Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Process Flow Diagram and Description Overview You just received a memo from the Project Manager with updates and a request for a process flow diagram.?Read the memo below.? Memo from the P | Wridemy

Process Flow Diagram and Description Overview You just received a memo from the Project Manager with updates and a request for a process flow diagram.?Read the memo below.? Memo from the P


Week 6 Assignment – Process Flow Diagram and Description


You just received a memo from the Project Manager with updates and a request for a process flow diagram. Read the memo below. 

Memo from the PM:We have decided to buy space on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and maintain our own e-commerce applications and databases there. This was based partly on your recommendation and the recommendation of the other team members.What does this mean for you?We’ll need your part of the project to go into a Business Requirements Document for the project plan to be sent up to the CEO for final approval. The CIO and I will review your work, so please be detailed in your responses so that we can allocate resources appropriately.


For this week, you will need to create a process flow diagram for the project plan, showing how you want things to go with the new system. You can build on previous design work you’ve done in this area or start from scratch.You have all the Microsoft products available to you in the marketing department, so feel free to use any Microsoft product to create the process flow diagram. Visio is very popular among IT folks, so feel free to create your process flow diagram using Visio, but you can also use MS Word, PowerPoint, or whatever you’re comfortable with, as long as the output is a PDF or a Microsoft document.Your process flow diagram should include each of the following elements:

  • Easy-to-read formatting, including a font size that is large enough to easily read, simple language that is easy to understand quickly, and a clearly visible title that identifies the process being diagrammed.
  • A clear start and end to the process flow. All items are in the proper sequence with arrows or other directional objects used to indicate that sequence. Flow is logical throughout.
  • Distinct shapes for each necessary action, and are identified clearly through a legend.

Take a look at the Example Process Flow Diagram [PDF] for reference.In addition to the process flow diagram, you will also need to use the MS Word template to submit a written description of the diagram to ensure that the PM and any others reading the diagram will know what is being communicated. Your description, much like your diagram, will be specific to the process you are supporting in the project based on your area of expertise.Your description should respond to the questions below that align with your role in the project and should address all parts of the process flow diagram:Data Analytics: How data will be stored, created, modified, and deleted. Include all the requirements such as data security, data integrity, resilience, etc.Data Management: Physical storage and security. Backup and disaster recovery plan, access control, etc.Cybersecurity: Access control, malware concerns, physical and logical access, forensic investigation, etc.IT Project Manager: Project control, PM methodologies, scope control, end-user input, training, etc.Networking: Physical and logical topologies, network infrastructure build-out and expansion, required equipment and physical media acquisition and control, etc.Software Developers: Applications needed, input from end-users, design process, steps of the SDLC for app development, etc.Note: Since this is the capstone class, work you submitted to a previous class is permitted but must be 100% original work created by you and not shared with anyone else. The best process, therefore, is to build on previous work and adapt to your fictitious company for this ongoing project.As a reminder, for this assignment, you are submitting two deliverables that are 100% original:

  1. A process flow diagram in PDF format.
  2. A written memo using the provided MS Word template that includes an image of your process flow diagram.

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