26 Apr This final assignment is where you synthesize all the assignments together to deliver a finished research proposal. Use the template which has been provided. Failure to utilize the t
This final assignment is where you synthesize all the assignments together to deliver a finished research proposal. Use the template which has been provided. Failure to utilize the template will result in significant point deductions, including a potential failing grade.
*All previousassignments have been attached
The final assignment is to submit a refined proposal worthy of scholarly study. The process of selecting a topic is an orderly one designed to help you strengthen your research skills. Correct all of the previous assignments and submit a Proposal with the following components:
- Title Page,
- Abstract,
- Table of Contents,
- Introduction,
- Literature Review,
- Methodology, and
- References
All of the elements must be formatted according to APA. The topic/problem area you select should be significant, broad in scope, and worthy of academic study. It should be 15 to 20 pages in length. Must include a turn it in report
Workplace Harassment and Discrimination
Assignment Topic Selection
CCJ4700 Research Methods
This research investigates workplace harassment and discrimination, its causes and effects, and develops strategies for prevention.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Study………………………………………….…1
Background Context and Statement of Problem…………………………2
Research Questions…………………………………………………………XX
Purpose of Research……………………………………………………….3
Significance of Research…………………………………………………..4
Chapter 2: Literature Review…………………………………………………….XX
Theoretical Framework……………………………………………………XX
Literature Review of Similar Studies……………………………………..XX
Chapter 3: Research Method……………………………………………………..XX
Research Questions………………………………………………………..XX
Participant Selection……………………………………………………….XX
Research Instrument……………………………………………………….XX
Date Collection Procedures…………………………………………………XX
Ethical Concerns…………………………………………………………….XX
Data Analysis Plan…………………………………………………………..XX
Workplace Harassment and Discrimination
Chapter 1: Introduction
Background Context and Statement of Problem
Workplace harassment and discrimination remain significant issues in many organizations. This research aims to investigate these incidents and develop strategies for their prevention to create a more equitable and respectful work environment for employees.
Purpose of Research
The research aims to find out factors that contribute to workplace harassment and discrimination and to develop evidence-based strategies to address and prevent these incidents in the workplace.
Research Questions
1. Investigate the root causes of harassment and discrimination in the workplace, including but not limited to organizational culture, leadership practices, power dynamics, and individual biases.
2. -Assess the impact of harassment and discrimination on employee well-being and job performance
Significance of Research
The significance of this research lies in its potential to improve the workplace environment for employees and create a more equitable and respectful work environment
The limitations of this research include potential self-selection bias in participants, difficulty obtaining accurate and complete data, and the challenge of generalizing findings to diverse organizations and industries. Additionally, the effectiveness of the proposed solutions may vary based on organizational context and cultural differences.
This research aims to investigate the root causes and impact of workplace harassment and discrimination and develop evidence-based strategies to address and prevent these incidents in the workplace. The findings and recommendations from this research have the potential to improve the workplace environment and contribute to a more equitable and respectful work environment for employees. The limitations include potential self-selection bias, difficulty obtaining accurate data, and difficulty generalizing findings.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Workplace harassment and discrimination continue to be prevalent issues in many industries. (Brown et al.,2019). This research aims to investigate the root causes and impact of these incidents and develop evidence-based strategies to address and prevent them in the workplace
Theoretical Framework
This study draws on various theories from ethics, psychology, sociology, and HR management, including social learning theory, social exchange theory, social identity theory, power and control theory, and organizational culture theory. These theories inform our understanding of the root causes and impact of workplace harassment and discrimination.
Literature Review of Similar Studies
The literature review will examine previous studies and findings related to workplace harassment and discrimination, including their causes, effects, and prevention strategies. It will also consider the impact of organizational culture, leadership, power dynamics, and individual biases.
This research aims to investigate the root causes and impact of these incidents and develop evidence-based strategies to address and prevent them in the workplace
Chapter 3: Methodology
The research methodology will include a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, such as surveys, interviews, and case studies, to gather data and explore the experiences of individuals and organizations in addressing workplace harassment and discrimination (Voss, 2021).
Research Questions
1. Investigate the root causes of harassment and discrimination in the workplace, including but not limited to organizational culture, leadership practices, power dynamics, and individual biases.
2.-Assess the impact of harassment and discrimination on employee well-being and job performance
Participant Selection
The participants will get selected through purposive sampling, including employees who have experienced or witnessed workplace harassment and discrimination, HR professionals and organizational leaders.
