and why it is been carried out. The instructions articulated how each question should be answered and the deadline for the survey. Further, confidentiality matters and comments regarding the survey were handled on the instructions page. Secondly, the questions were arranged in a specific order. This was facilitated through the start of general questions to specific questions pertaining purpose of the survey. Similar font, size, and indentation were used across all the questions making a uniform appearance. Thirdly, a numerical navigational path was applied to form consistency on the queries.
Survey sampling considered employee positions and the department they work at. In particular, probability sampling was carried in identifying the suitable respondents. The constructed sampling frame in simple random sampling was perceived to reduce the sampling error effectively. For example, choosing the employee position was regarded as low-level, middle-level, or upper-level position. On the other hand, the sampling of employees in departments considered their roles and representation in the unit. The sampling method was chosen to reduce bias in participation and convenience. Response bias was also limited in the sampling technique due to the consideration of all department employees. Deciding who to sample was based on the criteria of positions and department position.
Data tabulation was based on simple tabulation methods. The two-way tabulation regarded employee perceived satisfaction levels and organization attitudes towards satisfaction. The two identified characteristics were based on themes and patterns from the survey responses. Employee perceptions and attitudes tabled on the perceived perception levels were used to articulate how the individual feels in terms of morale and motivation. In addition, the perceptions and attitudes rows were used, providing metrics on each employee feels at a satisfactory level. The organization satisfaction level was measured against efforts the employee feels that the organization efforts towards attaining employee satisfaction. This enabled the easy formulation of results and feedback for analyses. Measuring and analyzes of the tabulated information led to various findings integrated into the results.
From the analysis, it can be observed that employees felt fairly satisfied with the organization’s motivation strategies. In addition, they articulated that some improvements would play a major role in enhancing their satisfaction levels. This would prompt to stay at the organization for longer periods of time. For instance, some employees articulated that they felt favored due to their position in the department. However, promotions were limited to some individual even having worked and carried out career development programs after several years in the service. This prompted the recorded low reduced satisfaction rates. All participants articulated that they were satisfied with the current applied work-life balance policy and organization benefits. Recognition, as well as appreciation of employees, was highly applied by the organization. The elements played a vital role, increasing employee morale and motivation enabling satisfaction.
The results articulate that the organization should work on its employee promotion and development strategies towards enhancing employee satisfaction. By considering the current survey, some of the strategies ought to consider both experience and employee talents. Opportunities for advancement as one of the elements of job satisfaction have to be constantly practiced and maintained as per ethics. Further, the equal advancement opportunities to all would be imperative in fostering a positive work environment besides building employees up. The strategies can entail equality in job advancement opportunities, increased talent management, career development projects incorporating experiences and talents, and training of low-level employees. By understanding such trends and needs, the organization will be able to effectively ensure employee satisfaction within the current organizational environment.
The only surprise which was experienced was the mentioning of favoritism in the workforce. This is because changed organization ethics and morals in the leadership articulate for equality to all. Favoritism has become an outdated trend for years, considering the increased transparency of organizations. The application of favoritism would negatively impact the recruitment, retention, and promotion of employees. However, the information is regarded to have been attained from a particular department. Only a number of the participants commented on the issue, making it easy to deduce the result. Due to the anonymity and non-indication of the department, it was hard to identify the specific department which had the problem. This would be seen to impact both job and employee satisfaction reflecting on the performance of the department.
Organizations should be able to carry out employee satisfaction surveys frequently. The feedback would be imperative in improving employees’ motivation elements in performance of jobs through enhanced employee experience. Further, the feedback would present the organization with an opportunity to identify new trends in the workforce, which would positively influence the retention of employees. This would prove that efforts been utilized are best in increasing satisfaction. Contentment is associated with positive outcomes on performance and productivity. The feedback should be promptly be utilized to avoid employees feeling that the information obtained is only for formality purposes. Also, integrating the feedback in current policies would increase employees’ ability to participate in the satisfaction surveys. Insights obtained would improve on the current work culture and environment in regards to employee welfare.
A. Employee satisfaction survey questions
1. Do you feel that you are currently satisfied to the level you would like in your job position?
2. What are the elements do you consider to be satisfactory among recognition and appreciation, empowerment, compensation and benefits, advancement opportunities, and work-life policy?
3. What are the top four things you value about the organization?
4. Does working for the organization elicit the need to continue to work for several years or you relish the idea?
5. Are you satisfied with your job overall? Consider the 1 to 10 scale measurement.
B. Organization satisfaction survey questions
1. Do you believe there is an equal opportunity for personal growth and career growth in the organization?
2. Do you the information you provide on the survey is utilized effectively as per the current employee satisfaction trends?
3. Do the organization motivation strategies act as an inspiration for you to do your best at the job?
4. Will you be working for the organization in next five years and would you recommend anyone to work here?
5. Given a chance, what would you change on the organization’s satisfactory elements?
Lysvette Rodriguez
Dr. Boudon
Transcript Selection
Interviewer : Lysvette Rodriguez (me)
Interviewee : Kendra ‘Keni’ Harrison
ME: Thank you, Keni, once more for accepting my request to participate in this informal interview. If you need me to repeat any questions, slow down, or if you have any questions, feel free to go ahead and say it anytime. Welcome!
KENI: Thank you
ME: So, how old are you and where do are you from, please?
KENI: Am twenty-eight years old, from Tennessee, United States
ME: Take me back to your sport’s experiences as a kid?
KENI: Um. Initially, I was a soccer player, but after joining Clayton Highschool, I became a hurdler and short distance sprinter.
ME: What do you believe is the most interesting aspect of athletics games?
KENI: The most interesting thing about athletics is that you get to do what your capabilities allow you to do. It is a sport that I personally find exciting because, unlike my soccer days when I would be excluded from the team, no matter how hard I tried, you can never take my chances in athletics because my performance is self-explanatory.
ME: How long do you intend to push your athletics career?
KENI: Uhm, maybe for a decade or so, but this mostly depends on how I perform with age because faster athletes are born every day, and you have to pave the way for the young talents
ME: What gender pops in mind when you think about sports?
KENI: Personally, I think all genders deserve equal chances and opportunities when it comes to sports. As well, a person is talented and passionate about any sporting activity; we should definitely allow them to chase their aspirations and make careers out of them.
ME: What is your perspective about the connection between sports and race?
KENI: Verifiably, people from the black community were minimized or underrepresented at all levels of management and competition in institutional, community, or professional sports. Blacks were infrequently permitted admittance to competitive games, including the predominant Whites from past historical accounts, and I think it is something that is still present in our society because I went through this discrimination in my soccer days. In this manner, the Blacks contended among themselves in sports and functions isolated by decision or by need. One of the purposes behind the avoidance of Blacks was that "blacks lacked the character or courage to rival them." Since the 1950s, Blacks were permitted admittance to a few games, and they basically dominated and ruled the function of major parts in chosen sports. School sports additionally followed a comparative example. The commercialization of intercollegiate game constrained foundations and mentors to set their biases aside and enlist the best players regardless of color and academic awareness. This difference in strategies is in accordance with the Critical Race Theory, and sp
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