Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Using the same organization that you selected in Week 1 'Amazon Inc',? propose a change that your organization could implement that would aid it strategically. The proposed | Wridemy

Using the same organization that you selected in Week 1 ‘Amazon Inc’,? propose a change that your organization could implement that would aid it strategically. The proposed


Change Management

Using the same organization that you selected in Week 1 "Amazon Inc", 

propose a change that your organization could implement that would aid it strategically. The proposed change might relate to some area of need, performance deficiency, or other opportunity that you observe in the organization. Note: You will be proposing a change initiative related to motivation in next week’s assignment. Accordingly, focus your change project for this week’s paper in a direction other than motivation.  i included week 1 assignment of amazon

Write a paper addressing the following:

  • Describe the change that you propose and defend its benefits to the organization.
  • Evaluate how the proposed change may affect various groups of employees.
  • Assess the conflicts that might occur before, during, and after the change, including why you anticipate these conflicts.
  • Defend at least three best practices to prevent or resolve those conflicts.
  • Justify the channels of communication the organization should use in implementing this change

Amazon Inc


Organizational success is heavily reliant on employee motivation. One of the biggest online merchandisers in the world, Amazon Inc., is no exception. In order to guarantee positive results, it's pivotal for associations to comprehend the value of job motivation and the colorful factors that affect it. This essay will concentrate on, certain factors that affect job motivation, and some negative consequences of poor job motivation.

Organization Summary, Inc. is an American transnational technology company situated in Seattle, Washington. It's one of the world’s largest online retailers and is the largest Internet company by profit margin. Amazon is an e-commerce platform that offers a wide range of productions and services, involving books, electronics, vesture, cabinetwork, food, toys, and jewelry. In extension, Amazon offers services similar as Amazon Prime, Amazon trap Services( AWS), Amazon Music, and Amazon Video( Deng, 2020). Amazon also has a presence in other nations, involving the United Kingdom, Canada, China, France, and Germany.

Factors Affecting Job Motivation

Job motivation is an important procurator in the success of any association. It's the internal drive of a worker to achieve a task or set of tasks to the stylish of their capability as a result of their own internal motivation (Teece, 2020). Job motivation is told by a number of procurators, both internal and foreign. The internal procurators that impact job motivation are those related to the individual hand. These carry procurators similar as job satisfaction, pay envelope, recognition, and creation openings. Job satisfaction is a measure of how an employee feels about his or her job. It's 3

frequently linked to the position of recognition and estimation workers admit from their administrators and associates.

Renumeration is another procurator that can impact job motivation. Higher salaries can conduct to improve job satisfaction, which can in turn conduct to swelled job motivation. Workers who feel supported in their work and who are given chances to advance in their careers are more likely to be motivated to do their stylish. External components that impact job motivation comprises of those related to the firm and its surroundings. These factors are similar as the firm’s culture, the quality of leadership, and the work environment ( Kee & Huang, 2012). The organizational culture refers to the participated valuations, beliefs, and practices that are present-day in the association. It is important that the association’s culture is probative of workers and encourages them to do their work in what they believe is best. The quality of leadership is another important factor. Leaders who are inspiring can support and motivate workers to do their stylish. Eventually, the work environment is another key aspect. Workers who feel safe and comfortable in their work terrain are more likely to be motivated to do their duties.

Consequences of Low Job Motivation

Low job motivation can have a number of mischievous consequences on both workers and employers. Workers may witness a drop in job satisfaction lesser productivity and engagement, and advanced rate of job turnover. As demonstrated in the research conducted by Liu et al.(2017) and Lu et al.( 2017), external factors have a higher influence on job motivation than internal factors. However, similar as a lack of autonomy and prices, job motivation may be farther dropped, if these external factors are unfriendly. This can lead into a to a drop in productivity and an increase in absenteeism, as workers are less likely to be motivated to come to work. When workers are not 4

motivated, they are also more likely to be out or to leave the job mostly, leading to higher level of turnover rate.

Low motivation also affects employers in tours of dropped job interpretation and advanced charges associated with recruiting and training new workers. In extension, employers can suffer from dropped morale and a poorer public image employee are leaving the institution at a higher rate, since it can signify that something is wrong within the firm. Overall, low job motivation can have significant consequences for both workers and employers likewise. Thus, it is important for firms to take measures to ameliorate motivation, rewards, offering employees more opportunities to stay active in their duties.


In conclusion, Amazon must fete the significance of job motivation and the colorful internal and external factors that impact it. Job satisfaction, renumeration, recognition, and creation opportunities are each important internal factors, while the association’s culture, the quality of leadership, and the work terrain are each important external procurators. Low job motivation can have a number of inhospitable consequences for both the individual workers and the firm. It is thus important for firms to ensure that their workers are motivated to do their stylish. 5


Deng, H. (2020). Inc Analysis. Investopedia.

Kee, W. J., & Huang, S. (2012). Effects of external factors on job motivation. International Journal of Business & Social Science, 3(16), 199-209. doi:10.1177/227811441200301608

Liu, Y., Li, H., Li, Y., Li, S., & Li, P. (2017). The influence of internal and external factors on job motivation: A study of Chinese civil servants. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(2), 334-354.