Research Instrument
The research instruments will include structured surveys and semi-structured interviews to gather data on participants' experiences and perceptions of workplace harassment and discrimination.
Data Collection Procedures
Data collection will include online surveys and in-person or virtual interviews.
Ethical Concerns
The research will address ethical concerns by obtaining informed consent, maintaining confidentiality, protecting participants' rights, avoiding harm and potential conflicts of interest, and ensuring the accuracy and reliability of data.
Data Analysis Plan
Data analysis will include qualitative and quantitative methods, such as thematic analysis, descriptive statistics, and regression analysis, to explore patterns and relationships in the data.
The methodology will use qualitative and quantitative methods, including surveys and interviews, with a purposive sample of employees, HR professionals, and organizational leaders. The data will be analyzed using thematic analysis and statistical methods.
Chapter 4: Conclusion
The study's conclusion will summarize the key findings, implications, and recommendations for addressing workplace harassment and discrimination and improving workplace environments.
Voss, B. L. (2021). Documenting cultures of harassment in archaeology: a review and analysis of quantitative and qualitative research studies. American Antiquity, 86(2), 244-260.
Workplace Harassment and Discrimination
Assignment Problem Identifcation
CCJ4700-4634 2/18/2023
Background and Context
While discrimination in most countries is not allowed, employees still face harassment at their workplace. There are different forms of workplace harassment and discrimination based on race, ethnic group, gender, nationality, age, and religion, among others. Employees can be physically abused, sexually harassed, and verbally abused (Gunter & Koebele, 2021). All these occurrences significantly impact the workplace, the employee, and the employer. First, harassment and discrimination can lower employee morale in doing their duties and encourage high turnover rates. Further, employee harassment can lead to destructive conflicts at work and interfere with organizational culture, which aims at establishing a common focus (Gunter & Koebele, 2021). Cases of sexual and physical abuse could also damage an employer's reputation and result in potential legal court cases. One of the problems related to workplace harassment and discrimination is that most people do not report the various forms of harassment they face at their workplace. For instance, a report from EEOC in 2016 showed that up to 87 to 94% of employees do not file reports of harassment or discrimination.
Problem Statement
The problem statement is that despite a high number of incidents of workplace harassment and discrimination, most employees do not file formal complaints. The EEOC report of 2016 showed that a high number (87%-94%) of harassed or discriminated against employees do not report the incidents (Gunter & Koebeke, 2021).
Purpose of Study
The study will serve three main purposes. The first purpose will be to identify policy gaps regarding workplace discrimination and harassment. Essentially, the researcher will focus on the existing loopholes as barriers to reporting these cases. For instance, the government should protect employees who file formal complaints, but that rarely happens. Most employees, after reporting discrimination and harassment cases, find themselves even dismissed from work or demoted. In findings published by Gunter and Koebele in 2021, it was discovered that an unprecedented 75% of the employees who file complaints face retaliation from their employers and peers. Consequently, this report will give a breakthrough on how the government and ethical organizations can enhance reporting of discrimination and harassment in the workplace.
The study's second purpose will be to unearth reasons that lead to low reporting of workplace discrimination and harassment from employee perspectives. The researcher will focus on getting first-hand information from the employees, either victims or not victims, to inquire more about why they are reluctant to report incidents of discrimination and harassment. The study's third purpose will be to provide policy recommendations that can encourage reporting of discrimination and harassment based on employee feedback. As the main victims, employees must have the upper hand in how the government and their employees can handle the reporting issue.
Significance of Research
First, the report will help address the discrimination and harassment employees face at their workplace, which goes unreported. Discrimination negatively impacts employees, including burnout, demoralization, and clinical depression (Hacer & Ali, 2020). For instance, a study found that sexual harassment leads to low employee satisfaction and interferes with productivity and supervision functions (Foster & Fullagar, 2018). Therefore, when workplace harassment and discrimination occur, the employer and employee are adversely impacted. By addressing the discrimination and harassment issue, the report will contribute towards a better workplace environment in organizations. The second relevance of the study is to inform policy change at the national level. The government should have the upper hand on organizational policies on discrimination and harassment. Finally, the report will empower employees to report the discrimination they face by addressing the barriers. Empowering employees to file formal reports will reduce the instance of abuse.
