Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Imagine you are a therapist living in the not-so-distant future. A moral bio-enhancement pill called Moralzac is currently in clinical trials to obtain FDA approval. You have already read | Wridemy

Imagine you are a therapist living in the not-so-distant future. A moral bio-enhancement pill called Moralzac is currently in clinical trials to obtain FDA approval. You have already read

Imagine you are a therapist living in the not-so-distant future. A moral bio-enhancement pill called Moralzac is currently in clinical trials to obtain FDA approval. You have already read about moral bio-enhancement in peer-reviewed journals and are worried about the ethical implications of this pill.

If this pill were to be approved by the FDA, would you prescribe it to a patient? Why or why not?

Explain how you might use the eight-step ethical decision-making model to come to your conclusion.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric PDF document.

PSY 570 Discussion Guidelines and Rubric Overview: You will write an initial post (2–3-paragraph response) to the discussion and reply to at least two posts during the week outside of your initial post thread. These discussions offer you the opportunity to express your own thoughts, ask questions for clarification, and gain insight from your classmates’ responses and instructor’s guidance. A response needs to be respectful and substantive, indicating a response with depth beyond “I agree” or “I disagree.” Your participation posts must also demonstrate greater critical thinking beyond reframing another post.

Recommended best practices:

Initial post (1):  Composed of two to three paragraphs unless otherwise noted  In Module One, complete the initial post by Thursday at 11:59 p.m.

Eastern Time.  In Modules Two through Ten, complete the initial post by

Thursday at 11:59 p.m. of your local time zone.  Considers material (course content, other discussions, etc.) from

the current module and previous modules

Response posts (2):  Reply to at least two other classmates outside of your own initial

post thread  In Module One, complete the two response posts by Sunday at

11:59 p.m. Eastern Time.  In Modules Two through Ten, complete the two response posts by

Sunday at 11:59 p.m. of your local time zone.  Must have more depth and critical thinking than simply “I agree” or

“you are wrong”

For more information, see the Course Etiquette section of the COCE Guide to Student Success.

Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value Application The discussion post was

written in a manner indicating that the student clearly understood the ethical concepts presented in class; demonstrates appropriate application of concepts (100%)

The discussion post was written in a manner indicating that the student understood the ethical concepts presented in class; demonstrates application of concepts (90%)

The discussion post was written in a manner indicating that the student struggled with the ethical concepts presented in class (70%)

Student did not provide an initial response to the discussion question (0%)


Timeliness Submits initial post on time (100%)

Submits initial post one day late (70%)

Submits initial post two or more days late (0%)


Critical Thinking Student demonstrates critical thinking with the initial and response posts. Critical elements are addressed in a comprehensive manner, tying the response back to the literature presented in the week (100%)

Student provides a well- thought-out initial post that demonstrates a working knowledge of the literature presented from the week; response posts demonstrate critical analysis (90%)

Student provides a well- thought-out initial post, but does not make connections to the material presented in the course work from the week; response posts indicate challenges with critical thinking (70%)

Student did not provide an initial response to the discussion question (0%)


Writing (Mechanics/


No errors related to organization, grammar and style, or citations (100%)

Minor errors related to organization, grammar and style, and citations (90%)

Some errors related to organization, grammar and style, and citations (70%)

Major errors related to organization, grammar and style, and citations (0%)


Participation Student provides the required quantity of participation posts which are substantive, respectful, and add something new to the discussion (100%)

Student provides the required quantity of participation posts. A majority of the posts are substantive and respectful to fellow learners (90%)

Student does not submit the required quantity or quality of participation posts (70%)

Student does not submit any participation posts to fellow learners for the discussion question (0%)


Earned Total 100%

  • PSY 570 Discussion Guidelines and Rubric

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