Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Major Depression, Recurrent? 2. Schizophrenia, Paranoid? 3. Panic Disorder versus Thyroid Medication Overuse? 4. Hypothyroidism with Depression? 5. Bipolar Disorder ( | Wridemy

Major Depression, Recurrent? 2. Schizophrenia, Paranoid? 3. Panic Disorder versus Thyroid Medication Overuse? 4. Hypothyroidism with Depression? 5. Bipolar Disorder (

Major Depression, Recurrent 

2. Schizophrenia, Paranoid 

3. Panic Disorder versus Thyroid Medication Overuse 

4. Hypothyroidism with Depression 

5. Bipolar Disorder (Child) 

6. Schizoid Personality Disorder 

7. Major Depression in Elderly Patients 

8. Social Phobia 

9. Phencyclidine Intoxication 

10. Dependent Personality Disorder 

11. Generalized Anxiety Disorder 

12. Bipolar Disorder, Manic (Adult) 

13. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 

14. Alcohol Dependence 

15. Schizotypal Personality Disorder 

16. Cocaine Intoxication 

17. Delirium 

18. Major Depression with Psychotic Features 

19. Conduct Disorder 

20. Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder 

21. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 

22. Dysthymic Disorder

Florida National University


Typhon Soap Note Rubric




Not Present


Client identifying information.

5 points

age, marital status, general appearance, reliability, ethnicity (state at end of scenario, in case formulation).  

Chief Complaint

5 points

“in patient’s own words” reason for visit-restate in case formulation.  

e.g. R presents in this initial outpatient appointment alone, for evaluation and management of:


History of Present Illness

5 points

(Why present now/precipitants/stressors? When it started? How long it lasts/frequency? What is it like? Impact on life)

Neurovegetative Symptoms:


Appetite and weight





Diurnal variation of mood


Anxiety-all disorders



Sexual interest/performance

Must include chronological timeline of development of current problem, what they have tried to help the problem,

assessment of strengths and usual coping strategies. Include any medications tried with responses.

Risk assessment: suicide/violence

5 points

Ask about any homicidal ideation – and first experience of suicidal ideation, and any history of attempts. Assess if ever had feelings of hopelessness

Psychiatric History

5 points

Ask at what age first saw a counselor or psychiatrist. 

Ask about first time taking psychotropic medications, and obtain chronological history with medications, duration and response – helpful or side effects, with reason for discontinuation. 

Substance Use History

5 points

This section contains any history or current use of caffeine, nicotine, illicit substance (including marijuana), and alcohol. Include the daily amount of use and last known use. Include type of use such as inhales, snorts, IV, etc. Include any histories of withdrawal complications from tremors, Delirium Tremens, or seizures.

For reporting

substance use, include age of first use, date of last use, frequency, amount and method.

of use

Past Medical History:

5 points

Does patient obtain primary care?

Date/name of provider and last visit. 

List any chronic illness.

with date of dx and treatment regimen.


Current medications.

Family History:

5 points

Inquire about family history of any psychiatric problems – depression, anxiety, substance use disorders, psychiatric hospitalizations, suicide attempts. 

Prompt to inquire about parents, grandparents, aunts or uncles, siblings and their children if applicable. 

Personal History

5 points

Place of birth:

As a child: (family structure, parents’ occupations, relationship with parents, siblings, friends, abuse)

As a teen: (friends, relationships, school, activities, sex, trouble, relationship with parents)

As an adult: (work, finances, education, relationships, family, goals for future, trends in functioning)


5 points

History: Inquire about religion/spiritual beliefs, sexuality, living situation, education, employment.

history of incarceration, current support systems, hobbies, activities of interest, talents


5 points

No formal education

 Elementary school completed.

Some high school-did not graduate.

High school graduate

College graduate


5 points



on Disability


5 points

History: Inquire about mother’s pregnancy and delivery, childhood with attainment of milestones, any learning disabilities or academic problems. 

Psychiatric Review of Systems:

5 points

Has patient ever experienced depression, anxiety, mania, ADHD, OCD, eating disorder, psychosis, trauma, personality disorder ?

Medical Review of Systems: especially history of seizure or head trauma  


Mental Status Examination:

5 Points





Affect (observed)

Thought process (observed)

Thought content (inquired)

 Cognition (inquired – include memory/ recall)

 Insight/Judgment (Some areas are observed, and some are inquired – describe all areas observed in Case Formulation)



Do full MMSE if memory concerns or over age 65 (score 1-30)


Impression formulation

5 Points

e.g. The patient is a 36-year-old Caucasian male with a long history of depression and attention deficits. Hyperactivity criteria are essentially absent. Although medications have been somewhat efficacious, he has residual symptoms that are quite troublesome


10 Points


Medical diagnoses

Differential diagnoses: (generally is the medical causes of the symptoms, such as hypothyroidism or brain tumor, for example)

Rule out diagnoses: (generally refers to DSM 5 diagnoses that you suspect and will continue to evaluate for; e.g. if someone has MDD, then one R/O is Bipolar II Disorder, Most Recent Episode Depressed)

DSM-5 criteria: (what criteria are met, what criteria are not met at this time; how arrived at decision re the diagnosis)



10 Points

Labs/ Diagnostic Tests/ Screening Tools


Dosage & directions

Why this med?

Neurochemistry & MOA

Side effects

Expected benefits


Black Box Warnings

Therapy prescription

Type(s), duration, etc

Why this therapy?