Foster, P. J., & Fullagar, C. J. (2018). Why don’t we report sexual harassment? An application of the theory of planned behavior. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 40(3), 148-160. https://doi.org/10.1080/01973533.2018.1449747
Gunter, N., & Koebele, J. (2021, October 5). Dealing with discrimination and harassment in the workplace. LearnHowToBecome.org. https://www.learnhowtobecome.org/career-resource-center/discrimination-and-harassment-in-the-workplace/
Hacer, T. Y., & Ali, A. (2020). Burnout in physicians who are exposed to workplace violence. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 69, 101874. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2019.101874
The study generally focuses on discrimination at work. It is an increasingly concerning matter that needs to be addressed.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of the study is to determine whether there are policy gaps that make it easy for discrimination to be practiced in the workplace. It is noted that if the policies are too lenient then it will be easy for them to be violated. The study is intended to determine if this is the case or not. It is also noted that despite discrimination and harassment being witnessed at work, the incidents are not usually reported; most victims choose to keep quiet about them. The study will try to understand why cases of discrimination and harassment are not usually reported formally. The last purpose of the study is to offer recommendations that will encourage employees to formally report cases of discrimination and harassment.
Mixed methods will be used to conduct the study. Both qualitative and quantitative methods will be used to get the best outcomes. Qualitative research methods will be used to collect data can be described. On the other hand, quantitative methods will be used to collect data that can be quantified using numbers or figures. A mix of the two methods will make sure the best data is gathered. For the outcomes of a study to be effective, data should be collected most effectively and efficiently. In this case, a combination of methods will ensure reliable data is collected and analyzed to find useful results.
Research Questions
Research questions are the specific items that the research will focus on. The following are the questions.
1. Are there policy gaps in the workplace that make it easy for discrimination and harassment to be practiced?
2. Why do most employees fail to formally report cases of discrimination and harassment at the workplace?
3. What recommendations can be implemented to encourage employees to formally report cases of discrimination and harassment?
Research questions are essential because they enable the researcher to stay focused on what should be done (Williamson & Johanson, 2017). They guide so that the study is only narrowed down to relevant aspects.
Participant Selection
The participants in the study will be employees from different companies in 10 states. The participants will be randomly selected from companies located in different places across 10 states in the United States. A website will be developed and the companies will be informed. Interested employees will be asked to take part in the survey by signing up on the website. A total of 500 employees will be selected to take part in the survey. The selection will be based on “first come first serve” in terms of signing up. This number is selected because it is manageable and it is large enough to reveal details that can be generalized to represent the general population. During signing up, applicants will be required to submit their identification details together with their contact information. This will make it possible for them to be identified and contacted to take participate in the study. The participants will be recruited depending on how quickly they applied. The earlier ones to apply will be considered.
Research Instrument
The research instrument for this study is a questionnaire. This is a set of questions with a list of answers for participants to choose from (Williamson & Johanson, 2017). Questionnaires are effective because mixed research methods (qualitative and quantitative) can be used at the same time. This will allow participants to express themselves as much as possible. Questionnaires have been in use since the 1800s and they have proved to be useful. Many studies have been successfully conducted through questionnaires. This instrument is valid and reliable because it allows respondents to express themselves through different means. Closed-ended questions give respondents many options to choose from. Open-ended ones allow them to answer questions however they wish (Zozus, 2020). This freedom allows researchers to collect first-hand data in its most original form from the participants. This is the basis for solid analysis and conclusions. Research conducted through questionnaires provides reliable and valid outcomes that can be used to make decisions.
Data Collection Procedures
Data will be collected through the following steps
1. Defining objectives of the study
The first step is to define and understand the objectives of the study. Both the researcher and the respondent need to know what the study is about. This will make the process more effective.
2. Define target respondents
The researcher needs to know who will participate in the study. This helps in staying focused on the right target respondents.
3. Question design
At this stage, the researcher designs the questionnaire by creating all possible questions that are needed to collect relevant data. The design stage is important as it determines the accuracy of the study.
4. Questionnaire pilot testing
This stage involves performing a mock data collection exercise to determine the effectiveness of the questionnaire (Olsen, 2011). If need be, modifications are made to ensure the final document is perfect.
5. Administration of the questionnaire
The questionnaire is given out to respondents. They are asked to answer the questions as accurately as possible. This is because their response is the data needed for the study.
6. Interpretation of results
This is the final stage where data are processed and interpretations made. The outcome of the study is revealed and decisions can be made based on the outcome of the analysis.