Lu, Y., Xu, X., Li, G., & Zhai, H. (2017). The impact of external factors on job motivation: An empirical study based on Chinese public sector employees. Employee Relations, 39(4), 739-753.

Teece, D. J. (2020). Motivation, organization and economic behavior. Routledge.


Change Trends.html

Change Trends

Everywhere one looks, change is occurring. Seasons are changing. Everybody you know is aging. Buildings are being constructed; buildings are being torn down. Life is nearly synonymous with constant change. The same point is true in organizations. Even in the most established companies, pressures for change require constant adaptations. Change is pervasive. According to Colteryahn and Davis (2004), there are eight change trends that every organizational leader ought to know:

  1. Uncertain economic conditions are the rule rather than the exception
  2. Lines between life and work are blurred with telecommuting possibilities and the expectation to be available 24/7
  3. Globalization is increasing
  4. Diversity in the workplace is increasing with increase in the number of minorities and an aging workforce
  5. Rate of change is increasing and appears to be doubling every 10 years
  6. Heightened security concerns exist around the globe
  7. Technological advances appear to occur almost every day, affecting when and where, and how work is done
  8. Widely publicized ethical dilemmas and failures are affecting employee loyalty and trust (e.g., WorldCom, Enron, Bernie Madoff, collapse of the banking industry, etc.)


Colteryahn, K., & Davis, P. (2004).Eight Trends you need to know.            Training and Development, 50(1), 28-36.

The drivers of organizational change refer to the factors that create a need for change or propel change. These drivers are sometimes referred to as triggers that result in a sequence of change—one change triggering the next. These drivers tend to be more prominent in radical change than incremental change.

The seven key drivers of change are:

  • Environmental forces: Factors external to an organization, such as social, economic, political and governmental, technological, and demographic forces, that affect its business, growth, and profits.
  • Marketplace requirements: The total requirements needed to meet customer demands.
  • Business imperatives: The strategic "must do's" for an organization to be successful in the marketplace.
  • Organizational imperatives: The required changes in structure, systems, processes, technology, and resources undertaken within an organization in order for it to meet marketplace requirements.
  • Cultural imperatives: Change drivers that reflect the collective behavior in an organization.
  • Leader and employee behavior: Change in employee and leader behavior is in itself a change driver.

Leader and employee mindset: Change in the mindset of the employee and leader that affects how the organization functions.

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Change Management

Given the pervasive nature of change, a primary concern of every leader is to plan, manage, and sustain positive change. According to several different studies and sources, the failure rate of change initiatives is between 60% and 90%. Although many reasons for such a high failure rate might exist, often, change endeavors do not fully consider the impact of change on human needs and behaviors. Organizational members might not accept the need for change, believe in its benefits, or be motivated to embrace it. Leaders may not successfully connect change initiatives to the overall organizational vision and values, or employees may not be aligned with the new organizational vision. In essence, if the impact of change on human behavior is not adequately addressed, change will likely fail.


Ivancevich, Konopaske, and Matteson (2010), suggested that behavior and job performance result from the combination of capacity, willingness (motivation), and opportunity.

  • Willingness to Perform: the degree to which an individual both desires and is willing to exert effort toward attaining job performance (i.e., motivation)
  • Capacity to Perform: the degree to which an individual possesses the task-relevant skills, abilities, knowledge, and experiences
  • Opportunity to Perform: can be both positive in terms of chance, but negative in terms of difficulties opposing (e.g., equipment breakdown)

To effectively lead change, leaders must positively influence the willingness, capacity, and opportunity factors.



Ivancevich, J. M., Konopaske, R., & Matteson, M. T. (2010). Organizational behavior and management (9th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Although the presence of motivation, along with capacity and opportunity, does not guarantee high performance levels or success of a change initiative, it is likely that high performance and change acceptance cannot occur without motivation. According to Ivancevich, Konopaske, and Matteson (2010), motivation includes three components:

  • Direction is what an individual chooses to do when presented with a number of possible alternatives. Will he or she be motivated to choose an alternative consistent with that desired by management?
  • Intensity is the strength of the response once the choice (direction) is made. Intensity is synonymous with effort.
  • Persistence is the staying power of behavior or how long a person will continue to devote effort.

A key component for successful change management and organizational leadership is to understand by what (content) and how (process) humans are motivated and how to align them to the organizational vision and values. In other words, leaders must create an environment wherein employee motivation and behaviors are channeled in the right direction with the necessary levels of intensity and persistence.


Ivancevich, J. M., Konopaske, R., & Matteson, M. T. (2010). Organizational behavior and management (9th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Additional Materials

View the PDF transcript for Managing Conflict 

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Managing Conflict Five Types © 2016 South University Conflict

Not only is change a constant in organizations, conflict is going to occur too. Functional conflict can be a positive thing for an organization because it may spur creativity and innovation. However, nonfunctional conflict can be detrimental to an organization. The difference between functional and nonfunctional conflict may be as simple as how leadership handles the conflict. If management sees conflict as a way of improving the organization, the culture of the company will accept that conflict can be good as long as it is handled productively. When conflict is ignored, smoothed over, or forced upon those involved, real problems can arise.

