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Develop a collaborative technology integration strategy.? Assess the adequacy of existing telehealth technology infrastructure in an organization or practice setting.


    Competencies Measured
    By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
    • Competency 2: Develop a collaborative technology integration strategy. 
      • Assess the adequacy of existing telehealth technology infrastructure in an organization or practice setting.
      • Assign tasks and responsibilities for deploying a new or upgraded telehealth technology.
      • Develop an implementation schedule.
      • Develop a post-deployment telehealth technology evaluation and maintenance strategy.
    • Competency 3: Develop a strategy for managing technology use that enhances patient care and organizational effectiveness. 
      • Determine staff training requirements and strategies.
      • Develop a strategy for collaborating with patients and other health care providers.
    • Competency 5: Communicate effectively with diverse audiences, in an appropriate form and style, consistent with applicable organizational, professional, and scholarly standards. 
      • Support assertions, arguments, propositions, and conclusions with relevant and credible evidence.


Implementation Plan

Joslyn Dayrell

Capella University


Implementation Plan

February, 2021

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Implementation Plan

Technology is moving rapidly, and it is clearly evident that healthcare delivery has shifted

from the traditional office-based environment to the home. This has called for healthcare

organizations to ensure that they have cutting edge technology that will allow these firms to

remain competitive in today’s environment (Campise, 2014). Additionally, the COVID-19

pandemic has been a catalyst that has ensured that this element of care moves faster and in the

last one year, the use of telehealth as a model for advancing healthcare has grown tremendously

(Farringer, 2020). Integration of patients’ daily activities into the healthcare coordination and

continuum will be critical in improving healthcare quality and enable a more holistic care

(Wootton, 2019). Based on the positive reactions and feedback from the stakeholders as far as the

proposed telehealth technology upgrade and addition of MyChart to the telehealth system, the

executive leaders saw it fit to move with haste to ensure that the implementation of the telehealth

solution is advanced (Cascardo, 2018). This paper presents the implementation plan that has been

developed towards enhancing the organization’s ability to offer quality holistic care that

enhances security, privacy, and confidentiality of patient information.

Adequacy of Existing Telehealth Technology Infrastructure

It is critical to note that telehealth is vital for enhancing and advancing healthcare in a

more holistic manner. Telehealth can be defined as the information technology model/system that

ensures the advancement of healthcare remotely with the participants in different locations. For

our organization, we were in the forefront of including telehealth as part of our modern systems

much earlier before it gained popularity about a decade ago. Although the system has been in

place, its lack of popularity and limited use by the clients meant that it lay dormant for the

longest period of time. This was also a critical element that caused the development and

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innovation departments in the organization to overlook enhancing the system. As telehealth

increased in popularity, it called for dusting the system we had in place and using it for

advancing remote healthcare. The only problem is that whereas it worked perfectly well, it was

well outdated based with the rapid evolution in technology and is incapable of advancing the

required levels of healthcare currently in place (Farringer, 2020; Krzysztof, 2017; Wootton,


So out of date is the system that there have been many reports of video and image

hanging because of the low strength of the system to support high quality high definition videos

that we are receiving from clients. Through the current telehealth infrastructure, we as an

organization have lost a lot of business. It was also not helped with the purchase of new

computer systems as they are not compatible, and it has become vital to consider investing in a

new telehealth system that will enhance the advancement of telehealth in a much more enhanced

way with better success. It will be critical to provide more training to the healthcare staff that

will help in ensuring that they are capable of advancing the recommended healthcare as far as

telehealth is concerned, and this will be significant for the success of the organization (Campise,

2014; Cascardo, 2018; Krzysztof, 2017; Winstanley et al., 2017).

Assigning Tasks and Responsibilities for Deploying Upgraded Telehealth Technology

To achieve success for the new telehealth system and inclusion of MyChart, it will be

critical to assign tasks to different individuals and departments who will be responsible for

ensuring that these tasks and responsibilities are carried out efficiently and effectively

(Winstanley et al., 2017).

