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Research Annotated Bibliography Assignment Instructions

books used  Entwistle, D. (2015). Integrative approaches to psychology and Christianity: An introduction to worldview issues, philosophical foundations, and models of integration (3rd ed.). Wipf and Stock 

Johnson, E. (2010). Psychology and Christianity: Five views (2nd ed.). InterVarsity. ISBN: 9780830828487.

McMinn, M. R. (2011). Psychology, theology, and spirituality in Christian counseling (Rev. ed.). Tyndale House. ISBN: 9780842352529.

Sample APA Annotation

Carstensen, K., Brostrøm Kousgaard, M., & Burau, V. (2019). Sustaining an intervention for

physical health promotion in community mental health services: A multisite case study.

Health & Social Care in the Community, 27(2), 502-515.

In this article, the authors focused on a qualitative, multiple-case design focusing on four

Danish community mental health organizations. Data included 27 semi-structured

interviews with managers and frontline staff. The Normalization Process Theory (NPT)

was used to characterize the extent of health promotion interventions and to identify

important factors that influence it. The authors provided not only a definition of how they

defined sustainability, but also the conceptual framework of the analysis; they defined

how the cases studied were selected and addressed ethical considerations that needed to

be made (if any).

This case study provides what it sets out to do: a definition of sustainability, and

research which reveals factors of sustainability in intervention for physical health

promotion in community health services. The four case study findings were well

presented in an online table, facilitating the readers’ understanding of the results. This

research is useful not only for those promoting health services in a community, but also

for those seeking to provide community mental health care services.

Second reference entry would follow here on this line (no coloring) just as in a regular reference

list, followed by its annotation, and so on for all resources.

Commented [BRM(C1]: Authors’ middle initials should also be included if available.

Commented [BRM(C2]: “Double-space all reference list (including between and within references)” (APA 7th Edition, 2019, p. 40).

Commented [BRM(C3]:

Commented [BRM(C4]: “Each annotation should be a new paragraph below its reference entry. Indent the entire annotation 0.5 in. from the left margin, the same as you would a block quotation” (APA 7th Edition, 2019, p. 307).

Commented [BRM(C5]: “If the annotation spans multiple paragraphs, indent the first line of the second and any subsequent paragraphs an additional 0.5 in., the same as you would a block quotation with multiple paragraphs” (APA 7th Edition, 2019, p. 307).


PSYC 520

Research : Annotated Bibliography Assignment Instructions


For this Research: Annotated Bibliography Assignment you will begin to build a scientific base of knowledge related to how psychology and Christianity impacts a topic of interest. Our focus thus far has been on the different ways and types of integration. This Research: Annotated Bibliography Assignment encourages you to take the next step and begin learning about how integration is applied in practical ways. The articles you review and describe here will form the foundation of the Research: Final Assignment you will submit later in the course. Content should at least be a minumin of 3 pages.



· Select a topic that interests you (e.g., forgiveness, neuroscience, social justice, spiritual formation, multi-cultural issues, healing, resilience, etc.)

· Locate 10 empirical studies in peer-reviewed journals (e.g. The Journal of Psychology and Christianity) that address your topic.

· Read the articles.

· Write one to two paragraphs on each article summarizing the source and key themes presented.

· Write each summary in your own words in order to demonstrate mastery of the concepts (do not include direct quotes).

· Avoid first and second person pronouns as is required for scholarly writing.

· Be sure to use past tense when describing completed research.


· Current APA standards (professional version) must be followed.

· In-text citations are not required as the content of each annotation refers only to the identified article.

· Final submission must include an APA-formatted title page and an appropriate number of pages to include 10 annotations. Note that neither an abstract or a reference page is required.

· Formatting sample for annotations is found in the Resources section under the Research : Annotated Bibliography Assignment page

Be sure to review the criteria on the Research: Annotated Bibliography Grading Rubric before beginning this Research: Annotated Bibliography Assignment.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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