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Everything that social workers do is an intervention; therefore, social workers develop treatment plans so that they can outline the purpose of treatment, assist in giving the client d

 Everything that social workers do is an intervention; therefore, social workers develop treatment plans so that they can outline the purpose of treatment, assist in giving the client direction in the treatment process, allow the social worker to collaborate with the client, and help social workers and clients mark progress toward goals.  


Everything that social workers do is an intervention; therefore, social workers develop treatment plans so that they can outline the purpose of treatment, assist in giving the client direction in the treatment process, allow the social worker to collaborate with the client, and help social workers and clients mark progress toward goals. Depending on where you work as a social worker, your funding source may be dependent upon your treatment plan. 

In this Assignment, you develop a treatment plan for a client. In real practice, you should never create a treatment plan without conducting a more thorough assessment and then collaborating with the client to mutually agree on goals and steps to implement the plan. For the purpose of this Assignment, however, you explain how you might go about this process.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity. Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 



· Watch the video case study found in the Learning Resources.

· Then, consult the Learning Resources and/or go to the Walden Library to find information related to interventions for this type of client or problem.

· Use this information to help develop an individual or family treatment plan for the identified client (Amy, Mrs. Bargas, or Bargas family) with whom you have chosen to work from the case study.

· For help with this assignment, refer back to the Library recommendations in Week 3.

· Helpful tip: Try other keywords including: 

· treatment programs 

· intervention 

· Try using the AND and OR connectors. For example: 

· drug addiction OR drug abuse OR substance abuse OR drug use 

· senior citizen OR older people OR elderly OR aging 

· intervention AND alcoholism 

· Learn more about  AND, OR, and NOT (Boolean operators) in the guide below. 

· Guide: Keyword Searching: Boolean Links to an external site.


Write a generalist treatment plan that includes all of the following:

· Identify the client.

· Describe the problems that need to be addressed.

· Explain how you would work with the client to identify and prioritize problems.

· Identify the related needs based on the identified problems.

· Describe how you would utilize client strengths when selecting a strategy for intervention.

· Identify at least two treatment plan goals.

· Create at least one measurable objective to meet each goal.

· Explain the specific action steps to achieve objectives.

· Describe what information is important to document in a treatment plan, and explain why.



· Kirst-Ashman, K. K., & Hull, G. H., Jr. (2018).  Empowerment series: Understanding generalist practice (8th ed.). CENGAGE Learning.

· Chapter 6, “Planning in Generalist Practice” (pp. 224–254)

· Chapter 16, “Recording in Generalist Social Work Practice” (pp. 599–656)

· Barsky, A. (2017, Winter).  Ethics alive! To record or not to record: The ethics of documentation. Links to an external site.   The New Social Worker.


· Singer, J. B. (Host). (2007, March 1).  Developing treatment plans: The basics (Episode 11)  Links to an external site. [Audio podcast episode].  Social Work Podcast.

· Walden University, LLC. (2017).  Southside Community Services: Mrs. Bargas, case history [Video]. Walden University Canvas.

· Walden University, LLC. (2017).  Southside Community Services: Amy, episode 1 [Video]. Walden University Canvas.

· Walden University, LLC. (2017).  Southside Community Services: Mrs. Bargas and Amy, episode 1 [Video]. Walden University Canvas.

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