Chat with us, powered by LiveChat In the second portion of this assessment, you create an organizational cyber-security policy using the information that was identified in the risk analysis paper. Prompt Y | Wridemy

In the second portion of this assessment, you create an organizational cyber-security policy using the information that was identified in the risk analysis paper. Prompt Y


In the second portion of this assessment, you create an organizational cyber-security policy using the information that was identified in the risk analysis paper.


You will submit your creation of a cyber-security policy. The cyber-security policy will assess how the organization will interpret security issues that occur in the workplace. The cyber-security policy will also distinguish and examine ethical issues in the work place that pertain to social media, email, and privacy.

Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:

  1. Compose an organizational security policy that protects the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the organization’s data.
  2. Evaluate the current U.S. cyberlaws; state statutes; and criminal, civil, private, and public laws and compare them with the organizational security policy to ensure compliance.
  3. Assess the network cyber-security policy to determine if the policy is able to minimize risks and vulnerabilities.
  4. Develop security policy sections that identify acceptable use for users pertaining to privacy, social media, email usage, and internet usage in the workplace.

What to Submit

Your paper must be submitted as a three- to five-page Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format.


See attached part 1 as an additional resources.





MAY 2023


The current criminals target organizations' data, the most critical resource for daily operations. The governments have developed laws and policies that help firms secure this vital resource. JBS Foods is one of the firms that use data for different purposes. It is a multinational meat processing company facing various cyber threats that could significantly impact its operations and reputation. This paper investigates and analyses the cyber-security laws and regulations that affect JBS Foods' current information technology business model, identifies any potential implications for information technology, and evaluates its current cyber practices to ensure they are both legal and ethical.

JBS Foods' Business Model

JBS Foods is one of the world's largest meat processing companies, with a business model that includes a vertically integrated supply chain and a strong presence in both domestic and international markets. The company relies heavily on technology to manage its operations, including its supply chain, production, and distribution systems (Roberts, 2021). As such, JBS Foods' information technology business model is critical to its success.

Due to its business activities and industry, there are several critical areas of potential risk for JBS Foods. One significant risk is related to the security of its supply chain, which spans multiple countries and involves many stakeholders (Kleinman, 2022). Another potential risk is related to the data privacy and security of the company's customers and employees, given the large amounts of sensitive information that JBS Foods collects and stores.

JBS Foods must implement strong cyber-security measures to mitigate these risks and stay current with the latest cyber-security laws and regulations. The company must also ensure that employees are trained on the best information security and data privacy practices. Finally, JBS Foods must maintain a robust incident response plan in the event of a cyber-security breach. The company's information technology business model is critical to its success, and ensuring that it is secure and resilient is essential to protecting its reputation and operations (Kleinman, 2022).

Cyber-Security Laws and Regulations

In today's digital age, cyber-security laws and regulations are vital in protecting organizations' sensitive information and assets. Therefore, JBS Foods must comply with relevant cyber-security laws, private and public laws, state statutes, criminal and civil laws, and ethical guidelines to ensure its information systems are secure and protected.

JBS Foods must comply with various cyber-security laws and regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA). These laws require JBS Foods to implement strong data protection and privacy measures, including limiting access to sensitive data, regularly reviewing its security measures, and promptly reporting data breaches.

Additionally, JBS Foods must adhere to ethical data privacy and security guidelines, such as the International Association of Privacy Professionals' Code of Ethics. These guidelines emphasize the importance of transparency, accountability, and responsibility when handling sensitive information.

To ensure compliance with these laws and regulations, JBS Foods must evaluate its current cyber-laws, regulations, and policies related to its information systems. This evaluation should include reviewing the company's data protection and privacy policies and security measures, such as firewalls, antivirus software, and intrusion detection systems.

Moreover, JBS Foods must continuously monitor and update its cyber-security policies and practices to stay current with the latest cyber-security laws and regulations. The company should also regularly conduct risk assessments and audits to identify potential vulnerabilities and secure its systems.

Cyber Crimes

Cybercrimes pose a significant threat to organizations' information technology structure, and JBS Foods is not exempt from this threat. Therefore, the company needs appropriate information security measures to safeguard its information from cyber-criminals.

In the event of a cybercrime, JBS Foods must have a well-defined plan for investigating and handling such crimes. This plan should include protocols for reporting, responding, and recovering from a cyber-attack. It should also involve the collaboration of various departments, including IT, legal, and human resources, to ensure that the company responds effectively to the attack.

Cybercrimes can result in the loss of sensitive information, financial losses, and reputational damage, among other consequences. Therefore, the company must implement appropriate measures to prevent such attacks. Also, JBS Foods must evaluate the cyber-crime impact on its information technology structure.

JBS Foods must implement various information security measures to safeguard its information. For instance, the company must ensure its employees are trained to recognize and respond to cyber-attacks, implement multi-factor authentication, regularly update its software and hardware, and conduct regular vulnerability assessments and penetration testing.

The company should also implement appropriate access controls to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data. This could include implementing role-based access controls, regularly reviewing access privileges, and limiting access to sensitive data to only essential personnel.

JBS Foods must have appropriate information security measures to safeguard its information from cybercrime. The company must also have a well-defined plan for investigating and handling cybercrimes and evaluate the impact of such crimes on its information technology structure.

Cyber-Crime and E-Commerce

In the modern era of e-commerce, the security of information systems is critical. Therefore, JBS Foods must have appropriate information systems security measures to allow its users to access its data without compromising security.

The company should thoroughly analyze its current information system security measures to ensure they are up-to-date and effective. This could include implementing firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and secure data encryption techniques.

JBS Foods must also evaluate the current cyber laws to protect the company's data against outside intrusion. Cyber laws constantly evolve, and the company must stay updated with the latest laws and regulations to ensure its data is secure (Parks, 2021).

Additionally, the company should regularly review and update its privacy policies to comply with current cyber laws and regulations. The policies should provide clear guidelines on how the company collects, processes, stores, and shares customer data.

JBS Foods must implement appropriate information systems security measures to ensure its users can access its data without compromising security. In addition, JBS Foods should regularly review and update its privacy policies to comply with current laws and regulations. The company must stay updated with the latest cyber laws and regulations to secure its data.


The analysis of JBS Foods' current cyber-security laws, regulations, and policies has shown that the company has taken appropriate measures to safeguard its information systems. The risk analysis paper has evaluated the cyber-law foundations that affect JBS Foods' current information technology business model. The paper identified potential risk areas within the company's business activities and industry. It also evaluated the handling of cybercrimes and recommended appropriate information security measures that should be in place to protect JBS Foods' information. Finally, the paper analyzed the company's current information systems security measures in place and evaluated the current cyber-laws to protect the company's data against outside intrusion.


Kleinman, R. A. (2022). Managing supply chain risks for the food industry. Food Technology, 76(2), 63-68.

Parks, C. D. (2021). Cybersecurity for food and agriculture companies. Food Safety Magazine, 27(2), 26-31.

Roberts, G. (2021). JBS cyberattack highlights the food industry's cybersecurity weaknesses. Food Dive

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