21 Apr Assume you are the manager of the department where you currently work. If you are not currently working, use a past situation or a hypothetical situation; be sure to describe it. S
Assume you are the manager of the department where you currently work. If you are not currently working, use a past situation or a hypothetical situation; be sure to describe it. Select two leadership theories that you believe will be most useful in managing your staff. Select different theories or different combinations of theories than your classmates select. Respond to the following:
- Assess why you think these theories will be most practical or helpful.
- Evaluate how the two theories might interact with one another.
- Analyze whether you anticipate needing different leadership methods (based on your two selected theories) according to the ages, races, national origins, cultures, genders, educational backgrounds, or job types of your subordinates. Provide necessary illustrations and citations to justify your conclusions.
- Justify three best practices that emerge from your selected leadership theories (three best practices total. You do not need three best practices for each theory).
The final paragraph (three or four sentences) of your initial post should summarize the one or two key points that you are making in your initial response.
Your posting should be the equivalent of 1- to 2-single-spaced pages (500–1000 words) in length.
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Candus Washington-Tyson posted Apr 5, 2023 6:57 PM
Assuming I am a manager for Prestera Mental Health Agency with ten staff. This is a nonprofit organization. This organization is concerned with nonviolent crisis interventions for aggression and violence. These verbal or physical acts are out of frustration, anger, and anxiety (Nonviolent crisis intervention foundation, 1980). The types familiar with and usually encounter on the job are aggression and emotional. Prestera’s core values underpinned in this work of practice are respect, care, welfare, safety, and security. Behaviors you may experience or observe in a crisis situation are anxiety, defensive behavior, risk behaviors, and tension. These are followed by staff attitudes and approaches. In an anxiety crisis behavior staff is to approach with care and support. When crisis is defensive staff is to approach with by being directive. Risk developmental crisis staff is to approach with physical intervention. Further, when there is tension reduction staff is to build therapeutic rapport. Given that crisis results in a traumatic experience for all involved. Moreover, our response after a crisis is coping.
Therefore, leadership inspires others to meet a common goal. Actions of a leader inspire others to go above and beyond. Effective leadership is an ability to be a positive influence on those around you and motivate others toward success. It is about finding ways to enhance the potential of those you lead. And inspiring others to push themselves to achieve more and reach that potential. Thus, leadership is a trait, ability, and relationship (Kinicki, 2020) that helps accomplish goals. In this filed you need to be task and relationship oriented.
Two theories of leadership that would aid in my management are transformational theory or an integrated model of leadership and Fiedler’s Contingency Model. Transformational theory operates on contingent reward and punishment, yet they build trust, generate high levels of morality, and motivation (Kinicki, 2020). Integrated approach works best in mental health the behaviors and attitudes of staff impact behaviors and attitudes of those in their care. There is need for emotional intelligence in crisis. For the interest is to the growth of people and building the community.
These theories will be most practical and helpful in this situation. The leadership style is oriented in task and relationship. For management in this field meeting goals is a must. As well as continuing relationships with those involved and positive relationships with followers.
Further these two theories might interact. The integrated model is the end result, from that is influenced by task, relationship, passive, and transformational. Whereas, Fiedler’s contingency model the leaders effectiveness is contingent on how well the style matches the situation. Thus, the content of the support and growth are important for emergence of the integration model. Thus, these theories may interact according to the degree to which the situation confronts the leader.
Further, anticipate needing different leadership methods (based on your two selected theories) according to the ages, races, national origins, cultures, genders, educational backgrounds, or job types of subordinates. I will need to use implicit leadership methods. For those that have beliefs that dominant about how leaders should behave, (Kinicki, 2020) and traits they believe they should possess, such as facial appearances. These implications cannot be avoided nor ignored. Including personality trait assessments in selecting candidates are illustration of need for this method. Leading for progress area utilized for monitoring and rewarding others, for example being paid fairly, regardless of the demographic backgrounds. A need also, to employ ethical leadership for appropriate behaviors with focus on role modeling. I will use more interactive facilitation behaviors, which encourage the sharing of minority opinions in my leadership style.
Best practices noticed that have emerged herein, are leader member relations, task structure, and position power. These aspects are important for situational control, which is important when this is the struggle in a crisis situation. Leader member relations are necessary supports, loyalty, and trust of group (Kinicki, 2020). Task structure in this field is held by the leader. Thus, positon power is performed a lot by reward and punishment herein.
In conclusion, a good leader enhances followers to meet goals and go above and beyond. There is not just one form of leadership. Ethical leadership includes acting ethically and setting a standard for other to do the same as well. In a crisis situation of mental health goals and relationships are priority. Rewards that work are contingent. These theories herein will very practical and useful. These theories will interact pending on the situation at hand. In this situation best practices that have emerged are leader member relations, task structure, and position power. Different methods must be employed to efficiently support different ages, races, national origins, cultures, genders, educational backgrounds, or job types of subordinates.
