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Review the PowerPoint Presentation: Snap Shots: Observing a Day in Ms. Longs Preschool Classroom.? Use the information provided in the PowerPoint as your information about Ms.

 Review the PowerPoint Presentation: “Snap Shots: Observing a Day in Ms. Long’s Preschool Classroom.”

Your response to this Performance Task should reflect the criteria provided in the Rubric and adhere to the required length.

This Assessment requires submission of one file.



Ms. Long is a new preschool teacher who is committed to providing children with a positive classroom community and a sense of belonging. She wants to make sure her classroom environment, daily schedule, and adult interactions and intentional strategies work together to support positive behaviors and foster healthy social-emotional development. After a month into the school year, Ms. Long asks you, the director of the preschool, to observe her classroom. She has asked that you focus your observation on how she is doing in each these areas, highlighting where she is doing well and providing her with suggestions for improvement. You are thrilled with the professional way she has asked for your input and look forward to the process.

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Director’s Observation Log

Teacher: Ms. Long

Classroom: Preschool (ages 3–5)

Preschool Environment Supports Positive Behaviors and a Sense of Community and Belonging

Record at least two observations that demonstrate how Ms. Long’s classroom environment supports positive behaviors and a sense of community and belonging. Provide a rationale for your thinking. (2-3 paragraphs)



Suggestions for Improvement

Recommend at least two strategies for improvement in this area. Provide a rationale for each strategy. (2 paragraphs)



Daily Schedule, Routines, Class Meetings, and Transitions Support Positive Behaviors and a Sense of Community and Belonging

Record at least two observations that demonstrate how Ms. Long’s classroom’s daily schedule, routines, class meetings, and transitions support positive behavior and a sense of community and belonging. Provide a rationale for your thinking. (2-3 paragraphs)



Suggestions for Improvement

Recommend at least two suggestions for improvement in this area. Provide a rationale for your thinking. (2 paragraphs)



Interactions and Intentional Strategies Develop, Model, and Support Trusting Relationships

Record at least two observations that demonstrate how interactions and intentional strategies in Ms. Long’s classroom develop, model, and support trusting relationships. Provide a rationale for your thinking. (2-3 paragraphs)



Suggestions for Improvement

Recommend at least two strategies for improvement in this area, with a rationale explaining how each strategy aligns with the “NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct Ideals and Principles for Children, Families, Colleagues and Community/Society.” (2 paragraphs)



©2017 Walden University 2


Supporting Young Children with Exceptionalities Ages 3 Through 8 and Their Families

Use this template to complete your PowerPoint Presentation on “Supporting Young Children with Exceptionalities Ages 3 Through 8 and Their Families.”

Add slides in each part to provide the required information and length.

Part 1 Early Childhood Special Education/School-Age Services for Young Children Ages 3 Through 8

Children between three and eight are eligible for early childhood education programs. Early childhood education centers on four main aims for their youngest students.

Wang (2023), identifies knowledge, skills, attitude, and emotion as the four aims of education (Wang, 2023).

A child's life can be improved by nurturing care and early education. The foundation laid in a child's early years lays the groundwork for future success in school and life (Wang, 2023).

In this section, provide essential information for early childhood professionals on special education services for young children, ages 3 through 8, by creating presentation slides that explain:

Three key characteristics of Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) for children ages 3 to 5;

At least four key steps in the transition process for children and families moving from ECSE to school-age services;

Two key similarities and/or differences in school-age special education services for children ages 5 through 8 compared with ECSE.

(3–5 slides)

Early Childhood Special Education/School-Age Services covers a wide range of support for children with disabilities from the ages of 3 to 8.

When children with disabilities have access to early intervention and special education services, they can reach their full potential better (Lago & Elvstrand, 2022).

Infants and toddlers with developmental delays or impairments can benefit from early intervention, which include specialized treatments like physical, occupational, or speech therapy provided in the home or community setting.

Children from birth through high school can participate in special education programs, which offer individualized instruction and therapeutic services in the least restrictive setting possible.

If your child is under the age of six and has a handicap that prevents them from engaging in age-appropriate activities at a typical preschool, you may qualify for Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) services (Lago & Elvstrand, 2022).

All children with impairments have access to a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) through Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) programs and services.

It is tailored to help children thrive academically, socially, and emotionally within the regular school curriculum, and it's flexible enough to adapt as their requirements change.

Part 2 Emotional and Cultural Considerations in Working with Families of Young Children with Exceptionalities

Building trust with families of children with special needs begins with listening to and understanding those families' priorities and hopes for their children.

This involves gaining insight into the kinds of meaningful home-based activities and rituals people engage in.

According to Alsharaydeh, (2019) it is crucial to keep in touch with parents throughout a child's participation in your program (Alsharaydeh, 2019).

