Chat with us, powered by LiveChat In this part of the assignment, you will assess and complete in its entirety the three parts of this section; See Instructions for assignment for complete | Wridemy

In this part of the assignment, you will assess and complete in its entirety the three parts of this section; See Instructions for assignment for complete

In this part of the assignment, you will assess and complete in its entirety the three parts of this section; See Instructions for assignment for complete details.

· Provide comprehensive statements regarding the topic

· Clearly articulates and fully addresses all required questions.

· No plagiarism

· APA citing 

* See Lectures and additional information provided to assist with assignment 

* Complete "Course Assignment 1" document in its entirety

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Work

Answer the following questions, using as much space as you need.

How would you describe the difference between “diversity” and “inclusion”? Articulate it in your own words here.

Answer here…

How are diversity and inclusion efforts talked about within your workplace? Is diversity valued? Is inclusion something people discuss and strategize about? Explain your experience and observations.

Answer here…

Which IAT test(s) did you choose to take? Do you think the assessment results held any truth or insight for you? Explain your reaction to your results.

Answer here…

Have you become aware of any stereotypes that are prevalent in your field or firm that affect the way decisions are made? Explain what you have observed.

Answer here…

Part Two

Examining Methods of Fostering Inclusion in Work Groups

Answer the following questions, using as much space as you need.

1. After completing this module, what ideas do you have for how managers can contribute to fostering inclusion in work groups?

Answer here…

1. Identify 2-3 issues that you think might be inhibiting full inclusion in your work group. What do you think might be lacking?

Answer here…

1. Review Professor Nishii’s strategies for facilitating inclusion and trust in groups. Identify the one strategy that you think will be most helpful. Offer a brief rationale for how you think it will help in your particular circumstances.

Answer here…

1. Outline the steps you plan to take to engage in controlled processing, as Professor Nishii described. How will this help you to reject stereotyping? Draw from the teaching content to support your plan.

Answer here…

1. Describe a time when you have observed someone who was internally motivated to avoid prejudice. What did you observe? What evidence do you have for your conclusion that the motivator was internal?

Answer here…

1. Offer an example of an external motivator put into place by an organization to motivate others to avoid applying stereotypes or prejudicial behavior. What have you seen?

Answer here…

Part Three

Assessing the Sources of Inclusion

Answer the following questions, using as much space as you need.

1. Review the work you did in the three assessments in this module. What surprises did you find? Describe your outcomes or findings here.

Answer here…

1. You have answered questions about the three levers of inclusion experiences: organizational, work-group, and immediate supervisor. Answer the following questions to identify gaps for inclusion:

Answer here…

To what extent….

Provide your evidence:

Does the organization's communications-related inclusion align with your own personal experiences of inclusion?

Answer here…

Are managers within your organization consistently committed to fostering inclusion?

Answer here…

Are your organization's D&I policies/practices consistently implemented within your organization?

Answer here…

Does the organization follow through with its claims about the value it places on inclusion by assessing progress against inclusion goals?

Answer here…

Does the organization demonstrate its commitment to inclusion by holding managers accountable for fostering inclusion?

Answer here…

Can employees count on a consistent message when it comes to inclusion?

Answer here…

Does your manager act in ways that help to uphold and reinforce the organization's inclusion values?

Answer here…

Do employees’ inclusion experiences vary significantly depending on the units in which they work?

Answer here…

1. When you completed the three assessments in this module, did you identify any areas for improvement? What were they?

Answer here…

1. Using the space below, draft a “memo” to your supervisor or manager in which you outline your ideas for improving diversity and inclusion efforts. Provide evidence from the work you’ve done in this course.

Answer here…

To submit this assignment, please refer to the instructions in the course.


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Work

Cornell University ILR School

© 2022 Cornell University



Assignment 1

Assessing the Sources of Inclusion


To prepare for this Assignment, pay particular attention to the following Learning Resources:

· Review this week’s Learning Resources, especially:

· Lecture – Distinguish Between D&I See Word doc .

