16 Mar Pick a topic or concepts from required readings to reflect upon (e.g., what and why something interested you; what did you find the most interesting or practical that
Module 4 through 7 has an associated group discussion that should focus on discussing the course content for that Module. Each discussion will span the two-weeks of the Module. Each student is required to make an initial post during the first week of the Module (i.e., the first Wednesday through Tuesday of the Module) and then respond to at least two (2) peer students' initial posts during the second week of the Module (i.e., the second Wednesday through Tuesday of the Module). Initial posts should aim to be 200-400 words and while there is no range for peer response posts these should be substantive and include more thought than “I agree with your point” or "I said something similar in my post".
Use your own creativity in approaching the initial and response posts. Types of observations and reflections in the posts could include the following (but aren’t limited to this):
- Pick a topic or concepts from required readings to reflect upon (e.g., what and why something interested you; what did you find the most interesting or practical that helped you gain new insight or skill).
- Critique readings by adding something you can justify, showing how an author missed a point.
- Validate something from the readings based on your own experience or other reading.
- Include a discussion question for the group based on readings. DO NOT pose generic questions such as “What was your favorite part of the reading?” or similar questions.
- Relate readings to contemporary events or news and post a link.
Modes of Network Governance: Structure, Management, and Effectiveness
Keith G. Provan University of Arizona
Patrick Kenis Tilburg University
This article examines the governance of organizational networks and the impact of
governance on network effectiveness. Three basic models, or forms, of network governance
are developed focusing on their distinct structural properties. Propositions are formulated
examining conditions for the effectiveness of each form. The tensions inherent in each
form are then discussed, followed by the role that management may play in addressing
these tensions. Finally, the evolution of governance is explored.
Networks have been widely recognized by both scholars and practitioners as an important
form of multi-organizational governance. The advantages of network coordination in both
public and private sectors are considerable, including enhanced learning, more efficient use
of resources, increased capacity to plan for and address complex problems, greater com-
petitiveness, and better services for clients and customers (see Alter and Hage 1993;
Brass et al. 2004; Huxham and Vangen 2005). However, despite much progress made
by researchers studying networks of organizations over the past 15 years and more, there is
still a considerable discrepancy between the acclamation and attention networks receive
and the knowledge we have about the overall functioning of networks. By network func-
tioning, we refer to the process by which certain network conditions lead to various
network-level outcomes. Understanding the functioning of networks is important since
only then can we better understand why networks produce certain outcomes, irrespective of
whether networks result from bottom-up processes or are the product of strategic decisions
made by network participants or government officials.
This article addresses these issues by focusing on the critical role of network gover-
nance and its impact on network effectiveness. We recognize that the study of effective-
ness has been problematic at both organizational (Goodman and Pennings 1977) and
network (Provan and Milward 2001) levels, especially regarding the key question, ‘‘effec-
tiveness for whom?’’. Yet despite problems regarding conceptualization and measurement,
An earlier version of this article was presented at the Public Management Research Association meeting,
September 29 to October 1, 2005, at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California. Address
correspondence to the author at [email protected]
doi:10.1093/jopart/mum015 Advance Access publication on August 2, 2007
ª The Author 2007. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Inc. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: [email protected]
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effectiveness is a critical concept, for both researchers and practitioners, that cannot simply
be ignored. Network effectiveness is defined here as the attainment of positive network-
level outcomes that could not normally be achieved by individual organizational partic-
ipants acting independently. Although individual organizational participants may, and
probably should benefit as well, effectiveness is viewed here at the network level. The
specific type of network-level outcome considered is not, however, defined by us but
depends on the particular constituency assessing the functioning of the network (see
Provan and Milward 2001). This implies that we do not consider a certain outcome a priori
as the correct one because each presents a potentially valid point of view. Such outcomes
might include strengthened community capacity to solve public problems like crime, home-
lessness, or health care; improved integration of critical services to vulnerable populations;
regional economic development; and responsiveness to natural or made-made disasters.
Although networks have been studied from a variety of perspectives, surprisingly
little attention has been paid to the governance of whole organizational networks. This
broader focus is what Powell et al. (2005, 1133) recently referred to as ‘‘illuminating the
structure of collective action.’’ In part, the reason for adopting a more narrow perspective
may simply be that organizational scholars are used to studying organizations, not multi-
organizational arrangements (Salancik 1995). In addition, developing a deep understand-
ing of network governance requires collection of data on multiple networks, which can be
time consuming and costly. Although there is a growing literature on networks as a unit of
analysis, the majority of this work has been descriptive (cf. Agranoff and McGuire 2003;
Goldsmith and Eggers 2004; Huxham and Vangen 2005; van Bueren, Klijn, and Koppenjan
2003). Finally, there seems to be some reluctance among many who study networks to
discuss formal mechanisms of control. A common assumption is that since networks are
collaborative arrangements, governance, which implies hierarchy and control, is inappro-
priate (Kenis and Provan 2006).
