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Sarah’s Post:

Today we’re going to compare the different types of pandemics that we’ve experienced over the years in our world. We may be able to learn and understand how we react and cope with these types of emergencies in our life.

The first pandemic we experienced was the Spanish Flu, the CDC website states it was “the most severe pandemic in recent history”. There is no legitimate documentation of when the virus first began to spread but it became a worldwide epidemic during 1918-1919. Unlike other viruses that we experience now that mainly target children under 5 years old and adults over 65 years old, this virus also targeted people in the 20-40 years old age group. There were believed to be 500 million people infected with the virus and 50 million passed away from the infection. At the time, they did not have a way to provide a vaccine or antibiotics to help prevent the virus from spreading, they used tactics such as isolation and disinfectants to help control the virus from spreading.

Source: www.cdc.govLinks to an external site.

The next pandemic is the 1976 Swine Flu epidemic. The origin of this flu is a strange one as Swine Flu is commonly found in pigs, so how did it become such a large problem with humans? In early 1976, the CDC was called to look at an illness that was spreading in a military fort in New Jersey, after many tests, they determined it was the H1N1 Flu virus. The virus had mutated to infect humans and was easily transferred from human to human, which was a big warning to the CDC. The epidemic lasted from January 1976-March 1977 as a vaccine for this virus was quickly produced and available nationwide. There were hardly any deaths from this flu, but many deaths from the vaccine. There were 41 people who supposedly died from the vaccine while only one person died from the virus. I believe this was the first type of epidemic of the United States being ready to fight back and not let it become a worldwide pandemic.

Source: www.cdc.govLinks to an external site. , www.ncbi.nlm.nih.govLinks to an external site.

The third pandemic is the SARS-Cov-1 pandemic, which stands for severe acute respiratory syndrome associated with coronavirus. SARS was first reported in Asia in early 2003 and continued to spread worldwide throughout the year. SARS is a viral infection that is spread by an airborne virus similar to a common cold or flu spread. By March 2004, there were no more active cases of SARS-Cov-1. The treatment for this pandemic was the same as we have always used in these types of sicknesses, isolation, disinfecting and good surveillance of highly trafficked areas.

Source; www.cdc.govLinks to an external site. , www.who.intLinks to an external site.

And our last pandemic is the Covid-19 Pandemic, which is still an ongoing problem. WHO states, “Coronavirus disease is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-Cov-2 virus”. This virus is very versatile as it could be a simple illness like the flu, and you could recover in no time while some can become seriously ill and require extensive medical treatment. The first case of Covid- 19 was reported on December 31 of 2019 and is still happening today. At this current moment, there have been 675 million people infected and 6.87 million people have died from the virus. There have been multiple vaccines to help prevent the spread but there seems to be no halt in the spread of Covid-19. There has been a decline in the number of cases as the years go on and we seem to be on a good downward slope but not sure when it will officially end.

Source: www.cdc.govLinks to an external site. , www.who.intLinks to an external site.

Amayrani’s Post:

The Spanish Flu was the most severe pandemic according to the CDC. It was caused by an H1N1 virus that started in a bird host. It became a worldwide issue during 1918-1919. In the United States it was first discovered within military personnel in the spring of 1918. Some sources put the end of this flu in 1920 but is not for certain. The symptoms were similar to flu symptoms but more severe, they included a sudden, and sometimes very high, fever, dry cough, headache and body aches, sore throat, chills, runny nose, loss of appetite, extreme tiredness (fatigue). It is estimated that 500 million people were infected globally and over 50 million people died from the Spanish Flu but 675,000 were in the U.S. An interesting fact is that the Spanish flu is responsible for more deaths compared to the deaths from the WWI,WWII, the Korean War, and the Vietnam war combined. There was no medication that was found to be effective against the flu or even antibiotics to treat the infections that people have as a result of. A lesson we could learn from this event would be regarding prevention methods such as isolation, washing our hands, wearing protection gear etc. We can also learn that certain pandemics can affect younger healthier people, not just toddlers and elderly people.

The Swine flu happened during January 1976 and it was first identified at the Fort Dix Army Base in New Jersey. It was found to be a strain commonly found in pigs that mutated to infect humans. Symptoms of the Swine flu were fever, chills, cough, sore throat, runny/stuffy nose, watery red eyes, body aches, headache, fatigue, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. These are now very similar to symptoms of a seasonal flu. This virus was detected in one single military installation and it seemed as though it did not spread elsewhere. This flu infected over 200 recruits and caused one death. There is no cure, but the government came out with a vaccine for the swine flu. There are antiviral drugs that work against the swine flu and a vaccine was also developed to teach your immune system to attack the virus. However, this vaccine caused Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) which can cause paralysis, respiratory arrest, and death. . A major lesson to be learned from this pandemic is vaccine effectiveness. There was a rush to vaccinate as many people as possible, but that left many with neurological problems like GBS. Effective vaccines require time and it is important to weigh the risks before attempting a nationwide vaccine program. . A lesson that we learned was that viruses can mutate and resurface many years later and we can better track the evolution of viruses more effectively and quickly.