· Lecture – Examine Methods of Fostering Inclusion See Word doc .

· Lecture – Assess the Sources of Inclusion See Word doc .

· Course Assignment 1 – See Word doc

· List of Strategies for Facilitating – See pdf file

· Visit the Implicit Associations Test (IAT) About the IAT (

· View Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes Video –

Assignment: Complete “Course Assignment 1” document in its entirety

You will need Course Assignment 1 document to complete assignment See Word doc

Part One:

In this part, you will draw critical distinctions between diversity and inclusion. Reflecting on the IAT assessment you chose to take, you will report on your experience with stereotypes and consider how you can take steps to consciously avoid applying stereotypes when making decisions.

Part Two:

In this part, you will further your efforts at examining diversity and inclusion with a focus on the work-group level. You will describe methods of reducing prejudice and improving psychological safety in the work group.

Part Three:

In this part, you will assess the three sources of inclusion examined in this module, and you will draft a memo to your boss in which you outline your ideas for improving diversity and inclusion efforts. 

· Provide comprehensive statements regarding the topic

· Clearly articulates and fully addresses all required questions.

· No plagiarism

· APA citing

· 3-4 paragraphs


Distinguish Between Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity" and "inclusion" are not synonymous terms, and in this module, you will explore the different meanings of the two words from a practical point of view with Professor Nishii. You will have an opportunity to review a classic case in which the effects of labeling and stereotypes were observed among children and discuss the outcomes with your peers. You will investigate how stereotypes influence people's thinking and perceptions, including "positive" stereotypes such as labeling people "high potentials." You will also examine recommended methods for reducing prejudice and applying stereotypes to decision making.

What's the distinction between diversity and inclusion? It's important to listen carefully to conversations about diversity and inclusion. Although they mean different things in practice — and inclusion mission statements acknowledge that this is the case — the terms "diversity" and "inclusion" are often used interchangeably. Many organizations have yet to adopt practices that truly promote inclusion.

Video transcript:

So the question that I just posed to you is whether or not there's a distinction between diversity and inclusion. Everyone refers to the two simultaneously. We are even saying D & I when we refer to this space and in my own personal experiences, talking to people who practice D & I in organizations, it seems to me, when we start to talk about it, there is a distinction that's being made between diversity and inclusion, with the idea that inclusion includes more of the intangibles. This idea of creating the kind of environment where people can be successful, where people feel valued in their work. But as my conversations continue, I start to feel like, actually, inclusion is a very slippery construct. There's a saying that I've heard, which I think is pretty, pretty, appropriate here. The idea that trying to define inclusion is like trying to nail jello to the wall, it's very difficult. And, so, what I want to do is really try to clarify what we mean by that, because often what I find is that as we talk about inclusion, and as I ask questions about what companies are doing to practice or facilitate inclusion, it ends up feeling like we're talking about classic diversity management again. That the focus ends up being on things like targeted recruiting, mentoring programs, being very careful about tracking pay and promotion rates, and providing diversity training and employee resource groups and the like. And so, it starts to feel like maybe it's old wine in new bottles. That is, we've been doing these things for quite a while. These practices have been in place and have been considered best practices for quite a while. So, what is it that's different, about the inclusion tag that we're now adding to the conversation? Do these practices really help to promote inclusion? Once we define what we mean by inclusion, I hope that we'll start to see that maybe these practices alone are not sufficient for also cultivating inclusion in organizations.

Diversity With Inclusion

Throughout this course, you will hear from several industry leaders from the field of diversity and inclusion. In this section, three leaders talk about expanding the focus from diversity to inclusion within their organizations. Listen for cues about where they and their organizations are in the journey from diversity to inclusion — in particular, how they define and operationalize inclusion.

Note: The job titles listed below were held by our experts at the times of their interviews.

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Ana Duarte-McCarthy, managing director and chief diversity officer at Citi since 2002, is responsible for the development and integration of Citi’s global workforce diversity strategy for hiring and developing diverse talent, fostering an inclusive work environment, and ensuring management accountability.

