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Explain organizational behavior management and its relationship to the science of behavior analysis. Synthesize research in the field of organizational behavior manageme

  • Explain organizational behavior management and its relationship to the science of behavior analysis.
  • Synthesize research in the field of organizational behavior management.
  • Apply assessment techniques to develop interventions used in organizational behavior management.
  • Communicate in a professional manner consistent with the field of behavior analysis.


There are two parts to this assignment.

Propose an Intervention

For this part:

  • Summarize briefly the results of the assessment of the workplace issue you addressed in the Unit 6 assignment.
  • Search the current OBM professional literature to identify studies that address the underlying causes for the selected workplace issue as well as studies that propose interventions to address those causes.
  • Propose an evidence-based intervention to address your workplace issue, based on your assessment results and your research.
Evaluate your Intervention

For this part:

  • Analyze the basic behavior analytic principles underlying your intervention. 
  • Assess how the assessment conducted in the Unit 6 assignment helped with the development of this intervention.
  • Hypothesize what may have occurred if you did not conduct an assessment prior to developing an intervention.
  • Compare and contrast this assessment technique to functional behavior assessments used in clinical work. â€‹

Use the SafeAssign Draft option to check your writing and ensure that you have paraphrased, quoted, and cited your sources appropriately. Run a SafeAssign report, saving your paper as a draft. Based on your SafeAssign results, make any necessary changes to your paper before submitting your final assignment to your instructor for grading. When you are ready, submit your assignment to the assignment area for grading.

Assignment Requirements

Your assignment should meet the following requirements:

  • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA format: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting guidelines.
  • References: At least 10 scholarly resources, eight of which should be peer-reviewed journal articles or other scholarly articles written and five of these should be within the past 5 years. Two references may be scholarly texts.
  • Length of paper: 8–10 typed, double-spaced pages, in addition to a title page and a references page.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

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