Chat with us, powered by LiveChat For apps to be featured on the iPhone, developers must build it with Apple's software development kit and then apply for approval. Apple rejected the Google Voice iPhone App, and furt | Wridemy

For apps to be featured on the iPhone, developers must build it with Apple’s software development kit and then apply for approval. Apple rejected the Google Voice iPhone App, and furt




  • Complete the assignment in a Word document and then upload the assignment for grading.
  • When assigning a name to your document, use the following format: Lastname-Assignment#.
  • Make sure to include a title page (with your name and date) and a reference page (with your sources).
  • Double-space paper, 1-inch margins, 12-point font.
  • This assignment is due by 2355 EST on Sunday.
  • When submitting the paper, it will automatically be processed through Turnitin for review.


  • Use examples from the readings, lecture notes, and outside research to support your answers. Use high-quality sources (no Wikis, blogs, or anonymously authored articles). Be sure to follow APA guidelines for citing and referencing source material. Answer the below questions (250 words for each question):
  1. (250 words + one reputable source) For apps to be featured on the iPhone, developers must build it with Apple's software development kit and then apply for approval. Apple rejected the Google Voice iPhone App, and further stated that it would not accept any applications that incorporated Google Voice functionality. Apple reasoned that this app duplicates the phone's core features. It also rejected Google's location-based app Google Latitude. However, the underlying reason was that Google’s application duplicated core services offered by Apple’s exclusive partner, AT&T. Using your knowledge from the Net Neutrality debate in Forum 1, do you think that government regulators should impose openness rules on mobile app marketplaces? Explain why or why not.
  2. (250 words – sources not required) Plaintiffs filed a class action lawsuit against investment banks alleging that they inflated prices on more than 300 IPOs, causing IPO investors to overpay for stock, and unlawfully benefited these banks through overcompensation of banking commissions and profits made through quick sales of this stock in their own accounts before prices settled into a more realistic valuation. However, IPOs are inherently risking, and valuation is oftentimes difficult to determine by outside investors. Thus, it can be challenging to analyze a company with a stock that is newly issued. Read the following article from the SEC on IPOs and the make an argument for or against the class action lawsuit:
  3. (250 words – sources not required) Read the following article on the U.S. Patriot Act, which provided the FBI the ability to secretly conduct a physical search or wiretap on American citizens without probable cause using the FISA law: Should this be allowed? Why or why not and support your position.

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