Governance is a topic that has long been studied by organizational scholars (cf. Mizruchi
1983; Westphal and Zajac 1995). Traditionally, governance in business firms has focused
on the role of boards of directors in representing and protecting the interests of share-
holders (Fama and Jensen 1983). Governance has also been studied in the nonprofit
context, although the focus here has generally been on the role of boards of trustees, as
representing and protecting the interests of community members or other politically im-
portant constituencies (Provan 1980). In public management, governance refers not to the
activities of boards, but mainly, to the funding and oversight roles of government agencies,
especially regarding the activities of private organizations that have been contracted to
provide public services (Hill and Lynn 2005). A critical role for governance in all these
sectors, and consistent with principal-agent theory, is to monitor and control the behavior
of management, who are hired to preside over the day-to-day activities of running the
organization (Eisenhardt 1989; Fama and Jensen 1983). Although there is much recent
evidence that boards do not necessarily take their responsibilities seriously enough (i.e.,
Enron Corporation), board members do have a legal obligation to perform their duties and
are liable if the organization they represent engages in illegal or irresponsible behavior.
With some exceptions (cf. Goldsmith and Eggers 2004; Imperial 2005; Jones,
Hesterly, and Borgatti 1997; Moynihan 2005; Park 1996), most literature on organizational
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networks does not explicitly address governance. The most obvious reason is that networks
are comprised of autonomous organizations and, thus, are essentially cooperative endeav-
ors. Since networks are not legal entities (we do not consider joint ventures and equity-
based alliances to be true networks), the legal imperative for governance is simply not
present as it is for organizations. For goal-directed organizational networks with a distinct
identity, however, some form of governance is necessary to ensure that participants engage
in collective and mutually supportive action, that conflict is addressed, and that network
resources are acquired and utilized efficiently and effectively. Although all networks
comprise a range of interactions among participants, a focus on governance involves the
use of institutions and structures of authority and collaboration to allocate resources and
to coordinate and control joint action across the network as a whole. These interactions
are distinct from operational links, which are often dyad based including referrals, sharing
of information, and joint programs. Even when mechanisms for governance have been
discussed in the literature, they are generally discussed in terms of specific activities
performed for a particular network, rather than in a comparative way. As a result, there
has been no theory on the various forms of governance that exist, the rationale for adopting
one form versus another, and the impact of each form on network outcomes. This is our
We define the term ‘‘network’’ narrowly. Our focus is on groups of three or more
legally autonomous organizations that work together to achieve not only their own goals
but also a collective goal. Such networks may be self-initiated, by network members
themselves, or may be mandated or contracted, as is often the case in the public sector.
When defined in this way, as multilateral collectivities, networks can become extremely
complex entities that require explanations that go well beyond the dyadic approaches that
have been traditionally discussed in the organization theory and strategic management
literatures. Our definition focuses on what Kilduff and Tsai (2003) refer to as ‘‘goal-
directed,’’ as opposed to ‘‘serendipitous’’ networks. Although goal-directed networks occur
less frequently, they have become extremely important as formal mechanisms for achiev-
ing multi-organizational outcomes, especially in the public and nonprofit sectors where
collective action is often required for problem solving (cf. Agranoff and McGuire 2003;
Imperial 2005; Lemieux-Charles et al. 2005; Provan, Isett, and Milward 2004; Provan and
Milward 1995). Especially in the European literature, which is less based on an individ-
ualistic fiction (Coleman 1990, 300–05), a substantial number of cases of goal-directed
networks have been empirically described (Acevedo and Common 2006; Daguerre 2000;
Entwistle et al. 2007; Sydow 2004; Teisman and Klijn 2002). Serendipitous interactions, of
course, occur within goal-directed networks, resulting in coevolutionary trajectories that
may prove advantageous or detrimental to network outcomes. However, unlike serendip-
itous networks, which develop opportunistically, goal-directed networks are set up with
a specific purpose, either by those who participate in the network or through mandate, and
evolve largely through conscious efforts to build coordination.