The Swine flu of 2009 occurred in the spring, April, and it was first detected in the U.S. In June of 2009, WHO declared it a pandemic because it was spreading quickly around the world. However, the origin was eventually traced to Mexico. The symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue, vomiting and diarrhea. SOme people had respiratory symptoms without a fever. The CDC estimated that there were 60 million infected and over 12,000 deaths in the U.S. This virus primarily affected children, young adults, and middle-aged adults. There are antiviral drugs that work against the swine flu and a vaccine was also developed to teach your immune system to attack the virus. A lesson that we learned was that viruses can mutate and resurface many years later and we can better track the evolution of viruses more effectively and quickly.

SARS was first identified at the end of February 2003. It emerged in China and spread to other countries. It was a global outbreak in 2003 and since 2004 there have not been any known cases.The symptoms are similar to the flu: fever, cough, chills, fatigue, shortness of breath, headache, and diarrhea. There were 8,000 cases of SARS in 29 countries and 29 cases in the U.S. No deaths were reported for the U.S, but 774 deaths in other countries. There is no cure, and antibiotics drugs do not work against this virus, and there is not really any benefit from antivirals. From this event, we learned that sharing information and being vigorous with containing a virus is key. Unlike China who did not prioritize their response to SARS, the U.S was able to diminish it within our borders.

Covid became a worry in January 2020 in Wuhan, China when people suspected that the 2002-2004 SARS was back. In January 10,2020 WHO declared the outbreak was SARS-COVID. The symptoms are similar to other flu symptoms such as fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, body aches, headache, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, runny nose or congestion, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea. There have been an estimated total of 103 million infected and 1.13 million deaths. There are antiviral medications to treat mild to moderate symptoms as well as vaccines and boosters to keep up with different strains. One lesson we learned from this event is that government policy matters and works however if people are not taking the rules seriously then it is not as effective in preventing transmission. For example, lockdowns and mask mandates were not always respected and resulted in spreading of the infection. Covid has affected me personally because I had become sick with it twice and was out of work for two weeks each time. I had to learn how to navigate school ( all online ) and work around covid mandates. Currently at my job we still wear masks

because health care workers are at a higher risk. My family, in particular my mother, was severely affected because she has a poor immune system and she had to stay home and miss work due to us being afraid that she would get sick which could result in long term health problems or even worse, death. However, this pandemic taught me to be more careful with my health, making sure to keep up with my vaccines and also keep up with cleanliness. pandemic-history.htmLinks to an external site. 1918 Links to an external site. Links to an external site. causes/syc-20378103Links to an external site. to an external site. Links to an external site. acute-respiratory-syndrome- sars#:~:text=About%20SARS&text=Like%20most%20respiratory%20viruses %2C%20SARS,of%20breath%2C%20headache%20and%20diarrhea. Links to an external site. treatment/drc-20351771Links to an external site. %2C%202020,Coronavirus%20(2019%2DnCoV)

Rosemary’s Post:

Spanish Flu The Spanish flu was established in February 1918-1920, and it occurred in the U.S. Signs & symptoms of the Spanish flu are sore throat, headache & runny nose. The Spanish flu globally infected 500 million people which is 33% of the population of world. Unfortunately, there aren't any cures for this particular flu. Reading about the Spanish flu made me realize that there was nothing that those people in the 1920s could do but try their best to be safe and healthy.

Swine Flu 1976 & 2009 The Swine Flu was established in the 1970s in an Army Base at Fort Dix, New Jersey. It has affected 60.8 million people & 34,000-100,000 died. It only really affected the people who were 65 and up. The Americans made a called the H1N1 where they give you a shot on your arm it's supposed to be a little dose of the virus so if you were to get it your body would know what to do & fight it. The lesson learned was that people be more cautious and stay healthy. The symptoms are fever, body aches, chills & fatigue. Swine Flu 2009 was established in Central Mexico. Treatments for the swine flu 2009 are Zanamivir & Baloxavir.

SARS SARS was established in Asia on Feb 2003. The illness spread to more than two dozen countries. Symptoms include chills & rigors, muscle pains. After a couple of days it can result in dry coughing. There is no cure. Ive never had SARS but I know any flu will completely be horrible.

Covid-19 It was established in china 2019. There was hundreds of death & illnesses. Symptoms are fever & chills, fatigue. The lesson learned is to keep yourself protected. It affected my family because I have a daughter & I try my hardest to keep her from getting sick. diseases/coronavirus/diagnosed-with-covid-19-what-to-expectLinks to an external site. to an external site. to an external site.

Peggy’s Post:

Spanish flu:

The Spanish Flu occurred between 1918-1919 and was a global pandemic that infected an estimated 500 million people worldwide. It is believed to have originated in the United States, then spread throughout Europe and Asia.

