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Reply to at least two other student posts with a reflection of their response.??Please make sure to provide citations and references (in APA, 7th ed. format) for your work. ?? r

 Reply to at least two other student posts with a reflection of their response.  Please make sure to provide citations and references (in APA, 7th ed. format) for your work.   

references within 5 years

150-200 words each

Judith post

The Patients' Bill of Rights is a set of rules that spells out patients' rights and demands when obtaining medical care, and it was created by the American Hospital Association. These rights include the ability to expect continuity of care, the ability to expect compassionate and respectful treatment, the ability to participate in care decisions, the ability to expect the secrecy of medical information, and the ability to voice complaints without fear of retaliation. In order to guarantee that patients receive the greatest care and are treated with respect and dignity, these rights are crucial. Healthcare professionals can ensure that patient's rights are upheld and protected by implementing a number of strategies (Vergallo et al., 2021). Firstly, transparent and effective communication is key. Healthcare professionals should communicate clearly and respectfully with patients and involve them in decision-making about their care. This entails giving patients accurate and thorough information regarding their diagnosis, available treatments, and any associated risks and benefits. It also entails being receptive to queries and worries and responding to them in a timely and respectful manner.

Secondly, privacy and confidentiality are critical. Healthcare professionals must respect patients' privacy and keep their medical information confidential. This means taking appropriate measures to protect patients' personal information and only sharing it with authorized parties. Furthermore, healthcare professionals should encourage patients to express their concerns and address any complaints or grievances in a timely manner. Thirdly, continuity of care is essential. Healthcare professionals should coordinate with other healthcare providers to ensure that patients receive seamless care. They should also work to ensure that patients receive the appropriate follow-up care and support to ensure that they continue to improve.

Another way in which healthcare professionals can ensure that patient's rights are upheld and protected is by providing patient education and empowerment. This means providing patients with the knowledge and tools they need to take an active role in their own health and healthcare. Patient education can include providing information on healthy lifestyle choices, medication management, and understanding the healthcare system. Empowerment can include providing patients with access to their medical records and giving them the opportunity to provide input on their care plans (Spencer & Patel, 2019).

Finally, healthcare professionals should be proactive in ensuring that the facility's policies and procedures align with the Patients' Bill of Rights. This means regularly reviewing and updating policies and procedures to ensure that they align with the Patients' Bill of Rights. Additionally, healthcare facilities should have a clear complaint process and be responsive to patients’ concerns. In addition to these specific actions, healthcare professionals should also strive to maintain a culture of patient-centered care within their organization. This includes treating patients with dignity and respect and placing the needs of patients at the forefront of all decision-making. It also includes promoting a continuous improvement culture and actively seeking and implementing feedback from patients and other stakeholders.

In conclusion, the American Hospital Association's Patients' Bill of Rights is a crucial set of guidelines that outlines the rights and expectations of patients when receiving medical care. Healthcare professionals can ensure that patient's rights are upheld and protected by implementing strategies such as clear and effective communication, respect for privacy and confidentiality, continuity of care, and regular review and updating of policies and procedures. By following these guidelines, healthcare professionals can provide patients with the best possible care and treat them with the dignity and respect they deserve.


Spencer, A., & Patel, S. (2019). Applying the data protection act 2018 and general data protection regulation principles in healthcare settings.  Nursing Management26(1).

Vergallo, G. M., Zaami, S., & Marinelli, E. (2021). The COVID-19 pandemic and contact tracing technologies, between upholding the right to health and personal data protection.  European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences25(5), 2449-2456.


Dayliana post

Protecting patient rights is fundamental to establishing a sound relationship and trust between healthcare professionals and diverse patient populations. The American Hospital Association Patients' Bill of Rights outlines the fundamental rights of patients regarding their care. Upholding these rights is essential to providing quality care. Understanding how healthcare professionals can ensure that patient's rights are upheld and protected is fundamental. Therefore, they can uphold and protect patients' rights outlined in the American Hospital Association Patients' Bill of Rights by providing transparent communication, respecting patient autonomy, and creating welcoming environments.

Patients have a right to ask questions about their health. They should also enquire about treatment to understand what to expect during their stay in the hospital. Healthcare professionals can ensure transparent communication by being honest and open with patients about their condition, risks, and prognosis (Yanovska et al., 2019). For instance, they can provide patients with adequate information about the care they are receiving and its risks and benefits. They can also improve their availability to ensure that they answer patients' questions and address their concerns promptly and professionally (Househ et al., 2018). Healthcare professionals can ensure that they present information in a way that is understandable to patients.

Healthcare professionals can also uphold and protect patients' rights by respecting patient autonomy. For instance, they should respect the patient's right to make informed decisions about their health. Patients should be involved in decision-making and allowed to make their own choices (Yanovska et al., 2019). Healthcare professionals should also honor the patient's right to refuse recommended treatment if they choose. They can allow patients to access their medical records (Peterson, 2022). Healthcare professionals can uphold patients' rights by understanding their goals, values, and beliefs. 

Patients have a right to be treated by medical professionals that respect their confidentiality and privacy. In this regard, healthcare professionals should protect the privacy of their patient's health information to help them protect and uphold their rights (Yanovska et al., 2019). For instance, they can ensure that their patient's data is stored safely and restrict its access to authorized personnel. Healthcare professionals should also be aware of the laws and regulations associated with patient privacy and confidentiality (Househ et al., 2018). They should follow the regulations when providing care.

Healthcare professionals can uphold and protect patients' rights by providing quality care and creating a safe and welcoming environment. They can strive to provide a physically and emotionally safe patient environment, free from discrimination or harassment (Yanovska et al., 2019). In addition, they should focus on providing a supportive and compassionate atmosphere where patients are treated with dignity and respect. Healthcare professionals should ensure that they provide high-quality care tailored to patients' needs (Househ et al., 2018). They should consider the patient's preferences and wishes and provide the best treatment for their condition.

Protecting and upholding patients' rights are paramount to ensuring patient safety, autonomy, and trust in the healthcare system. These strategies can help safeguard patients from abuse and exploitation. Care acts and bills prevent healthcare providers from discriminating against patients based on gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or other protected characteristics. Health facilities can create trust between patients and healthcare providers by adhering to health laws. Healthcare providers can ensure that patients receive equitable, safe, and quality care. Healthcare organizations should implement training programs to help medical professionals understand patients' rights.



Househ, M., Grainger, R., Petersen, C., Bamidis, P., & Merolli, M. (2018). Balancing between privacy and patient needs for health information in the age of participatory health and social media: A scoping review.  Yearbook of Medical Informatics27(01), 029-036.

Peterson, K. (2022). Informed refusal.  Nursing52(9), 15-20.

Yanovska, O. H., Horodovenko, V. V., & Bitsai, A. V. (2019). Legal mechanisms of patient’s rights protection.  Wiadomości Lekarskie72(12).

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