Addressing complex issues that demand multilateral coordination, as is often the case
in the public and nonprofit sectors (to deal with major disasters, increase economic activity
in the region, address critical and complex health or human service needs, etc.), requires
more than just achieving the goals of individual organizations (O’Toole 1997). It requires
collective action and the governance of these activities. Although network governance may
not be a legal issue, as with organizational governance, we argue that it is critical for
effectiveness. Unlike organizations, networks must be governed without benefit of hierarchy
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or ownership. In addition, network participants typically have limited formal accountabil-
ity to network-level goals and conformity to rules and procedures is purely voluntary.
Most research on organizational networks can be broadly characterized by two basic
approaches: the ‘‘network analytical’’ approach and the ‘‘network as a form of governance’’
approach, both of which are limited when it comes to analyzing network-level functioning
and governance. Network analytical approaches focus mainly on micro-level, egocentric
aspects of networks, building largely on work done by sociologists studying networks of
individuals. This perspective has had a long history (Moreno 1934). Scholars have con-
tributed especially to the description and explanation of network structural characteristics
using such concepts as density, centrality, and structural holes (Burt 1992; Wasserman and
Faust 1994). The units of observation are a set of objects called nodes, positions, or actors,
and a set of present or absent relations among these objects referred to as edges, ties, or
links (Knoke 1990). In network analytical approaches, the main objective can be either to
describe, explain, or compare relational configurations or to use these configurations to
explain certain outcomes.
The functioning of organizational networks can be partially addressed using this
approach, since we defined functioning as the process by which certain network conditions
lead to network outcomes. The problem, however, is that for the most part, what gets
analyzed and explained is not the network itself, but the ‘‘nodes’’ and ‘‘relations’’ that
comprise the network (cf. Graddy and Chen 2006; O’Toole and Meier 2006). Apart from
some notable exceptions (e.g., Owen-Smith and Powell 2004; Powell et al. 2005; Provan
and Milward 1995; van Raaij 2006), the unit of analysis (i.e., the phenomenon to be
investigated) in this literature is not the complete network but a node (ego) or a dyad. In
these studies, findings are related to questions of whether or not the way an actor is
embedded in a network has an effect on the outcomes of the actor (such as level of inno-
vation, performance, and learning) (Ahuja 2000) or on describing and explaining the birth,
death, effectiveness, etc. of dyadic relationships (cf. Larson 1992; Ring and Van de Ven
1994; Uzzi 1997). Consequently, this literature tells us little about the functioning of
networks, because networks are seldom treated as the unit of analysis.
The network as a form of governance approach, in contrast, does treat networks as the
unit of analysis. Network is viewed as a mechanism of coordination, or what has often been
referred to as network governance. Starting with Williamson’s (1975) Markets and Hier-
archies, a rich literature has developed on different forms of governance over the last two
decades. As seen from an economic perspective, this literature challenged the conventional
wisdom that the market is the only efficient system of nonhierarchical coordination. From
an organization and administrative science perspective, the most innovative aspect of this
literature is that it made clear that organizations cannot be taken as something for granted
(see Perrow 1986) and that other forms of coordination, such as networks, can equally
achieve goals. Consequently, a discussion unfolded as to whether networks are simply
a combination of elements of market and hierarchy, and could, therefore, be placed on
a continuum between market and hierarchy, or whether they would be better understood as
unique forms of governance in their own right (see Powell 1990). This literature moved
toward treating networks as discrete forms of governance, characterizing them as having
unique structural characteristics, modes of conflict resolution, bases of legitimacy, etc.
(cf. Jones et al. 1998; Raab 2004).
Although the governance approach considers networks as the unit of analysis, the
tradition has been for networks to be treated as undifferentiated forms, as if they all could
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be characterized in the same general way (e.g., Jones, Hesterly, and Borgatti 1997; Powell
1990). This may be due to the fact that for the most part, networks were seen as a ‘‘new’’
and ‘‘positive’’ mode of coordination that needed to be distinguished from markets and
hierarchies. A functionalist argument dominated, claiming that networks are a response to
failures of markets, failures of hierarchical coordination, and to societal and technological
developments. The implication was, and continues to be, that despite problems, networks
in general can produce positive outcomes that would not be possible in a market or
a hierarchy.
What we propose here is to combine the network analytical and ‘‘governance’’ per-
spectives. The governance perspective is valuable in that the network itself is considered to
be the unit of analysis. Networks are forms of social organization, which are more than the
sum of the actors and their links and which deserve to be studied in their own right
(O’Toole 1997). The network analytical perspective contributes another central idea to
our work—that networks are a set of actors or nodes, with relationships between these
nodes as being either present or absent. Thus, networks are considered to vary with regard
to their structural patterns of relations.
Consistent with this logic, we view network as a variable, examining different net-
work governance configurations and the conditions for the effectiveness of each form.
