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Consider a scenario and apply economic health care concepts and principles to craft a presentation to inform decision makers regarding a proposed hospital expansion. ? Im

 Consider a scenario and apply economic health care concepts and principles to craft a presentation to inform decision makers regarding a proposed hospital expansion.


Imagine that senior executives of the hospital where you are employed are considering a significant expansion of its emergency care center that is smaller than other centers in the metro area. You have been tasked with communicating health care economic principles that must be considered as they explore and make decisions regarding the project.

There are a great many considerations when planning an expansion of this kind, such as building and finance costs, permitting, land acquisition, et cetera. Two critical considerations are the supply of emergency care services and the demand for health care workers. The executives are also interested in the revenue prospect. How will the patients pay? Who pays?

Your task is to create a PowerPoint presentation that summarizes a high-level economic analysis that informs the board's decision-making by informing them about the supply and demand for emergency care services in the community, as well as quality measures. The information should inform the leadership's decision to pursue the next steps in the expansion evaluation, which would involve a more detailed analysis of the factors that you outline. It should not be a full market analysis or evaluation of specific costs, but rather an introduction to the economic considerations.


  1. Choose a medium-size (one with multiple emergency care providers) metropolitan area and conduct research on:
    • Market structure of the emergency care services offered there.
    • The demand for labor and insurance.
    • The market supply for labor and insurance.
  2. Consider the economic principles and tools that you will need to make your analysis and presentation. 


Develop a PowerPoint Presentation with a minimum of 12 slides, including title and sources slides that address each of the areas below. Note that PowerPoint slides must include detailed speaker notes to expound upon complex concepts.

Part 1: Emergency Care Supply

  • Analyze the city's emergency care services to provide an accurate high-level snapshot of the market structure in the emergency care space. You should confine your search to other hospitals or large clinics.
  • State and justify three primary questions that an economist should be asking regarding the supply of local emergency services that reveal important insights for the board. This should be approached from the health care provider's perspective.
  • Provide a sound economic analysis using appropriate tools and principles that effectively answers one of these questions.

Part 2: Emergency Care Demand

  • Analyze the demand for local emergency care from a consumer perspective using appropriate economic principles and tools.
  • State and justify three primary questions that an economist should be asking regarding the market demand for labor and insurance of local emergency services that reveal important insights for the board.
  • Provide a sound economic analysis using appropriate tools and principles that answers one of these questions.

Part 3: Quality Measures

  • Describe three types of quality measures that should be used to effectively assess how effective reimbursements or payments are likely to be. For example, cost, efficiency, health outcome measures, and patient-reported outcome measures.

Use at least five sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. 

The presentation should follow these formatting requirements:

  • Include a cover slide containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover slide is included in the required number of slides.
  • Sources slide(s) at the end of the presentation with five quality sources cited using the Strayer Writing Standards format.
  • Speaker notes should be detailed and submitted with slides.
  • Use clear bullet points with a summary when needed. Presentation slides should be clear and concise about health services strategic marketing using proper writing mechanics.
  • Use pictures, diagrams, and graphs where applicable to make your slides more appealing. Visit PexelsLinks to an external site. for free stock photos and videos you may use in your presentation.

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