Towards this end, the IT department will carry out the largest task in the whole process.

The IT department will be categorized into three teams; the IT support, IT Training and

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education, and Application developers. The reason for this is that it provides an opportunity for

the different IT subspecialties to offer their input towards enhancing the whole process.

Telehealth being found within the IT field, it is clear that the IT department will most

appropriately provide the much needed leadership in enhancing and deploying the new

technology (Cascardo, 2018; Wootton, 2019).

For one, their expertise will be crucial in identifying new telehealth models and

presenting them to the interdisciplinary team. The IT support will be required to offer advice on

the telehealth model that suits the organization in the best way. At the same time, the IT Training

and Education sub-team will take the role of providing the much needed training in the

utilization of the new technology and ensure that all the healthcare providers who are to use the

new systems are able to enhance healthcare quality, improve patient outcomes and ensure

security, confidentiality, and privacy of patient information are advanced to the patients

(Farringer, 2020; Cascardo, 2018).

The IT application developers will source for purchasing the required infrastructure from

the recommended suppliers and go on to install the same in the organization. They are required

to work together as a team collaborating with each other because the IT department is required to

achieve the same objective as far as the new technology is concerned. After the launch of the

new system, the IT support together with the other IT subsections will work together to provide

the much needed support for enhancing the proper performance of the system to achieve the

required outcomes.

Other than the IT department, the other departments are required to provide a

representative who will come together and form an education and training committee where they

are required to learn from the IT educators and then provide the training to the other staff

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because it is impossible for the IT department to provide the much needed training to the other

health departments. Additionally, this team will also form the telehealth champions who will

work towards popularizing the utilization of the telehealth models towards properly providing

the much needed support for healthcare delivery (Krzysztof, 2017).

The interdisciplinary taskforce has been constituted to ensure that all these departments

work together towards achieving the recommended objectives and within the recommended

schedule and timelines. This team constitutes of representatives from different departments and

stakeholders who are required to enhance the team towards working collaboratively and

effectively (Cascardo, 2018).

Implementation Schedule

For this technology development, the process is to begin immediately considering that the

stakeholders are all on board and finances have been provided for the same. The whole process is

to take approximately one year or 12 months. It could take 8 months but the12 months has been

provided to cover for any contingencies that may present themselves as the process develops.

As indicated, two months have already passed that were utilized for identifying the

technology needs assessment, and meeting with stakeholders for buy-in. The needs assessment

took three weeks to develop, while the stakeholder meeting took one and a half months because

many stakeholders could not attend the meeting, and the presentation feedback took some time.

However, all this was done within the set timeline.

Currently, we are within the two months where the implementation plan is to be created.

Here, a budget of $20,000 was also identified as being sufficient for the plan. The two month

period was used to identify all the different elements that are necessary for the success of the

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plan and were included to ensure that the plan is created well to have a smooth implementation,

enhance interdisciplinary collaboration, and ensure that the budget is used as required.

The next section will involve soliciting for funds to run the plan and actualize the same.

The hospital has already set aside $5,000 for development, and the stakeholders have also raised

an additional $12,000. The remaining $3,000 will need to be identified within this time period. It

is lucky that it is a low amount, and there is hope that with more discussions with the

stakeholders, the remaining balance will be raised. The money will be used within this period to

purchase for the required infrastructure and hardware that will enhance the running of the new

telehealth systems.

Three months have been set aside for training, although a further three months have also

been set aside that will run concurrently with the development of the plan. The additional three

months are for ensuring that all the required staff and patients get the much needed education and

training that will ensure that the whole process is carried out smoothly.

A three month period has been provided for a pilot trial run where the staff will get to use

the new system and the trial model will identify any areas that may require changing, modifying,

or removing to enhance the system. The modification of the system will be done in the final

month where any issue arising will be identified and corrected adequately. After all this is done,

the new system will be rolled out approximately one year since the beginning of the whole

project, and evaluations will be carried out quarterly to ensure that it is achieving the required

level of success which lead to effectiveness in healthcare delivery and better patient outcomes.

