Chat with us, powered by LiveChat For this assessment, summarize three scholarly articles about strategy secure fit and use the articles, along with a real-world example, to support your ideas about how strategy and stru | Wridemy

For this assessment, summarize three scholarly articles about strategy secure fit and use the articles, along with a real-world example, to support your ideas about how strategy and stru


  • For this assessment, summarize three scholarly articles about strategy secure fit and use the articles, along with a real-world example, to support your ideas about how strategy and structure are related.
    Organizational strategy is determined in many ways by the organization's structure. Successful implementation of these strategies depends on the structure of the organization and how well the structure supports the organization's goals.
    What is the relationship between strategy and structure in designing a high-performance organization? The strategy will determine whether the structure is oriented toward functions, products, markets, geographies, or work processes. High-performing learning organizations have emerging designs that help connect structures of relationships and flows of information that allow them to evolve and transform, reinventing themselves for long-term sustainability.
    To prepare for this assessment, first use the Capella library to search for articles using the exact phrase strategy structure fit. From the large selection of scholarly articles, select at least three to use in this assessment.
    To complete this assessment, complete the following:
    • Provide a brief summary of each of the three articles you selected, along with a brief explanation of why you selected each article.
    • Explain how strategy and structure are related—how they fit together—to influence learning and performance. Use the articles to support your statements.
    • Describe an example of a real-world organization that you believe has a strong strategy-structure alignment. What are some organizational characteristics that lead you to believe that the strategy is tightly aligned with the structure?
    • Format this assessment as a research paper following current APA guidelines for style and citing sources, making sure that you also use correct grammar and mechanics. There is no required minimum or maximum page length; however, you should strive to be as detailed as possible in addressing each part while being as clear and concise as possible.
      Competencies Measured
      By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
    • Competency 2: Analyze the impact of learning and performance in organizational structures.
      • Explain the relationship between strategy and structure.
      • Explain how strategy and structure fit together to influence organizational learning and performance.
      • Describe an example of an organization that is perceived to have a strong strategy-structure fit.
      • Describe the characteristics of an organization that is perceived to have a strong strategy-structure fit.

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