Kinicki, A. (2020). Organizational behavior: A practical, problem-solving approach (3rd ed.). McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9781260075076.
Nonviolent Crisis Intervention foundation, (1980).
Contains unread posts
Candus Washington-Tyson posted Apr 5, 2023 6:57 PM
Assuming I am a manager for Prestera Mental Health Agency with ten staff. This is a nonprofit organization. This organization is concerned with nonviolent crisis interventions for aggression and violence. These verbal or physical acts are out of frustration, anger, and anxiety (Nonviolent crisis intervention foundation, 1980). The types familiar with and usually encounter on the job are aggression and emotional. Prestera’s core values underpinned in this work of practice are respect, care, welfare, safety, and security. Behaviors you may experience or observe in a crisis situation are anxiety, defensive behavior, risk behaviors, and tension. These are followed by staff attitudes and approaches. In an anxiety crisis behavior staff is to approach with care and support. When crisis is defensive staff is to approach with by being directive. Risk developmental crisis staff is to approach with physical intervention. Further, when there is tension reduction staff is to build therapeutic rapport. Given that crisis results in a traumatic experience for all involved. Moreover, our response after a crisis is coping.
Therefore, leadership inspires others to meet a common goal. Actions of a leader inspire others to go above and beyond. Effective leadership is an ability to be a positive influence on those around you and motivate others toward success. It is about finding ways to enhance the potential of those you lead. And inspiring others to push themselves to achieve more and reach that potential. Thus, leadership is a trait, ability, and relationship (Kinicki, 2020) that helps accomplish goals. In this filed you need to be task and relationship oriented.
Two theories of leadership that would aid in my management are transformational theory or an integrated model of leadership and Fiedler’s Contingency Model. Transformational theory operates on contingent reward and punishment, yet they build trust, generate high levels of morality, and motivation (Kinicki, 2020). Integrated approach works best in mental health the behaviors and attitudes of staff impact behaviors and attitudes of those in their care. There is need for emotional intelligence in crisis. For the interest is to the growth of people and building the community.
These theories will be most practical and helpful in this situation. The leadership style is oriented in task and relationship. For management in this field meeting goals is a must. As well as continuing relationships with those involved and positive relationships with followers.
Further these two theories might interact. The integrated model is the end result, from that is influenced by task, relationship, passive, and transformational. Whereas, Fiedler’s contingency model the leaders effectiveness is contingent on how well the style matches the situation. Thus, the content of the support and growth are important for emergence of the integration model. Thus, these theories may interact according to the degree to which the situation confronts the leader.
Further, anticipate needing different leadership methods (based on your two selected theories) according to the ages, races, national origins, cultures, genders, educational backgrounds, or job types of subordinates. I will need to use implicit leadership methods. For those that have beliefs that dominant about how leaders should behave, (Kinicki, 2020) and traits they believe they should possess, such as facial appearances. These implications cannot be avoided nor ignored. Including personality trait assessments in selecting candidates are illustration of need for this method. Leading for progress area utilized for monitoring and rewarding others, for example being paid fairly, regardless of the demographic backgrounds. A need also, to employ ethical leadership for appropriate behaviors with focus on role modeling. I will use more interactive facilitation behaviors, which encourage the sharing of minority opinions in my leadership style.
Best practices noticed that have emerged herein, are leader member relations, task structure, and position power. These aspects are important for situational control, which is important when this is the struggle in a crisis situation. Leader member relations are necessary supports, loyalty, and trust of group (Kinicki, 2020). Task structure in this field is held by the leader. Thus, positon power is performed a lot by reward and punishment herein.
In conclusion, a good leader enhances followers to meet goals and go above and beyond. There is not just one form of leadership. Ethical leadership includes acting ethically and setting a standard for other to do the same as well. In a crisis situation of mental health goals and relationships are priority. Rewards that work are contingent. These theories herein will very practical and useful. These theories will interact pending on the situation at hand. In this situation best practices that have emerged are leader member relations, task structure, and position power. Different methods must be employed to efficiently support different ages, races, national origins, cultures, genders, educational backgrounds, or job types of subordinates.
Kinicki, A. (2020). Organizational behavior: A practical, problem-solving approach (3rd ed.). McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9781260075076.
Nonviolent Crisis Intervention foundation, (1980).
One of the most researched topics in organizational behavior is leadership. Leadership can be defined as "Using influence in an organizational setting or situation, producing effects that are meaningful, and having a direct impact on accomplishing challenging goals" (Ivancevich, Konopaske, & Matteson, 2014, p. 435).
Leadership is a process that is similar to management. Both involve influence. Both usually involve working with people. Both are concerned with achieving goals. However, leadership is also different than management. The primary functions of management are planning, organizing, staffing, and controlling. In other words, management seeks to achieve goals by bringing order and consistency to an organization and its processes. In contrast, leadership seeks to produce change and movement toward achieving goals, even asking if the goals are the right ones.