Only by demonstrating that networks with different configurations have different network-
level effects can a rationale for developing network-level theories be established. To build
our case, we formulate a number of propositions about the relationship between the
configuration of network governance and network effects. We also argue that the role of
management is critical for effective network governance, especially regarding the handling
of tensions inherent in each governance form. Essentially, our focus is not on networks as
a means of governance, but on the governance and management of networks themselves.
The article proceeds as follows. First, three basic forms of network governance are
identified. Second, we focus on development of four contingency conditions that are likely
to affect the successful adoption of each governance form. Specific propositions are de-
veloped. Although many factors can contribute to network effectiveness, our arguments are
built around the assumption that there is a rationale for utilizing one form over another and
that there are consequences for selection of each form of governance. Network managers
must recognize these consequences and address them appropriately if positive network
outcomes are to be realized.
Next, we focus on three tensions that result from choice of network governance form.
We outline these tensions and discuss which specific tensions are likely to be most prev-
alent for each of the three forms. Finally, we discuss the evolution of network governance.
If the effectiveness of a form is tied strongly to a set of critical contingencies, then what
happens when these contingencies change? We explore the pattern of change from one
form to another.
Based on a review of the literature on whole networks (rather than dyad-based network
relationships; cf. Provan, Fish, and Sydow 2007), coupled with our own extensive obser-
vations, network governance forms can be categorized along two different dimensions.
First, network governance may or may not be brokered. At one extreme, networks may be
governed completely by the organizations that comprise the network. Every organization
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would interact with every other organization to govern the network, resulting in a dense
and highly decentralized form. This is what we call shared governance. At the other
extreme, the network may be highly brokered, with few direct organization-to-organization
interactions, except regarding operational issues such as the transfer of business, clients,
information on services, and the like. Instead, network governance would occur by and
through a single organization, acting as a highly centralized network broker, or lead
organization, regarding issues that are critical for overall network maintenance and sur-
vival. At the mid-range, a single organization might take on some key governance activ-
ities while leaving others to network members. Alternatively, network members may
divide governance responsibilities among various subsets, or cliques of network members,
with no single organization taking on significant governance tasks.
A second distinction regarding governance can be made in brokered networks by
focusing on whether the network is participant governed or externally governed. As
discussed below, participant-governed networks are, at one extreme, governed either
collectively by the members themselves (i.e., shared), or at the other extreme, by a single
network participant that takes on the role of a lead organization. Externally governed
networks are governed by a unique network administrative organization (NAO), as dis-
cussed below, which may be either voluntarily established by network members or man-
dated as part of the network formation process. Each of these forms has certain key
structural characteristics, which we identify below. Each form is utilized in practice for
a variety of reasons, and no one model is universally superior or effective. Rather, each
form has its own particular strengths and weaknesses, leading to outcomes that are likely to
depend on the form chosen.
Participant-Governed Networks
The simplest and most common form is participant governance. This form is governed by
the network members themselves with no separate and unique governance entity. Gover-
nance in this form can be accomplished either formally; for instance, through regular
meetings of designated organizational representatives, or more informally, through the
ongoing but typically uncoordinated efforts of those who have a stake in network success.
At one extreme, participant-governed networks can be highly decentralized, involving
most or all network members interacting on a relatively equal basis in the process of
governance. This is what we refer to as shared participant governance. At the other
extreme, the network may be highly centralized, governed by and through a lead organi-
zation that is a network member.
Shared participant-governed networks depend exclusively on the involvement and
commitment of all, or a significant subset of the organizations that comprise the network.
Network participants are themselves responsible for managing internal network relation-
ships and operations as well as external relations with such groups as funders, government,
and customers. In health and human services, shared-governance networks are common, in
part because networks are often considered to be an important way of building ‘‘commu-
nity capacity’’ (Chaskin et al. 2001). Only by having all network members participate, on
an equal basis, will participants be committed to the goals of the network. In business,
shared governance may be used in smaller, multi-firm strategic alliances and partnerships
(where multi-firm ownership is not involved) designed to develop new products or
to attract new business in ways that could not be otherwise accomplished through the
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independent efforts of network members (Venkatraman and Lee 2004). The form has also
been used in multilateral relations among investment banking firms and venture capitalists
working to assemble a financial package for a project or business (Eccles and Crane 1988).
When network governance is shared, it is the collectivity of partners themselves that
make all the decisions and manage network activities. Power in the network, at least
regarding network-level decisions, is more or less symmetrical, even though there may
be differences in organizational size, resource capabilities, and performance. There is no
distinct, formal administrative entity, although some administrative and coordination ac-
tivities may be performed by a subset of the full
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