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What does your resume say about you? How important are professional organizations to you? Identify cultural or spiritual considerations related to your chosen professional


  • What does your resume say about you?
  • How important are professional organizations to you?
  • Identify cultural or spiritual considerations related to your chosen professional organization

What does your resume say about you?

My resume sums up my work experience for the last 11 years. I am a hardworking nurse that is

not afraid to try new things and learns fast. I am committed to my job and to the organizations

that I have worked in and am always putting my patients first. It also outlines my education and

the certifications and education I have accomplished throughout my nursing career.

How important are professional organizations to you?

Professional organizations are very important. It assists the individual advance and enhance their

career. Depending on one’s field of nursing, it allows the healthcare professional stay up to date

on the most recent changes within their field. Recently, I was a member of the American Nurses

Association and according to their website there are many benefits that one has when you are a

member, such as: certification discounts, up to date news, professional development

opportunities, discounts on CE’s, and networking with other nurses. They also work for you in

that they provide federal lobbying on behalf of nurses, speak for us on a national level, protect

out Practice Act and advocate on the state level (American Nurses Association, n. d.).

Identify cultural or spiritual considerations related to your chosen professional


I am currently not a member of a professional organization. The organization I work in,

Methodist Healthcare, is a great organization that values all members of their team, but most

importantly the community we serve. Their promise, as outlined on their website, is “Serving

humanity to honor God by providing exceptional and cost-effective health care, accessible to all”

(Methodist Healthcare, n. d.). They have created a culture of advancement for the nursing staff.

They are always encouraging us to get our accreditation in our fields and encouraging us to get

higher education.

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American Nurses Association. (n. d.). Member benefits. Retrieved from https://www.nursing

Methodist Healthcare. (n. d.). Our values, mission, and roots. Retrieved from https://sahealth.c


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