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Introduce the models of addiction, treatment, and case management. Identify and discuss the model(s) of addiction used to plan a treatment approach for working with Marge

Five page

  • Introduce the models of addiction, treatment, and case management.
  • Identify and discuss the model(s) of addiction used to plan a treatment approach for working with Marge. 
    • Include a rationale for use and discuss strengths and limitations of chosen model(s).
  • Identify and discuss model(s) of treatment used. 
    • Include a rationale for use and discuss strengths and limitations of chosen model(s).
  • In this section, identify and discuss model(s) of case management used. 
    • Include a rationale for use and discuss strengths and limitations of chosen model(s).

The Case Study of Marge: Session 1

© 2012-2023 Walden University, LLC


The Case Study of Marge: Session 1 Program Transcript INSTRUCTIONS: Welcome to the first day of counseling for Marge, a patient struggling with alcoholism who has just been admitted to the addictions facility. Please carefully read the paperwork developed by a support staff member during Marge’s intake process earlier today. Marge’s husband, Ken, was also briefly interviewed during this time. After reviewing this information, click the “Next” button to begin Marge’s first counseling session. Click the buttons “A” and “B” to review your question options. Use the “Select” button for what you think is the best question to ask Marge out of the two options offered.

If you ask an effective counseling question, you will receive more relevant information from Marge. If you ask an ineffective question, you will receive an equally unhelpful response. Choose wisely because the better you counsel Marge, the better her treatment experience. PAPERWORK: Marge C. 41-year-old female Married Husband, Ken, works two jobs to make ends meet, so he is not home much. Husband noted that he didn’t know what else to do about his wife’s drinking, and that he had brought her to the facility out of desperation. Patient has three children, ages 10, 12, and 16. Patient was a teacher, but she lost job for alcohol-related reasons. Patient had a one-car, alcohol-related accident 3 days earlier. She received minor injuries and was issued a ticket for DUI. Husband, family members, and friends determined that they needed to intervene to prevent Marge from harming herself and/or others. An intervention occurred earlier today, culminating in her being brought for treatment. Patient will go through a week of detoxification during her first week in treatment to address the physical withdrawal from alcohol. Click the buttons “A” and “B” to review your question options. Use the “Select” button for what you think is the best question to ask Marge out of the two options offered.

The Case Study of Marge: Session 1

© 2012-2023 Walden University, LLC


QUESTION #1: Option A: Marge, I will be your counselor. I want you to know I’m glad you’re here. I imagine this has been a hard day for you. Right now, I just want us to begin get to know each other better. I also want to know more about your drinking so we can begin to plan your treatment. It’s natural to be anxious and upset right now. You look like you feel like that now. Are you? CLICK HERE TO CHOOSE OPTION A FOR QUESTION #1. Option B: Hello, Marge. I will be your counselor. I want you to know I’m glad you’re here, and I want to help you in any way I can. I imagine this has been a hard day for you, and I know that you and your husband have already answered many questions during your admission process. Right now, I just want us to begin get to know each other better. I also want to know more about your drinking so we can begin to plan your treatment. It’s natural to be anxious and upset right now. Tell me your thoughts and feelings right now. CLICK HERE TO CHOOSE OPTION B FOR QUESTION #1.

The Case Study of Marge: Session 1

© 2012-2023 Walden University, LLC


QUESTION 1, OPTION A – FEEDBACK Marge: Yes, of course I am! And furthermore, I don’t want to be here; I don’t need help. Feedback: That wasn’t the best approach. Please select the alternate button. CLICK HERE TO TRY QUESTION 1 AGAIN. QUESTION 1, OPTION B – FEEDBACK Marge: You’re right, I am anxious, and I’m more than that right now! I’m hurt, I’m scared, and I’m furious at my husband Ken for dragging me to this place. I want you to know right now I am not here on my own; I am here only because he and my so-called friends threatened to have me committed involuntarily for “my own safety,” as they say, if I didn’t agree to do it myself. I know I drink too much, but I can handle it myself. I don’t need to be put in this rehab and hid away from the rest of the world to do it. I’m not like the other people you have here; they might need help, but I can do it on my own. I don’t need help. Feedback: Well done. Click the “Next” button to continue. CLICK HERE TO TRY QUESTION 2.

The Case Study of Marge: Session 1

© 2012-2023 Walden University, LLC


QUESTION #2: Option A: You “don’t need help”? CLICK HERE TO CHOOSE OPTION A FOR QUESTION #2. Option B: I think you’re wrong; I think you do need help, and I want to help you see that. CLICK HERE TO CHOOSE OPTION B FOR QUESTION #2.