Staff Training Requirements and Strategies

It is important to note that the success of the new technology is within the ability of the

staff to use the system effectively in a manner that enhances healthcare quality and improves

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patient outcomes. To ensure that this is achieved, it is critical that the training is done sufficiently

without rushing things to ensure that the staff actually capture and understand every element of

using the new models. The most difficult part will be dealing with older staff who may not have

any knowledge in such technologies, because current curriculum identify the significance of

technology and include the same in the curriculums (Cascardo, 2018; Farringer, 2020).

All of the training as indicated above will be done in-house. However, there might need

to provide training that enhances collaboration and working with the patients which might

require experts to be sourced from outside to help in this endeavor. It is envisioned that the staff

will help each other understand the elements of the training much better, and the pilot run will be

used to test the effectiveness of the training and whether the staff have understood how to use the

new systems towards advancing healthcare delivery (Krzysztof, 2017).

Strategy for Collaborating with Patients and other Healthcare Providers

To achieve the most optimum result as far as the telehealth model is concerned, it is

critical to consider collaborating with patients and other healthcare providers. Collaboration is

significant for successful healthcare delivery, and telehealth involves the advancement of patient

centered care approach that ensures collaboration with the patient is advanced. A strategy that

will ensure that collaboration is well enhanced among the involved parties is creating healthcare

teams that are tasked with working together with the patients and empowering them by

delegating tasks that must be performed by the team. After which, the team is identified and

rewarded where the collaboration has been effective. This strategy will not only enhance

collaboration, it will enhance motivation towards working well with others because there is a

reward at the end, and this will improve healthcare provision significantly (Campise, 2014;

Cascardo, 2018).

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Post Deployment Telehealth Technology Evaluation and Maintenance Strategy

The new system will include a feedback option where the patients will provide critical

feedback on their experiences. This will also be provided to the healthcare providers to assess

their satisfaction in utilizing the new telemedicine models. The significance of this tool is that it

provides real time feedback which can help identify real time solutions that will help ensure that

the same works as required and achieves the recommended outcomes. Additionally, it will also

be wise to monitor health records to identify whether there has been an increase in patient

numbers, whether there have been better outcomes, and whether there has been an increase in

revenue as far as the utilization of the new system is concerned. All these will determine the

success rate of the system, and can also be used to identify any areas that require maintenance to

enhance the effectiveness as far as providing healthcare is concerned (Krzysztof, 2017; Wootton,



In conclusion, it is evident that the new system is going to enhance healthcare delivery

significantly. The implementation plan has begun with identifying how adequate the current

system infrastructure has been as far as healthcare delivery is concerned. It has also elaborated

the tasks and responsibilities or different healthcare team which will help in enhancing healthcare

delivery. An implementation schedule has also been presented with staff training requirements

and strategies also discussed. Collaboration between patients and other healthcare staff has also

been identified, and a post-deployment telehealth technology evaluation and maintenance

strategy presented. When this implementation plan is followed as recommended, the whole

process will run smoothly.

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Campise, R. L. (2014). The future of Telehealth, social media, and behavioral

health. PsycEXTRA Dataset. doi:10.1037/e550552014-001

Cascardo, D. (2018). How to implement a telemedicine program in your practice. The Journal

of Medical Practice Management, 33(6), 360-363.

Farringer, D. (2020). A Telehealth explosion: Using lessons from the pandemic to shape the

future of Telehealth regulation. SSRN Electronic Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.3681070

Krzysztof, K. (2017). Telemedicine – How does it work in practice?


Winstanley, E. L., Burtchin, M., Zhang, Y., Campbell, P., Pahl, J., Beck, S., & Bohenek, W.