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Elizabeth Nieto assumed the role of global chief diversity and inclusion officer at MetLife in June 2012. Since then, the company has defined a new global D&I strategy, launched the Global D&I Council chaired by the MetLife CEO, and designed a four-year implementation plan focused on the development of women globally as well as on regional initiatives (e.g., people with different abilities, emerging talent, U.S. veterans, LGBT).

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Lucida Plummer leads the Diversity Business Resource Networks and the Local Inclusion Action Teams at MetLife. As such, she's responsible for defining the strategy and ensuring the operating model for all of the networks in line with the Global Diversity & Inclusion office and the entire enterprise.

Video transcript:

It has been interesting the evolution of diversity and the inclusion of inclusion in part of this practice. What we learn is just having people that were different was not enough, if they were not engaged in the company. If they didn't feel that they had a say; they could influence the organization. So that adding of the word inclusion really changed the practice, not just by bringing people into their organization but developing, creating advancement and retention of those people that were different than the normal of each one of the organizations. 

I believe that in our case at MetLife, we also evolved and in the last couple of years, we had looked at different ways of creating inclusion. Mostly on giving managers the tools to re-think about the way they behave. We usually say, you don't do diversity and inclusion on Monday morning, and then you manage the rest of the week. You really do inclusion every day as a leader when you interact with your employees, with your teams. So, that's how we're talking about diversity and inclusion differently at MetLife. >> And I think that Elizabeth is right. The shift from just on diversity and why we're talking about inclusion, really has started to pull in a lot of different components of what you want to do with it, the toolkit. Breaking down, I think the misconceptions that people have had in the past about what it all means and why we're doing it, why it's important? We've been doing a lot of work around unconscious bias, which to me has really taken diversity and inclusion as a practice to another level. 

So that people understand not just what people perceive as the nice to do, the right thing to do, the politically correct thing to do, but the reasons why we are who we are because at the end of the day, it's not about having people not be who they are in the workplace, it's about celebrating the differences that people bring to the workplace, but understanding where everyone's coming from at the same time. >> I also think that inclusion has brought the white male into the conversation. Before, they felt that they were not part of this. And now when we're talking about inclusion, they see their role. And when we're talking about diversity, we're bringing diversity in the broader sense. So it's not about one characteristic, it's everything that you bring. It is to say bringing the whole self. And inclusion allows us to create that conversation that this not for some people, this is really for the organization. >> In the last decade there's been a big push to move from talking about diversity practices to diversity and inclusion, and I've been at Citi nearly 20 years. So in looking at the work we've done across those 20 years, the definite shift to inclusion has been more focusing on looking at the mix, which is what diversity has historically looked at. Who are you bringing in? Is that mix bringing in significant representation from the available labor pool? Does it take into consideration groups that historically have been underrepresented? And then the shift to inclusion really supported a mind shift to looking at how are people being perceived? Are they being fully developed? Are there any roadblocks in the way? And looking at it more proactively, sometimes I'd come to talk to people and they would immediately think it's like an audit. Let me get my metrics out, let me show you what we're doing. And what I want to talk to them about are people. How are these people doing? What's going on within the organization? What's the environment like? Let's look at who's being promoted. What's the succession plan look like? Are women part of that? What other diversity is part of that? And so it starts to look at it as a broader ecosystem. So I think it's an important shift because historically again, looking at making sure we're making these good faith efforts. Around the world generally that's women, and then as you start to look at different local countries, there are different groups that might be diverse in that country and historically haven't been part of the labor mix and then once individuals are in, now it's inclusion around are people feeling respected, valued? Are they feeling like they look up and see people that they can see as role models and not necessarily people that look like them but people who clearly value them.

 So it's an interesting shift and it's a very important one. Otherwise it's really a check-the-box exercise around ensuring that the mix is there, and not really looking at the broader impact of bringing people in who >> One of the things that we've been doing differently to support inclusion is, we're using the word first and foremost. The aspect of including the word creates conversation so, unless a why are you in diversity and inclusion? Why the semantics? 