The Case Study of Marge: Session 1

© 2012-2023 Walden University, LLC


QUESTION 2, OPTION A – FEEDBACK Marge: No. I’m strong willed. I know I drink too much, but I have to because of all the stress. Raising a family, and then when I was teaching it was double hard. I have diabetes on top of it all, and I’m unemployed and this damn DUI hangs over my head. Then, if that’s not enough, there’s Roger, my 12-year-old son. He’s always getting in trouble at home and school. It’s never ending. I could go on and on. Yeah, I admit. I drink too much, but I do it to deal with all my problems and my constant depression. You would too if you were me. No one understands that. But I can go to AA and back to that counselor at the community mental health clinic and stop without all this ridiculous fuss of coming here. I’ve tried it before; I just didn’t give it all I had. Feedback: Well done. Click the “Next” button to continue. CLICK HERE TO TRY QUESTION 3. QUESTION 2, OPTION B – FEEDBACK Marge: No, I don’t; you’re just like them. No one wants to listen to me; they just jump to their own conclusions about my life. I’ve tried to stop on my own before; I just didn’t give it all I had. Now, I’ll tell you again for the umpteenth time, I DON’T NEED HELP! Feedback: That wasn’t the best approach. Please select the alternate button. CLICK HERE TO TRY QUESTION 2 AGAIN.

The Case Study of Marge: Session 1

© 2012-2023 Walden University, LLC


QUESTION #3: Option A: You say you’ve tried to stop drinking before, Marge. Please tell me more about that. CLICK HERE TO CHOOSE OPTION A FOR QUESTION #3. Option B: You said earlier that you’ve tried to stop drinking before but were not successful. That tells me you need help. Don’t you agree? CLICK HERE TO CHOOSE OPTION B FOR QUESTION #3.

The Case Study of Marge: Session 1

© 2012-2023 Walden University, LLC


QUESTION 3, OPTION A – FEEDBACK Marge: I could do it for a while. I went to AA and that counselor, like I said, and I went a month or two once. But always things would start piling up, and I’d take a drink just in the afternoon after 5 like I used to, and then before I knew it I’d be drinking all day again. I just didn’t try hard enough. I will now; I know I can do it. I feel guilty because I’ve been too weak and just never tried hard enough. I know what alcoholism is, believe me, my father was one, so was my uncle—they went to their graves drinking. I just need to get strong and build up my willpower to make my mind up to stop. I need to stop being such a weakling and an irresponsible mother and wife. It’s almost immoral the way I’ve been doing, but I can do it now. I just need a change. I need to go home. Feedback: Well done. Click the “Next” button to continue. CLICK HERE TO TRY QUESTION 4. QUESTION 3, OPTION B – FEEDBACK Marge: No. Feedback: That wasn’t the best approach. Please select the alternate button. CLICK HERE TO TRY QUESTION 3 AGAIN.

The Case Study of Marge: Session 1

© 2012-2023 Walden University, LLC


QUESTION #4: Option A: Marge, let me share something with you that you may not know. We look at alcoholism and other addictions as a disease. Some people have a genetic predisposition for it. It’s not a moral issue, Marge, or a matter of lack of will power. That puts a different light on your situation, doesn’t it, Marge? CLICK HERE TO CHOOSE OPTION A FOR QUESTION #4. Option B: Marge, I think I hear what you’re saying. You admit you drink too much, and you seem to think you can stop on your own without coming here for 30 days. You think you just haven’t tried hard enough, and you feel that you’re a weak and immoral person for that. Let me share something with you that you may not know. We look at alcoholism and other addictions as a disease. Some people have a genetic predisposition for it. People who are genetically predisposed to the disease when faced with the right combination of conditions can’t handle alcohol. They may start just drinking socially in a controlled way and then drink to deal with stress or other problems. Because of their genes, they need more and more and eventually need to drink just to keep from going into withdrawal. It’s not a moral issue, Marge, or a matter of lack of willpower. What are your thoughts about what I just said? CLICK HERE TO CHOOSE OPTION B FOR QUESTION #4.

