Chat with us, powered by LiveChat In 250 of?your own?words, why might some supervisors prefer the presence of a formal grievance procedure rather than handling all employee complaints as they arise? What is you | Wridemy

In 250 of?your own?words, why might some supervisors prefer the presence of a formal grievance procedure rather than handling all employee complaints as they arise? What is you

  Management in Healthcare

Assignment Content

  1. After reading chapter 22, please answer:

    In 250 of your own words, why might some supervisors prefer the presence of a formal grievance procedure rather than handling all employee complaints as they arise? What is your experience with grievances or complaints at work or school?


Course Materials 

Required Text or E-Book: McConnell, C. (2015). The Effective Health Care Supervisor, 8th ed. Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Make sure to site your sources. 

Chapter 22 Complaints, Grievances, and Appeals

Complaints —

— are a significant source of feedback from both internal and external customers. Legitimate or otherwise, complaints are signs that somewhere something is probably wrong and in need of attention.

The role of the supervisor —

— is to respond effectively and promptly to both legitimate and imagined complaints. Doing so avoids formal, and often costly, grievances and legal action.

Naive listening

Naive listening is nothing more than listening as though one is meeting these people for the first time, without preconceived notions.

For Handling Complaints

Listen carefully. The initial complaint is often only a trial balloon to see how you will react.

Investigate. Is the complaint legitimate?

Choose what, if any, action is needed

For Handling Complaints

Inform the complaining employee about your findings and what you propose to do..

Implement your decision.

Follow up on implementation.

Record what has happened, retaining sufficient documentation to be useful should the particular complaint arise again.

For Salary Controversies

Do not overrate employees or make unrealistic promises.

Know what competitors are paying (work through human resources).

Try to get more pay for your best performers by other means, such as promotions, etc.

Let employees blow off steam about pay. Be empathetic.

For Salary Controversies

Refuse to discuss salaries of other employees. An individual’s rate of pay is personal information.

Do not practice favoritism, and try to avoid even the appearance of favoritism.

Know exactly how salary increases are determined in your organization.

“End-Running” the Supervisor

End-running occurs when employees bypass you and carry their gripes directly to your manager.

If the manager is acting properly, the complaining employees will be sent back down to the supervisor with instructions to follow proper channels.

“End-Running” the Supervisor

The manager who listens to end-running employees and acts upon information obtained this way is severely undermining the supervisor’s authority.

Your employees need to understand that you are always the first step when they wish to carry complaints to management.

“End-Running” Your Manager

What holds for your employees holds for you; carrying your complaints to your “boss’s boss” potentially compromises your manager and diminishes you in your manager’s regard.

Dealing with Chronic Complainers

Apply active listening.

Listen for their main points

Direct your attention more at their feelings than at the object of their complaints.

Stop them when they start repeating or if they try to move to another topic.

Dealing with Chronic Complainers

Avoid arguments

Force them to help solve the problem.

Encourage them to research their problems.

Be honest when you say what you can and will do or what you cannot do.

When solutions are beyond your control, say so

Appeals and Grievances

“Appeal” and “Grievance” are equivalent in terms of intent and results. As used here, “grievance” applies primarily to a unionized setting while “appeal” applies mostly to a non-union setting. This distinction is made because of the widespread use of “grievance” in labor contracts.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is a serious ongoing problem because of the legal costs, reduced productivity and morale, and increased absenteeism or turnover that it may cause.

Sexual Harassment: Quid Pro Quo

Quid pro quo harassment occurs when an employee is expected to give in to unwanted sexual demands to secure some benefit or advantage or to avoid suffering the loss of job or some tangible job benefit for refusing to give in to such demands.

Sexual Harassment: Hostile Work Environment

When an employee is exposed to sexually-oriented verbal, visual, or tactile activities: sexual language, innuendoes, jokes, etc. Also provocative gestures, certain , letters, notes, or graffiti. Plus touching, patting, etc.

Sex Discrimination

Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, sexual harassment is identified as a form of sex discrimination.

For a Sexual Harassment Complaint

Listen carefully to the complaint.

Investigate as soon as possible.

Confront the harasser.

Document the meeting.

Get back to the complainant.

Report to your superior and human resources

When You Are Harassed

Do not encourage the person, but do not remain silent.

Clarify your position and what you expect out of the relationship.

If it continues, review your personnel policy and follow the recommended procedure

Warn the individual that if he or she persists, you will report the harassment.

When You Are Harassed

Document each episode. Get witnesses, if possible.

If you filed a complaint and it was not handled to your satisfaction, notify human resources.

If you remain dissatisfied, file a formal complaint with the appropriate agency.



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