Empathy, care for others born of an emotional connection, is another culturally relevant method for fostering healthy connections.

Empathetic individuals use their interpersonal sensitivity to relate to the feelings of others and help those in need (Alsharaydeh, 2019).

In this section, provide colleagues with information and effective practices to increase their awareness of emotional and cultural perspectives of families of young children with exceptionalities by creating presentation slides that explain:

Stages of emotion that families of young children with exceptionalities may experience and effective practices for supporting parents/families through specific stages;

Three cultural considerations, including differences in how cultures view exceptionalities, and at least two effective practices for working with diverse families of young children with exceptionalities.

(2–4 slides)

When working with families, it's crucial to value each family's strengths and history, as well as to trust in each member's ability to make informed choices .

The family's wants and decisions must be treated with respect, even if they differ from your own recommendations (Alsharaydeh, 2019).

Ultimately, you and the families you serve will benefit more from the process if you prioritize genuine communication and connection building.

To be culturally and developmentally responsive, professionals must take into account the unique characteristics of each child and family and purposefully tailor their approach to meet the specific requirements of each child.

Teachers can engage families as partners by inviting them into the classroom for joint activities.

Teachers can also visit students at their homes to talk casually with parents and guardians about the children's favourite activities.

Cultural values and norms in the household can be revealed through these exchanges.

Part 3 Parents’ Rights and Roles in Special Education Services for Young Children Ages 3 Through 8

The parents of children with special needs play a crucial part in their children's education.

The federal government has passed laws guaranteeing parental involvement in their children's schools.

The needs of a child with a disability may differ from those of a child without a disability. Therefore, parental rights are more clearly defined than parental responsibilities.

However, parents can take steps to ensure your child's rights are being protected by working together with the school and providing relevant information regarding your child's education and development.

It is the responsibility of the other parent to keep track of their child's development and request updates. Talk to the teacher about the child's lack of progress and decide if the lesson plan needs to be adjusted.

In this section, provide information to help early childhood professionals support parents/families and foster involvement in their children’s special education services by creating presentation slides that explain:

Parents’ rights of participation in their child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) development and review;

Parent’s' unique roles and perspectives in IEP development and review;

Three effective practices for IEP meetings that foster parents’ involvement and support.

(3–4 slides)

The 1997 IDEA Amendments unquestionably strengthened the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) (Blanck, 2019).

Parental input into the educational decision-making process is a cornerstone of these special education policies. When it comes to early childhood special education, parents have numerous protections in place.

If a school decides to evaluate a student for possible special education needs, if it wants to change the student's educational placement, or if it decides to deny the request for an evaluation or a change in placement, it must provide parents notice.

If they have reason to believe their child would benefit from special education or related programs, they can request an evaluation.

The school should seek parents for "informed consent," which indicates that they have read and fully understand the school's policy regarding their child's evaluation and educational program. Their agreement is entirely optional and can be revoked at any time.

If a parent has reason to doubt the validity of a school's evaluation, they have the right to seek a second opinion.

Parents who feel their child's current school is not a good fit can ask for a reevaluation. At least once per calendar year, the school should examine the student's educational program, and a full reevaluation should take place every three years (Francisco, 2020).

The school their child attends need not be the most restrictive option. The school should do everything possible to design a curriculum that will give the student the services and supports he or she needs to learn alongside typically developing peers.

If a dispute with the school can't be settled amicably, they can ask for a due process hearing or voluntarily participate in mediation. Make a written request with a date and retain a copy for yourself (Francisco, 2020).

At the very least, parents of children with disabilities should be updated on their child's progress as frequently as parents of children without impairments.


Lago, L., & Elvstrand, H. (2022). Children on the borders between institution, home and leisure: space to fend for yourself when leaving the school-age educare centre. Early Child Development and Care, 192(11), 1715-1727.

Wang, Q., Ma, M., Huang, Y., Wang, X., & Wang, T. (2023). Influence of parents' education and home literacy environment on reading interest of deaf children. Journal of Research in Reading.

Alsharaydeh, E. A., Alqudah, M., Lee, R. L. T., & Chan, S. W. C. (2019). Challenges, coping, and resilience among immigrant parents caring for a child with a disability: An integrative review. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 51(6), 670-679.

Francisco, M. P. B., Hartman, M., & Wang, Y. (2020). Inclusion and special education. Education Sciences, 10(9), 238.

Blanck, P. (2019). Why America is better off because of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Touro L. Rev., 35, 605.

Title slide photo: Credit: PeopleImages/Getty

List all resources used in developing your PowerPoint Presentation in APA style. (Note the title slide photo credit must be included on this slide.)

(1 slide)


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