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Research and Analysis Papers Guidelines



****Refer to the attached pdf with exhibitions or performances useful for Library Assignment # 1****  

*****Please REFER to attached Research-analysis guidelines FNU Painting and Sculpture (Library #1 version).pdf*****

Research and Analysis Papers Guidelines

You are required to write 2 research and analysis papers during the semester. These are called library

assignments on the class syllabus as you will be required to do research using FNU library online

database aside from your own analysis of the art pieces. Each research/analysis paper needs to be at least

1000 words, double-spaced, 12 points, in Times New Roman font.

Research and analysis paper # 1

After watching the Art Terms (Part A- paintings) video (Week 1 folder) and Art Terms (Part B-

Sculpture) Video (Week 2 folder), you will go to a museum or exhibition and choose a painting and a

sculpture. One of the purposes of this assignment is to expose you to the art world. Seeing art in person is

very different from seeing it through a screen; therefore, this is an essential component of the assignment.

The library assignment #1 needs to be submitted at the end of week 3.

See the instructions below:


– See a painting and sculpture in person (not online). You need to show proof you saw the art in

person. You need to attach a photo of your paid ticket (or add the image after the references), and

if the exhibition is free, a picture of you at the place will suffice. Papers without proof of

attendance will not be accepted.

– Attach (or add after the references page) two photos, one of the painting and one of the sculpture,

so that I can see what you describe in your analysis.

Formatting of the paper:


Introduction (5 points): Introduction paragraph. Remember that in the introduction, you

need to tell the reader what you will be doing for the rest of the paper. Who or what will you be

writing about? Tell the reader what the document will contain (research and analysis). The reader

needs to finish the introduction paragraph (s) knowing what they will be reading about, but you

should wait to give details (facts about the artist’s life, for example) until the body of the paper.

Don’t add a heading saying “Introduction.” It’s not necessary.

Research (you could change this heading to something more interesting, but separate the

research section from the analysis section by adding bold headings as you see here ) – 40 points

Here you will have 1 -2 paragraphs with research information about the artists. If the

artists are contemporary, and our library database does not have information about the artists,

you can research the artists' style instead or another artist who has influenced the artists (or

choose what you would like to research as long as it still relates).

You can add information about the artist you find on their website, for example, but you

also need to include peer-reviewed articles or books/ebooks. Therefore, you need to use our

library database for that. Our online library has an option for checking “peer-reviewed articles.”

What is a peer-reviewed article? Check out this link:

Wikipedia is not recommended for research papers because anyone can contribute to it.

Please don’t use Wikipedia as your source of information for these assignments.

It is imperative to add in-text citations at the end of each of the paragraphs. A “citation”

is the way you tell your readers that certain material in your work came from another source. It

also gives your readers the information necessary to find the location details of that source on the

References page. For this paper, you will use the APA style of writing. In APA, a citation must

include a set of parentheses -> (Last name of the writer, year of publication). See links at the end

of these guidelines to review APA.

Points division: 20 points for the research about the painter and 20 points for the research

on the sculptor.

If the artist did both pieces, you can do the 2 paragraphs on that artist only.

Analysis (you could change this heading to something more interesting) – 40 points

One paragraph (at least) with your analysis of the painting. This is the time to show you

have learned something from the video lectures. As you describe the painting, mention at least 5

art elements. See the art terms video lecture in the week 1 blackboard folder.

Another paragraph (at least) with your analysis of the sculpture. As you describe the

statue, mention at least 5 sculptural elements. See the sculpture terms video lecture in the week 2

blackboard folder.

Some terms can be used for both paintings and sculptures. However, I will give you

points for mentioning 10 distinctive vocabulary words. Therefore, repeating a term you used for

the painting in the sculpture analysis will not affect your grade negatively. Still, I will not count

it twice toward the minimum of 10 needed. You will receive 4 points for each term you employ

for a total of 40 points.

There is no need to add in-text citations in the analysis section unless you add facts you

learned through the research (which is fine to do). However, the main purpose of this section is

for you to apply the knowledge obtained in class.

Conclusion (5 points): A conclusion is an integral part of the paper; it provides closure

for the reader while reminding the reader of the contents and importance of the paper.

APA-styled papers end with a concluding paragraph(s) followed by the list of reference

entries. The concluding paragraph(s) appear at the end of the body section without the heading

of “Conclusion” and includes information about findings or conclusions revealed through the

research process. This is not the time to mention new information but to summarize and give

your conclusion.

I tried to emulate how you will set up your paper with bold subheadings flushed to the

left and indentation at the beginning of each paragraph. Also, use double space (which I did not

apply here).


– 10 points (5 points for in-text citations, 5 points for full citations on the reference page)

– You need to use a minimum of 2 sources (not including our class textbook, although the

textbook can be used as a third source).

– Add a page titled: References (It has to be on a separate page regardless of how much

space you have after the conclusion).

– Here, you need to add all the resources you used using APA style.

– All the in-text citations need to be matched to one of these references. In other words, if

there is an in-text citation in the body of the paper, there needs to be a complete citation

for it on the Reference page and vice versus.

– These links will guide you. You can also ask me any questions:

APA In-text citation:


How to format the references:


(notice that depending on the source type, there is a different way of formatting the reference. The

link above is for books, but to the left of the webpage, you will see tabs for different types of

sources. Also, our library database has a way of generating this for you, which is one of the

benefits of using our library database. Ask me how if you don’t know).

Include the youtube video (unless you watched it in person) on the Reference page. You can also

cite youtube videos:

Total: 100 points


– Indent the beginning of every paragraph.

– Proper Capitalization (French horn, English horn, Italian, Symphony #9)

– Titles are underlined__________ or “ “ or italicized or boldfaced

– Paragraphs: Organize thoughts in correct paragraph structure (topic sentence, etc)

• Avoid run-on sentences

• Write in complete sentences, outline form is not acceptable

• Avoid short single sentence paragraphs.

• Read your papers out loud to yourself

– Never use etc.

– Never use contractions in formal papers (“don’t”,” can’t”, “they’re” instead use “do not”,

“cannot”, “they are”…)

– One “attends”, not “assists” at an event

– Conjunctive pronouns for people are who, not which: the artist, who… the painting which…


Click on links to find out about exhibitions or performances useful for Library assignment # 1 (see the

guidelines for this assignment on blackboard)

FIU (Free)

Lowe (Free)

MDC galleries (Free)

Kendall campus:

Hialeah campus:

West campus (Doral):

Wolfson campus (Downtown Miami):


The galleries at each campus are free. However, MDC has a variety of visual and performance arts related activities and some of them do have a cost. The link below has information about different art related organization MDC has.

Miami Art Museum (Students with ID $12)

Bass Museum of Art (Students (with valid college/university ID) $8)

Wynwood Art Walk

note: Opened regularly but every Second Saturday of every month between the hours of 6PM to 10PM

and extending throughout the night there is something special. This monthly happening features

openings at Art Galleries, Art Institutions, and Retail Businesses. Thousands of people crowd the streets

to have a great night out and enjoy the Miami Art Scene.

Gables Art Walk First Fridays of every month

For Library assignment # 2 (This assignment will not require you to see the performances in person

since the performances are restricted to a specific date and time making it harder to accommodate.

However, you will get extra credit for attending a live performance). See library assignment # 2


Local Performances

SocialMiami – Community Calendar

Community Calendar

Florida Grand Opera:

Miami Lyric Opera


Florida Opera Prima


Musicals/Broadway shows:

Actor’s Playhouse

Actors’ Playhouse at The Miracle Theatre Coral Gables Florida

Related to theater in Miami


Different kinds of performances

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