There are at least five strategies for managing conflict, and each is appropriate when used correctly.

• Avoidance: Avoiding a conflict means that the parties involved do not handle the conflict when it arises. This is an appropriate strategy when emotions are too high to make reasonable decisions or when further research should be done on the alternatives first. If a conflict is initially avoided, it is important for both parties to engage in conflict resolution as soon as reasonable.

• Smoothing: A person chooses a smoothing strategy when he or she gives in to the other party's wishes. This lose-win strategy is appropriate when the topic of the conflict has very little importance to the person who yields.

• Forcing: A person in authority may force the other party to give in when an immediate result is necessary. This win-lose strategy means the stronger party will get what it wants, but the downside is that it may lose a relationship. People generally do not like to be forced to do anything.

• Compromising: Compromising is appropriate when a middle ground can be found between the two parties and both parties in the conflict are willing to give up some of what they want in order to get some of what they want. A compromised result does not have to be a 50–50 split. In fact, one party may get as much as 99% of what it wants if the other party is willing to accept 1%. This strategy is appropriate when both parties are willing to participate in a give and take and there is some time to negotiate the compromise.

• Collaboration: Collaboration occurs when the conflicting parties set aside their own desires and work to find a solution that is best for both. This strategy takes the longest time, so although it is a win-win solution, it is not always appropriate because the conflict may not be important enough to take the time to find a solution, the result is not as important to one party as it is to another, or there is not enough time to devote to finding the best solution.


Influence of Communication.html

Influence of Communication

Given its pervasive presence, communication exerts a significant influence on organizational behavior. One way of thinking about this influence is to consider some communication metaphors or images of organizations.

Eisenberg and Goodall (2004) note several images that help us understand organizations and organizational behavior.

Organizations as Dialogues: Organizations can be thought of as dialogues wherein members’ self-concepts are determined in part through their interactions with others and their responses to what we say and do. In other words, what others think of us influences what we think of ourselves. Similarly, we begin to identify ourselves as our job and as our organization. These self-beliefs influence our attitudes and behaviors. From this perspective, an organization is a context in which human beings, in interactions with each other, form self-concepts that affect behaviors.

Organizations as Narratives: Organizations can be thought of as a narrative. Every organization has history (even if it is just the brief history of its formation), significant events, and significant people or heroes and villains. Organizations often have legends, myths, and well-worn stories. All of these items can be woven into a single, cohesive story that “is” the organization. Further, this story and its pieces help individuals and groups to make sense of their world. Thus, the story or organizational narrative influences human behavior.

Organizations as Networks: Organizations can be thought of as networks. A communication network is a collection of individuals linked by the ongoing patterns of their interactions. The emphasis is not on formal structure but adaptive structure based upon needs such as a need for knowledge or social contact. Although individuals might have potential links to any number of other humans, not all links are routinely utilized. We can consider the behavior of humans based on the linkages they are using at any given point in time.


Eisenberg, E. M., & Goodall Jr., H. L. (2004). Organizational communication: Balancing creativity and constraint (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martins.

Communication occurs everywhere we look in an organization, holding the organization together and propelling it forward. It is through communication that organizational members are able to work interdependently to accomplish both personal and organizational goals. It is through communication that goals, strategies, and vision are shared among organizational members.

Common Terms used in organizations reveal a communication element:

  • Command
  • Instruction
  • Vision/Values
  • Listening
  • Persuasion
  • Discipline
  • Orders
  • Purchases
  • Encouragement
  • Learning
  • Marketing
  • And ????

Additional Materials

View the PDF transcript for Effective Communication

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Effective Communication Models © 2016 South University Simple Model One way of thinking about the pervasive presence of communication in organizations is to consider communication models. A simple communication model helps us to "see" what takes place during a communication event.

Another way of thinking about the pervasive presence of communication in organizations is to consider communication models. A simple communication model helps us to “see” what takes place during a communication event:

To the simple model, we could add feedback arrows and emphasize shared fields of experience (similar backgrounds, language, understanding, etc.) as aids to effective communication. Understanding a basic communication model can help us to examine what occurs in a communication event and help us to diagnose where communication might be breaking down.


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MBA5001 Unit 2 Project Rubric Course: MBA5001-Organization Behavior & Communication SU01

Criteria Unsatisfactory 0 points

Below Expectations 6 points

Emerging 7 points

Meets Expectations 8 points

Exceeds Expectations 10 points

Criterion Score



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Criteria Unsatisfactory 0 points

Below Expectations 6 points

Emerging 7 points

Meets Expectations 8 points

Exceeds Expectations 10 points

Criterion Score


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Criteria Unsatisfactory 0 points

Below Expectations 6 points

Emerging 7 points

Meets Expectations 8 points

Exceeds Expectations 10 points

Criterion Score








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