Chat with us, powered by LiveChat For this assignment you will create a new case study based on a new set of topics and resources. You will also apply an ethical theory to the case study in ways that show how the core | Wridemy

For this assignment you will create a new case study based on a new set of topics and resources. You will also apply an ethical theory to the case study in ways that show how the core

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the required resources for Week 3, complete the Week 3 Interactive, watch the DeontologyLinks to an external site. video in the Week 3 Guidance, and review the Reading PhilosophyLinks to an external site. video from the Week 1.

In the Week 2 written assignment, you created an ethics case study based on one of the provided topics and resources. For this assignment you will create a new case study based on a new set of topics and resources. You will also apply an ethical theory to the case study in ways that show how the core principles of the theory are relevant to the case study, and how someone using those principles would answer the ethical question. The Week 3 written assignment should be an assignment and include the following sections with headings in bold font:

Part 1: Introduction, Case Study, Ethical Question

In this section, present an introduction to the general topic, explain the case study, identify the central moral controversy at stake, and articulate an ethical question that describes the central moral controversy at stake. This section must include one quote from one of the resources provided with the case study. To complete this section,

  • Choose a case study from the selection provided by your instructor in the Week 3 announcement titled “Week 3 Case Studies.”
  • Present a brief introduction to the case study.
  • Discuss background information.
  • Identify the central moral controversy at stake in the case study.
  • Articulate an ethical question based on the central moral controversy.

This section should be around 300 words.

Part 2: Reading Philosophy Reflection

In this section, choose one of the philosophical texts associated with your chosen ethical theory listed in the Philosophical Texts Download Philosophical Textsdocument. Copy and paste the text into this section of the paper. After applying the reading philosophy steps from the Week 1 discussion,

  • Explain the key ideas in the text.
  • Discuss how your understanding of the text evolved after multiple reads.

This section should be around 150 words (excluding the philosophical text).

Part 3: Explanation of Utilitarianism or Deontology

In this section, describe the ethical theory of utilitarianism or deontology and explain its core principles. This section must include one quote from the provided resources on the ethical theory. To complete this section,

  • Discuss the historical background of the ethical theory and the philosopher(s) associated with it.
  • Explain the core moral principle of the theory, or if there is more than one, the principle that you will focus on in applying that theory to your question.
  • Demonstrate how the theory and its core moral principle(s) apply to an ethical question that is different than the topic of your case study. For example, what would deontologists say about the morality of lying, and what principle would support their statement; what would utilitarians say about the morality of using animals in medical research, and what principle would support their statement?

This section should be around 350 words.

Part 4: Application of Ethical Theory

In this section, apply the core principle(s) you articulated above to the central moral controversy in the case study.

  • Explain how the core principle(s) of the ethical theory apply to the case study. This might include considering which facts or features of the case study lend themselves to analysis by the ethical theory.
  • Apply the core principles of the theory to the central moral controversy in the case study by showing how someone using the theory would answer the ethical question addressed by your case study.

This section should be around 350 words.

The Case Study: Applying an Ethical Theory paper

Carefully review the Grading RubricLinks to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

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