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Group Leadership Skills Leading a group of individuals who have suffer


Discussion 1: Group Leadership Skills

Leading a group of individuals who have suffered trauma can be difficult because the shared stories may result in further trauma to some of the members. Assessing the members and deciding how they will introduce themselves at the first meeting can be a difficult task. Helping these members begin the group therapy process is the first step in facilitating the group.

For this Discussion, watch the video of the “Levy” group session.

Provide a 300-word discussion Post: 

–  Your evaluation of the group’s social worker’s leadership skills, using at least two items from each of the three categories found in the Toseland & Rivas (2017) piece (facilitation of group processes, data gathering and assessment, and action). 

– Suggest another way the social worker might have initiated the group conversation.

Support your response using the resources from the following providing at least 3 references and citations.

Week 6: Leadership

At some time during your career as a clinical social worker, you will be asked to lead a group. Whether it is a support group, task group, or therapy group, developing effective leadership skills is important. Leading a group can be challenging. The first meeting tends to set the stage for the overall experience. One of the first tasks of the group leader is to assist the members in getting to know one another and to initiate discussion. Clinical social workers commonly use many strategies, games, and techniques to create some cohesion among the members; however, not all group strategies are effective with every type of group. Identifying the appropriate strategies for a particular group is critical.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

· Evaluate leadership skills

· Identify strategies for initiating group conversations

· Analyze the benefits of group work

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Toseland, R. W., & Rivas, R. F. (2017). An introduction to group work practice (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

· Chapter 4, “Leadership” (pp. 97-134)

· Chapter 5, “Leadership and Diversity”

Westwood, M. J., McLean, H., Cave, D., Borgen, W., & Slakov, P. (2010). Coming home: A group-based approach for assisting military veterans in transition. Journal for Specialists in Group Work35(1), 44–68.

Required Media

Laureate Education. (Producer). (2013d). Levy (Episode 6) [Video file]. In Sessions. Baltimore, MD: Producer. Retrieved from


Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 4 minutes.

Accessible player 

Credit: Provided courtesy of the Laureate International Network of Universities.

Discussion 1: Group Leadership Skills

Leading a group of individuals who have suffered trauma can be difficult because the shared stories may result in further trauma to some of the members. Assessing the members and deciding how they will introduce themselves at the first meeting can be a difficult task. Helping these members begin the group therapy process is the first step in facilitating the group.

For this Discussion, watch the video of the “Levy” group session.

Provide a 300-word discussion Post: 

· Your evaluation of the group’s social worker’s leadership skills, using at least two items from each of the three categories found in the Toseland & Rivas (2017) piece (facilitation of group processes, data gathering and assessment, and action).

· Suggest another way the social worker might have initiated the group conversation.

Support your response using the resources from the following providing at least 3 references and citations.

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Toseland, R. W., & Rivas, R. F. (2017). An introduction to group work practice (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

· Chapter 4, “Leadership” (pp. 97-134)

· Chapter 5, “Leadership and Diversity”

Westwood, M. J., McLean, H., Cave, D., Borgen, W., & Slakov, P. (2010). Coming home: A group-based approach for assisting military veterans in transition. Journal for Specialists in Group Work35(1), 44–68.

Required Media

Laureate Education. (Producer). (2013d). Levy (Episode 6) [Video file]. In Sessions. Baltimore, MD: Producer. Retrieved from

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