(2017). Inpatient experiences with MyChart bedside. Telemedicine and e-Health, 23(8),

691-693. doi:10.1089/tmj.2016.0132

Wootton, R. (2019). The future use of Telehealth in the developing world. Telehealth in the

Developing World, 299-308. doi:10.1201/9781315272917-29

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Develop a 5-7 page implementation plan addressing the various factors critical to the successful deployment of the new or upgraded telehealth technology that was the focus of the previous two assessments. Introduction Technology continues to move at an accelerated pace, and the delivery of health care is shifting from office-based environments to the home. For this reason, health care organizations must be at technology's cutting edge in order to remain competitive in today's environment. Integrating the daily activities of patients into the health care continuum will improve the quality of care that is provided and enable more holistic care. This assessment provides an opportunity for you to develop an implementation plan that addresses the various factors critical to the successful deployment of the new or upgraded telehealth technology that was the focus of your previous assessments. Preparation Based on the positive reactions and feedback from stakeholders with regard to the proposed telehealth technology, executive leaders have decided to move forward with implementation of this telehealth solution and have asked you to develop the implementation plan. To prepare for the assessment, you are encouraged to reflect on the factors critical to the successful deployment of the new or upgraded telehealth technology and on how such technology would be implemented in your organization or practice setting. In addition, you are encouraged to become familiar with the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process for successfully implementing information systems or a change model for technology use that you think best supports your technology implementation ideas. Refer to the suggested readings, supplemented, as desired, by your own research. You may also wish to:

· Review the assessment instructions and scoring guide to ensure that you understand the work you will be asked to complete.

· Review the Guiding Questions: Implementation Plan [DOCX] , which includes questions to consider and additional guidance on how to successfully complete the assessment.. Requirements Develop a technology implementation plan that supports the vision for safe, high-quality health care in your organization or practice setting. Complete the Vila Health: Preparing to Develop an Implementation Plan simulation. The implementation plan requirements, outlined below, correspond to the grading criteria in the Implementation Plan Scoring Guide, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. The Guiding Questions: Implementation Plan document, linked above, provides additional considerations that may be helpful in completing your assessment. In addition, be sure to note the requirements below for document format and length and for citing supporting evidence.

· Assess the adequacy of existing telehealth technology infrastructure in your organization or practice setting.

· Assign tasks and responsibilities for deploying the new or upgraded telehealth technology.

· Develop an implementation schedule.

· Determine staff training requirements and strategies.

· Develop a strategy for collaborating with patients and other health care providers.

· Develop a post-deployment telehealth technology evaluation and maintenance strategy.

· Support assertions, arguments, propositions, and conclusions with relevant and credible evidence.

· Write clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.

· Document Format and Length Format your implementation plan using APA style.

· Use the Student Paper Format for APA seventh edition. Be sure to include: 

· A title page and references page. An abstract is not required.

· Appropriate level 1 section headings.

· Your implementation plan should be 5–7 pages in length, not including the title page and references page.

· Supporting Evidence Cite at least five credible sources from peer-reviewed journals or professional industry publications to support your implementation plan. Additional Requirements Proofread your implementation plan before you submit it to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it more difficult for them to focus on the substance of your plan.





· Competencies Measured By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

· Competency 2: Develop a collaborative technology integration strategy. 

· Assess the adequacy of existing telehealth technology infrastructure in an organization or practice setting.

· Assign tasks and responsibilities for deploying a new or upgraded telehealth technology.

· Develop an implementation schedule.

· Develop a post-deployment telehealth technology evaluation and maintenance strategy.

· Competency 3: Develop a strategy for managing technology use that enhances patient care and organizational effectiveness. 

· Determine staff training requirements and strategies.

· Develop a strategy for collaborating with patients and other health care providers.

· Competency 5: Communicate effectively with diverse audiences, in an appropriate form and style, consistent with applicable organizational, professional, and scholarly standards. 

· Support assertions, arguments, propositions, and conclusions with relevant and credible evidence.

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