Expected benefits

Therapy goals

Teaching plan

Safety plan

Diet and exercise


Stress management/set goals/ homework

Health promotion

Relationship issues

Resources (bibliotherapy, websites, etc)Teach about meds, side effects, caution


Referrals and consultations

PCP for physical exam or other follow up for symptoms

Psychoneurological assessment (eg. child with learning disorder)

Outpatient substance abuse treatment, etc

Inpatient hospitalization

Follow up

Time frame for next appointment based on assessment, safety


SOAP Note: 48-year-old Hispanic Female with Depression with Psychotic Features Roxana Orta

Florida Atlantic University


SOAP Note: 48-year-old Hispanic Female with Depression with Psychotic Features


MM is a 48-year-old, divorced, a Hispanic female who was brought to the clinic by her son after been discharge two days ago from a crisis unit after an episode of psychosis.


“Feeling that the FBI is following me, and my parents want to poison me."


Patient reports that her 67-year-old mother was born in Cuba, she emigrated to the United States a year ago with her father. Her mother completed high school, and is not currently working; she does not speak English and relies solely on the patient's income for support. Mother does have a history of hypertension and rheumatoid arthritis, also reports a history of depression, which the patient's called "un Estado de nervios." Patient's 69-year-old father completed high school and worked as a mechanic in his native country, and he is not currently working because he is waiting for his work permit. He has a medical history of hypertension, obesity, and benign prostate hypertrophy. Patient's father does not have an account of substance or mental health problems. However, he smokes a pack of cigarettes daily. A patient has one sibling, a younger sister who was still living in Cuba; her sister is healthy and has no history of substance abuse or mental health problems. The patient also reports that in her mother side, two of her aunts suffered from postpartum depression, as well as one of her cousins. She also states that two of her uncles were alcoholic. In her father side, the patient reports a history of substance abuse by two of her paternal uncles.



Patient reports having no birth issues, she was born a standard delivery, full term, and with no complications. The patient also reports completing all the milestones, doing well in school. She states that the only issues growing up were her father incarceration for ten years as a political prisoner, which was very traumatic, and she became very fearful after that. Since that time, she has never been able to speak up her mind. She states," I rather don't say anything, even when I know it is not right."


The patient does not have health insurance, and the last time she saw a physician was when she did physical for her employment. Her immunizations are up to date, and she does not have either a food or medication allergy. She has a history of endometriosis, what she states, “it resolved in her mid-thirties." She also injured her back a year ago, and she said that she received injections, but she does not know the name of the medication. She denies any other problems, except for occasional cold and sore throat. Which is treated with over the counter medications. Otherwise, she has never hospitalized, except during childbirth, which was standard delivery. Currently, the patient is taking multivitamins and sleepy time tea. She has not had a mammography or PAP smear in the last five years. Her laboratory results show microcity anemia and slightly elevated

LDL. Laboratory results on admission to her hospitalization included thyroid-stimulating

hormone, and thyroxine were all within reasonable limits. Her blood pressure and weight are within normal limits.


Patient shares a two-bedroom apartment with her mother and father. She reports been married for two years to the father of her son. Since that time, she has not had any romantic relationships or sexual relationships because her life was dedicated to her son. She has no friends currently, only some coworkers whom she frequents. Patient states, “I work from 7 AM to 11 PM, I have to support my family, I have no time for friends”, She denies having any hobbies or interest. She enjoys watching Spanish television. She does not smoke, drinks alcohol, or consume any illegal substances. Patient denies any history of legal problems. Patient only son is a 19-year-old college student who accompanies the patient to this evaluation. She reports having a great relationship with her son and that his living to school has been very hard on her.


The patient is a high school graduated, with no history of military service, and has a nursing assistant certificate. She has two jobs, and she states," the situations are very demanding, I have two expend most of the time bathing patients and feeding them.” I have been working steadily for the past two years without a vacation or a weekend off”. Patient reports that due to her recent hospitalization, she has reduced her work hours to 40 hours a week.


Patient denies any history of outpatient or psychiatric hospitalization before the admission described above. She was discharged two days ago from the crisis unit. She was started in Risperdal 2 mg. At bedtime, Trazodone 100 mg PO HS, and citalopram 20 mg. In the AM. Patient reports having an episode of depression right after the birth of her son, she denies having any treatment or follows up for the incident. She states” after giving birth to my son, I felt sad,

tired and had weird thoughts, for months I did not feel any happiness, it lasted about two years, then it went away." No history of suicidal or assaultive behavior.


Patient reports feeling nervous since her son left for college back six months ago. In the last three months, her sleep deteriorates to the point that she was only sleeping for two or three hours at night.Two weeks ago, after working in the night shift, she thought that people were following her, she saw lights everywhere and became very frightened. She also reports at that time starting hearing voices telling her that the FBI was after her. The patient also has lost about 10 pounds, because she believed that her parents want to poison her. She states," I was so scared that I decided to drive my car against a tree." Patient reports that the symptoms were so frightening that she stopped her car in the middle of the road and asked a policeman for help. Son says that his mother has been experiencing lack of sleep and mood swings since moving to the United States about five years ago. Son reports his mother works all the time, and that at times she becomes irritable and distant. PHQ-9 was administered, and her score was 25, which indicates "severe depression.”


a) Anxiety: Anxious, worried, feeling restless, and experiencing muscle tension.

b) Mania: Patient denies periods of increased energy. However, she reports feeling irritable

most of the time.

c) Depression: Reports feeling of sadness and loneliness, unable to concentrate, with lack of

appetitive, sleepless, and with no motivation of joy about anything, she states feeling guilty

about getting sick, she is worried about her parents and son, no pleasure in activities, having

problems with sleep and having issues with eating. Trouble is concentrating most of the days

and having suicidal thoughts. She reports feeling hopeless.

d) Schizophrenia: patient reports hearing command hallucinations. She denies visual

hallucinations but reports that the voices started recently.

e) Panic attacks: No panic attacks reported.

f) PTSD: Patient denies flashbacks, recurrent dreams, or repetitive thoughts about her father,

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