1976 swine flu:

The Swine Flu outbreak of 1976 occurred in the United States, with the first cases reported among military recruits in Fort Dix, New Jersey.

2009 swine flu:

The 2009 Swine Flu (H1N1) pandemic occurred globally, with the first cases reported in Mexico in April 2009. The virus quickly spread to the United States and other countries.


The outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) that occurred between 2002-2003. It notes that the disease was first reported in Guangdong Province, China, and quickly spread to other countries in Asia, Europe, and North America. The information is presented in a clear and concise manner, providing a basic understanding of the origin and global spread of SARS during its outbreak. However, the paragraph does not provide any information on the symptoms or impact of SARS, which would be valuable in fully understanding the significance of the outbreak. Nonetheless, the paragraph highlights the importance of global cooperation in responding to outbreaks of infectious diseases that can quickly spread across borders.


Covid-19 was first reported in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and quickly became a global pandemic. It has since spread to nearly every country in the world.


Spanish flu symptoms:

The symptoms of the Spanish flu were similar to those of the seasonal flu, but they were often more severe. Symptoms included fever, chills, cough, muscle aches, and extreme fatigue. In severe cases, the Spanish flu could also cause pneumonia and death.

1976 swine flu symptoms:

Symptoms of the 1976 swine flu were similar to seasonal flu and included fever, chills, cough, muscle aches, and fatigue. However, most cases were mild.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2019).

2009 swine flu symptoms:

the symptoms of the 2009 swine flu, indicating that they were similar to those of seasonal flu, including fever, cough, sore throat, muscle aches, and fatigue. Additionally, some patients with swine flu also experienced gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea. The information is clear and concise, providing a basic understanding of the symptoms associated with the disease. However, it should be noted that while the symptoms of the 2009 swine flu were generally mild, the disease did lead to a significant number of hospitalizations and deaths worldwide. Therefore, it is important to take any flu-like symptoms seriously and seek medical attention if necessary.

SARS symptoms:

SARS is an acute respiratory illness that manifests with fever, cough, difficulty breathing and muscle aches. In severe cases, it can lead to pneumonia, respiratory failure, multiple organ failure, and death.

Symptoms of COVID-19:

The symptoms of Covid-19 include fever, cough, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell, fatigue, body aches, headache, sore throat, and gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

During the pandemic, my family had to work from home and some of them lost their jobs. The pandemic has brought challenges for businesses and workers, but the pandemic has also opened up new opportunities for remote work and e-learning. People had to learn to adapt to a different way of life and to use new technological tools to communicate and work.

Importantly, the pandemic has also revealed inequalities in health and access to healthcare. The most vulnerable groups, such as the elderly, people with chronic illnesses and marginalized communities, have been the most affected by the disease. This highlighted the need to improve access to health care for all.

Ultimately, Covid-19 was a difficult experience for many people, but it also showed humanity's ability to adapt and work together to fight a global threat. The pandemic has highlighted the need to prepare health systems for future outbreaks and strengthen international collaboration to address global health issues.


1. World Health Organization. (2022). Weekly epidemiological update on COVID-19 – 22 February 2022. epidemiological-update-on-covid-19—22-february-2022Links to an external site.

2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020). 2009 H1N1 Pandemic (H1N1pdm09 virus). resources/2009-h1n1-pandemic.html

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018). The 1918 Influenza Pandemic. h1n1.html

Afriania’s Post:

The Spanish Flu 1918-1919 The Spanish Flu was a pandemic that originated in the United States in 1918-1919. The overcrowded and unsanitary conditions created a breeding ground for the virus, but the virus originated in a bird host. The symptoms were High fever, dry cough, headache, body aches, sore throat, chills, runny nose loss of appetite and extreme tiredness. 500 million people were infected. There were 50 million deaths world wide and 675,000 deaths in the U.S. There were no effective treatments to cure the Spanish flu. The lesson that we can learn from this event is to be thankful for how far we have come as a world. Also to continue to use per cautions whenever your around a person who maybe sick with any kind of sickness. The Swine Flu 1976 The swine flu outbreak was a virus that sickened many this happened in 1976. The first case of the swine flu was in Fort Dix New Jersey on a army base In the United States. The symptoms were fever, chills, coughing, sore throat, stuffy nose, Watery red eyes, body aches, headache, fatigue, diarrhea, nausea. 200 people became ill initially when it first started to happen. Overtime The virus killed 500,000 people in the US. The antibodies in the vaccine were effective at neutralizing the seasonal H1N1 virus in 68.1% of people. The lessons that we can learn from this event would be always wash your hands and pay attention to your body if you feel sick and are unsure what is going on seek medical attention ASAP.

The Swine Flu 2009

The swine flu was a virus that spreader very quickly around the U.S where it originated at.The symptoms of the swine flu were chills, headache, cough, fever, sore throat, runny nose, watery eyes etc. This virus was caused by the H1N1 influenza virus. There were 12,469 deaths due to the Swine flu in 2009 and 60.8 million

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