Ivancevich, J. M., Konopaske, R., & Matteson, M. T. (2014). Organizational behavior & management (10th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin.
Northouse (2009) noted that over 100 different definitions of leadership exist in the literature. Despite the numerous definitions, he suggested several concepts are common.
- Leadership is a trait: Individual has certain inherent qualities that influence how the leader leads.
- Leadership is an ability: Individual has the capacity to lead, through a combination of natural and acquired abilities.
- Leadership is a skill: Individual has developed a competency to accomplish a task(s) effectively.
- Leadership is a behavior: Individuals are able to do key actions toward others in various situations.
- Leadership is a relationship: Individual is able to communicate and collaborate in a mutual or reciprocal process with others. (pp.1-3)
Although various leadership theories may emphasize one or another of the listed concepts, the full answer to “what is leadership” may be “all of the above.”
Northouse, P. G. (2009). Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice. Los Angeles, CA: Sage.
Leadership Research.html
Leadership Research
Research has tried a number of approaches to determine what makes a leader. The earliest research focused on finding specific traits within individuals that made them leaders. Variables studied included intelligence, personality, physical characteristics, and supervisory abilities. Although each of these variables was shown to have some impact on employee productivity, research was not always successful in using a trait approach to predict who would be an effective leader.
The next wave of leadership research looked at the behaviors of leaders. Researchers studied leadership as a dichotomy. Either the leader was task centered, or the leader was people centered. Specific leadership behaviors included role modeling, inspiring others, challenging the status quo, and building a shared vision.
The trait and behavioral theories of leadership helped researchers to understand the dynamics of the leader and follower relationship. Unfortunately, traits and behaviors alone do not always provide good predictive power for forecasting who will be a successful leader. Theories that included an analysis of situational factors took the next step in leadership research. The situational theories propose that the leaders’ effectiveness depends upon matching the needs of the situation. Theories supporting the situational approach to leadership include:
- Fiedler’s Contingency Leadership Model
- Vroom-Jago Leadership Model
- Path-goal Leadership Model
- Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Theory
Leadership continues to be an important research topic. Current and emerging topics of leadership study include charismatic leadership, transactional and transformational leadership, coaching, servant leadership, authentic leadership, relational leadership, and multicultural leadership.
Transformational leadership continues to be a popular leadership theory. Transformational leadership contrasts with transactional leadership. Transactional leaders operate through contingent reward and punishment actions. The relationship between the leader and follower is a contract. If the follower does X, then the leader does Y. For example, if the employee puts in an hour of work, the employer will pay at a certain rate for that hour.
In contrast, transformational leaders build trust-based relationships with followers that generate higher levels of morality, motivation, and performance in both the leader and follower. Instead of merely relying on the reward and punishment processes used by a transactional leader, a transformational leader operates through inspirational motivation, role modeling, intellectual stimulation, and individual consideration.
Culture, including organizational culture, has significant influence on the attitudes and behaviors of organizational members. Culture is the basic pattern of thinking and acting that is shared by members of a group. It develops over time and includes beliefs, values, underlying assumptions, and norms.
Although often "unspoken," such cultural ways of thinking and behaving are taught to new members through socialization pressures. For example, why do you like the foods that you like? Why do you wear the clothes that you wear? Why do you drive the cars that you drive?
Almost all of our ways of thinking are heavily influenced by the cultures of which we are a part. Look around your organization. Do members dress similarly? Do they listen to the same types of music? Do they follow the same sports teams? Do they share an in-group language of terms and phrases that others might not understand? If you look closely, you will likely see lots of similarities, even within diverse organizations.
There are many places in which we can see the culture of an organization and develop insight into its influence on organizational behavior.
- Artifacts in the organization
- Symbols, mottos, and creeds
- Design of buildings
- Reward and punishment criteria
- Recruitment and promotion criteria
- Stories and legends
- Climate elements such as trust, scapegoating, conflict, morale, and resistance to change
- Things that leaders focus on
- Leader and organizational member reactions to important incidents
Organizational culture impacts much of what organizational members want, like, do, do not do, and believe to be right or wrong behavior. In other words, the "organization" influences organizational (human) behavior.
Organizational culture refers to the shared norms, values, beliefs, and assumptions held by members of the organization. The commonly held attitudes and perspectives become expressed in behaviors and other artifacts in the organization, including symbols, rituals, stories, and language. Individuals who share a culture interpret events in similar ways. The common attitudes and actions simultaneously create and reinforce culture.
Culture is ubiquitous, covering all areas of organizational life. Culture perpetuates and reproduces itself. However, a single organizational culture can possess multiple subcultures in constituent groups or sections. As new members or groups join a culture, they are socialized toward the shared components. New members can also introduce new ways of thinking and behaving that can alter the culture.
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