The Case Study of Marge: Session 1

© 2012-2023 Walden University, LLC


QUESTION 4, OPTION A – FEEDBACK Marge: No. Feedback: That wasn’t the best approach. Please select the alternate button. CLICK HERE TO TRY QUESTION 4 AGAIN. QUESTION 4, OPTION B – FEEDBACK Marge: I never thought of it that way. Well, I guess I have, but I can see how that could be. A disease maybe? It could explain why even though I don’t really want to be like this I am and that I though I’ve really tried to stop I just haven’t known how. When we first got married and began to have our children, I would have glass of wine several times a week with dinner, or maybe even with Ken when we both got home after a long day at work and the children had gone to bed. Then it was every day, then in the morning, and then I was hiding my drinking habits and drinking just to feel normal. I was teaching, and it got to where I would drink vodka before I went to school. I thought no one would smell vodka, but it didn’t work. I was fired. My life has spiraled since then, my children, my marriage, my health, everything. If I don’t drink now I get horribly ill; you can’t imagine how ill. I start feeling things on my skin or seeing things; it’s bad. I get crazy, just like my father and uncle used to get. I know Ken has tried to protect me all these years. He means well. He would call the school when I was too drunk to go and tell them I was sick. That’s what he’s always told the children, “Your mother’s ill, she can’t help it.” Oh help me, please. Feedback: Well done. Click the “Next” button to continue. CLICK HERE TO TRY QUESTION 5.

The Case Study of Marge: Session 1

© 2012-2023 Walden University, LLC


QUESTION #5: Option A: Marge, you just turned the corner, and I’m proud of you. You’ve just made a giant step today, and you’ve just started on your road to recovery. What are your thoughts and feelings now as we conclude our first session? CLICK HERE TO CHOOSE OPTION A FOR QUESTION #5. Option B: Marge, I know this is hard, but until you admit you have a problem, your drinking will only continue to get worse and cause you and your family more problems. I want you to think about that before we meet again, OK? CLICK HERE TO CHOOSE OPTION B FOR QUESTION #5.

The Case Study of Marge: Session 1

© 2012-2023 Walden University, LLC


QUESTION 5, OPTION A – FEEDBACK Marge: I guess I just feel grateful that someone is listening to me and understands. I feel so embarrassed. My husband has put up with so much, and I know the kids have needed me and I haven’t been around. I just wanted to take care of it by myself, do at least one thing without having to rely on someone else for help, you know? I should at least do that, since I’ve messed up so much already. I don’t want to leave the kids alone for 30 days, but I guess I’ve left them alone anyway. I’m scared, but I am willing to try. If you really think you can help me, I promise I’ll do my best. I have to make it work for my kids and for Ken. Feedback: Congratulations. You have now completed your counseling session with Marge. CLICK HERE TO START EXERCISE OVER. QUESTION 5, OPTION B – FEEDBACK Marge: Yes, I will. Listen, I know you mean well. But, I just don’t think you or anyone else in my life hears me. Feedback: That wasn’t the best approach. Please select the alternate button. CLICK HERE TO TRY QUESTION 5 AGAIN.



Case Study: Models of Addiction, Treatment, and Case Management

Student Name

Program Name or Degree Name (e.g., MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling), Walden University

COURSE XX: Title of Course

Instructor Name

Month XX, 202X


Introduction: Introduce the models of addiction, treatment, and case management. Be sure to support your points with in-text citations from the learning resources and outside sources.

Models of Addiction

In this section, identify and discuss the model(s) of addiction used to plan a treatment approach for working with Marge. Include a rationale for use and discuss strengths and limitations of chosen model(s). Be sure to support your points with in-text citations from the learning resources and outside sources.

Models of Treatment

In this section, identify and discuss model(s) of treatment used. Include a rationale for use and discuss strengths and limitations of chosen model(s). Be sure to support your points with in-text citations from the learning resources and outside sources.

Models of Case Management

In this section, identify and discuss model(s) of case management used. Include a rationale for use and discuss strengths and limitations of chosen model(s). Be sure to support your points with in-text citations from the learning resources and outside sources.


In this section, summarize the key points of your paper. Be sure to support your points with in-text citations from the learning resources and outside sources.


(Note that the following references are intended as examples only.)

American Counseling Association. (n.d.). About us.

Anderson, M. (2018). Getting consistent with consequences. Educational Leadership, 76(1), 26-33.

Bach, D., & Blake, D. J. (2016). Frame or get framed: The critical role of issue framing in nonmarket management. California Management Review, 58(3), 66–87.

Burgess, R. (2019). Rethinking global health: Frameworks of Power. Routledge.​

Herbst-Damm, K. L., & Kulik, J. A. (2005). Volunteer support, marital status, and the survival times of terminally ill patients. Health Psychology, 24(2), 225–229.

Johnson, P. (2003). Art: A new history. HarperCollins.​

Lindley, L. C., & Slayter, E. M. (2018). Prior trauma exposure and serious illness at end of life: A national study of children in the U.S. foster care system from 2005 to 2015. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 56(3), 309–317.

Osman, M. A. (2016, December 15). 5 do’s and don’ts for staying motivated. Mayo Clinic.

Sue, D. W., & Sue, D. (2016). Counseling the culturally diverse: Theory and practice (7th ed.). Wiley.

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