Ethical Concerns
Participants in a study should be treated with respect and dignity as they deserve. The Institutional Review Board permission is important because it assures the participants that their rights and welfare will be protected. The greatest ethical concern is about the identity of the participants. Their privacy will be respected and all details will be treated as confidential. The informed consent form is a fundamental principle in research. It is important because it shows that participants understand the study and what it involves and that they are willingly taking part in the research. Participants will give consent by first understanding the purpose of the study. This shows that they know what they are consenting to. They need to do this without any undue influence. Data will be collected through questionnaires that will be accessed online. The identity of participants will be protected by not including their identity details in the questionnaire. The data will be secured by ensuring there is no unauthorized access to the questionnaires.
Data Analysis Plan
Quantitative data will be analyzed by working with numbers. For instance, responses to a particular question will be summed up and an average calculated. This will be representative of all responses from all respondents to that question. Qualitative data will be analyzed by getting the average description. To make sure the analysis is accurate, a similar technique will be used for all answers (Olsen, 2011). Software such as SPSS will also be used to help in analyzing the data. This will guarantee a high level of accuracy.
There are two major methods used to collect data in a study, qualitative and quantitative. The specific method used depends on the nature of the study. Where necessary, both methods can be used for better results. It is important to let participants understand what the study is about so that they can consent to what they know. Respondents need to give honest answers so that when the data is analyzed, reliable outcomes are reached.
Olsen, W. (2011). Key Concepts in Data Collection. London: SAGE.
Williamson, K & Johanson, G. (2017). Research Methods: Information, Systems, and Contexts. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science.
Zozus, M. (2020). The Data Book: Collection and Management of Research Data. Milton Park: Taylor & Francis.
Literature Review
Discrimination at Work
Discrimination at work refers to a situation where an employee or a group of employees are treated differently because of some characteristics that they have but the rest of the employees do not possess the same characteristics.
Types of Discrimination
i. Direct Discrimination
Fibbi, Midtboen, and Simon (2021), state that different types of discrimination can be witnessed at work. They state that the first type of discrimination is direct discrimination. This happens when an employee or a group of employees is treated less favorably as compared to others due to specific characteristics. One example of direct discrimination at work is racial discrimination. An employee might be denied a chance to be promoted to a higher rank because of their race. Fibbi et al state that there are instances where particular races are preferred for some position, this is direct discrimination and is disadvantageous to the victim.
ii. Indirect Discrimination
Indirect discrimination is when there is a policy or a rule at work that applies to everyone else in the same way; however, the same denies other people some privileges. Indirect discrimination is not deliberately directed at a particular person but some employees are affected. The authors of Migration and Discrimination argue that one example of indirect discrimination is evident in airline companies where it is required that for one to be an air hostess, they must be of a particular body size and shape and must be within a given range of weight. As much as the rule is for the benefit of the company, it discriminates against other employees that would be interested in being hostesses but do not have the required body.
iii. Harassment
Harassment refers to intimidation or aggressive pressure (Cohn, 2019). Different places of work experience different forms of harassment. For instance, there is sexual harassment. It is a type of discrimination that affects people when they are mistreated and handled in a sexually inappropriate manner. In the workplace, sexual harassment can happen when an employee pressures another for sexual desires. A manager might forcefully want to have sexual relations with a junior employee against will. When the junior employee resists the advances, they are threatened or mistreated in a manner that is against the company policies. They are intimidated or pressured to give in to their seniors’ sexual needs. According to Cohn, this is sexual harassment that should be discouraged.
iv. Victimization
Victimization is when an employee is treated badly because they tried to access their legal rights. In many situations, employees want their employees to always be under them and obey their orders, they do not want employees to be too smart because the top manager will feel threatened. When an employee does something right but it is against the will of their employers or their supervisors, they might be mistreated to influence them to stop pursuing their rights. ague that victimization compromises productivity, therefore, it should be discouraged at all costs.
Reasons for Discrimination
There are different reasons why discrimination is practiced at work, regardless, it is not justified.
i. Gender
Gender can be a reason for discrimination in the workplace (Seiner, 2019). Different duties and responsibilities are reserved for a specific gender. This is a topic that is not usually discussed, but it is a form of gender discrimination. For example, companies whose processes are more physical prefer to hire men as compared to women. A perfect example is a construction company. Such companies mostly hire men, they avoid women because they believe they are not energetic as men are. It should be noted that some women are stronger than some men, however, it would be almost impossible for a lady to be hired by a construction company. Just because someone belongs to a particular gender, they do not have equal opportunity. This is discrimination.
ii. Relig
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