So adding the context of the language is helpful because people start to then understand what it is in terms of this continuum. So, we bring in this diverse mix of individuals but the inclusion aspects look at ensuring the environment is supportive and also how we approach the work. So, a lot of what we do now focuses around development of the workforce and the lens that we bring to it is, looking at individuals across various strands, characteristics and understanding the various characteristics and how they might be supported more effectively. So as an example in the last number of years in the United States, there's been a real thrust on looking at the opportunity to recruit military veterans. So as we look at our recruitment and sort of recruitment programs, leadership development programs, even our employee resource groups or networks, are they groups that can just naturally bring in a population that's somewhat different at Citi? Or is there an opportunity to differentiate? So one of the things we've seen in particular around military veterans has been a fabulous growth of employee resource groups focused on military veterans. Open to all employees but there are individuals who become part of it. They themselves might be members of former military servicemen and women. They might be individuals who have children deployed. They might be individuals who had military service members in their family or they might be individuals who just want to learn more about the military or get more involved in for example, community efforts. So that's a pretty good departure from where I'd say we were ten years ago where if someone had said, "What are you doing in the US around military veterans?" We would have had a focus on recruitment, in particular around ensuring just sort of that regulatory purview and what are we doing to support military veterans. We would not have had all those other nuances around the work that we're doing. So I think that sort of illustrates how inclusion has become much more focused on not only what we're doing across the common community, but also what are the things we can do to support these characteristics that are increasingly changing as we go through the years. >> Some of the awards that the process of going through an award that exist there in the market, is important because it gives you an idea of what other companies are doing, as well at some of what the media and the external customer is expecting of our organization. So. It is the process of going through the award that for me, it's the learning for the organization. Looking at what other companies are doing from an employee resource group, can we be looking at that and learning from that. What are they doing from a communication perspective from their leaders? So the process of going through awards are important if you take that as a learning process for your organization versus a check-in-the-box for the organization.


Defining Equity

Equity theory refers to people's desire for their inputs — their time, energy, effort, etc. — to be matched equivalently to their outputs; e.g., achievements, growth, validation, acceptance. In terms of diversity and inclusion, equity and equity theory are pivotal because they create a framework for showing how marginalized workers often see lower outputs compared to their peers.

Video Transcript:

Equity theory. So equity theory was first introduced back in 1963 by John Adams. He was a workplace behavioral psychologist; really famous. Equity theory is one of the most well-known theories of motivation. The basic premise is pretty simple. The idea is that people are really attentive to how fair or equitable their outputs are relative to their inputs. The greater people's assessments of equity, the more motivated they are to give it their all at work. However, when people perceive that their inputs-to-outputs ratio is imbalanced — in particular, when they're putting in more than they're getting out — they're motivated to try to achieve balance. Usually, people do this by adjusting their inputs over which they have more control. This often translates into lower motivation to expend effort at work; that is, people tend to withdraw from their work when they feel that things are inequitable. When you think about this input-to-output ratio, you can think about it quite broadly. Inputs include all the things that we bring to our jobs or contribute to a particular task or project; for example, our effort, our energy, expertise, our relevant past experiences, our commitment, positive attitude and a willingness to cooperate with other people. Outputs generally consist of both the formal and informal rewards that matter at work. They include tangible outcomes like pay, job growth, promotions, and job security, as well as less tangible but really important work outcomes like validation and respect, recognition, psychological meaningfulness of the job, and a sense of achievement and fulfillment. Assessments of equity or inequity are based not just on our own assessments of our input-to-output ratio but also on social comparisons; in other words, how our own input-to-output ratio compares to that of others. People compare themselves to others both within their current organization and sometimes also to others outside of their organization. Interestingly, people tend not to notice imbalances that are in their favor. In other words, they're less likely to think it's unfair when they receive greater outputs relative to their inputs when they compare themselves to others.

Many organizations and individuals confuse the terms "equity" and "equality." Whil

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