Chat with us, powered by LiveChat In this first argumentative speech, you will be proposing a solution to the social problem you've identified. The thesis statement of this speech will be the proposition you su | Wridemy

In this first argumentative speech, you will be proposing a solution to the social problem you’ve identified. The thesis statement of this speech will be the proposition you su

In this first argumentative speech, you will be proposing a solution to the social problem you’ve identified. The thesis statement of this speech will be the proposition you submitted previously. Your speech should have three main points organized into (1) the problem/ill; (2) cause of this problem/blame; and (3) solution to this problem/cure.

Most social problems are not caused by just one action, policy, or group of people (e.g., homelessness due to greedy landlords, irresponsible tenants, or absurd government policies); rather, there are often multiple causal factors for such social problems. For this assignment, however, you will argue that one particular factor is the main cause of the problem you selected. Refer to/cite publications during your first main point to inform us of the severity or prevalence of the problem. In your second main point, use evidence to back up your claim regarding the chief causal agent of the problem. Finally, for your third main point, propose a solution to this problem, and explain why you think it will work.

I have left 2 files with some work of the information you can use for this assignment. My social problem is Internet Protection Laws: Deepfake Technology Protection Polic.I need this completed by 3/13/23 before 1 pm PST

Internet Protection Laws: Deepfake Technology Protection Policy

Abrahim Ibrahim

California State University Los Angeles




Affirmative Argument Negative Counterargument

A. Problem: Deepfake technology cases are

on the rise, and people's lives are being ruined

as a result.

1. Statistics of deepfake technology

a. Deepfake technology usage increased

by 900% between 2018 and 2019,

A. Deepfake technology is challenging to

regulate, and policies that attempt to do so

must be more effective.

1. Those statistics by McAfee show

increased usage, not misuse

a. Deepfake technology's popularity can

be attributed to its numerous advantages

according to a McAfee report (Labs,


b. According to the same report, more

than 14,000 deepfake videos were

uploaded in 2019, up from 7,964 in


2. Consequences of deep fake technology

a. As in the case of QTCinderella, deep

fake technology can cause irreversible

damage to a person's reputation,

(Westerlund, 2019). For instance, it is

revolutionizing the film industry.

b. The growing popularity and number

of deepfake videos do not necessarily

indicate that the technology is being

abused. It could instead indicate that

people are becoming more aware of

technology's capabilities and finding

creative and innovative ways to use it

(Westerlund, 2019).

2. QTCinderella fell victim to abuse of

deepfake technology.

a. It is important to acknowledge that

any technology can be used for harmful

purposes. However, we must also

recognize that the potential benefits of

deepfake technology far outweigh the

negative consequences (Kwok & Koh,


b. Digital watermarking and verification

technologies are being developed to

combat the negative consequences of

career, and personal life (Meskys et

al., 2020).

b. Deep fake technology can also lead to

harassment and intimidation, as seen

in the case of women whose faces

were used in pornographic content

without their consent (Meskys et al.,


deepfake technology. These safeguards

can aid in the prevention of malicious

use of deepfake technology for

cyberbullying, harassment, and other

harmful purposes (Kwok & Koh, 2021).


Chesney, B., & Citron, D. (2019). Deep fakes: A looming challenge for privacy,

democracy, and national security. Calif. L. Rev., 107, 1753.

Gamage, D., Ghasiya, P., Bonagiri, V., Whiting, M. E., & Sasahara, K. (2022, April). Are

deepfakes concerning? Analyzing conversations of deepfakes on reddit and exploring

societal implications. In Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors

in Computing Systems (pp. 1-19).

Gieseke, A. P. (2020). " The New Weapon of Choice": Law's Current Inability to Properly

Address Deepfake Pornography. Vand. L. Rev., 73, 1479.

Kwok, A. O., & Koh, S. G. (2021). Deepfake: a social construction of technology

perspective. Current Issues in Tourism, 24(13), 1798-1802.

Labs, M. (2018, November 29). McAfee Labs 2019 Threats Predictions Report | McAfee

Blog. McAfee Blog.


Meskys, E., Kalpokiene, J., Jurcys, P., & Liaudanskas, A. (2020). Regulating deep fakes:

legal and ethical considerations. Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice,

15(1), 24-31.

Westerlund, M. (2019). The emergence of deepfake technology: A review. Technology

innovation management review, 9(11).


Abrahim Ibrahim Dr.Grau

Comm1200 2/28/23

Introduction of Internet Protection Laws

In February 2023, Popular streamer QTCinderella woke up to the saddening news that

her face and likeness were used to make pornographic content using deep fake technology (Ryu,

2023). The streamer shared the news while in tears, explaining that her life would never be the

same after the news became public. This is one of the many cases that have arisen concerning

internet protection laws. It is now possible to utilize someone's likeness and use it for your own

profit and monetary gain.

Previously, the government and all technology stakeholders have taken a laissez-faire

approach toward policy surrounding data protection in America (Ryu, 2023). However, it is time

that stakeholders and the government wake up to cases such as that of QTCinderella and create

policies that address the issue. There is a need for a policy that protects people from cases like

this. This can help prevent cases such as QTCinderella and provide punishment as a deterrent for

future criminals. If there are no laws, the cases will continue to pile up, and lives will continue to

be ruined. This is why governments and stakeholders need to create policies that prohibit the use

of someone's likeness without their consent. References

Ryu, J. (2023, February 14). She discovered a naked video of herself online, but it wasn’t

her: The trauma of deepfake porn. USA TODAY. Retrieved February 28, 2023, from


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