Chat with us, powered by LiveChat A recommendation report suggests a resolution to a problem by providing evidence that the problem exists and that there is a good way to resolve or improve the situation.For this pro | Wridemy

A recommendation report suggests a resolution to a problem by providing evidence that the problem exists and that there is a good way to resolve or improve the situation.For this pro


  • The completed report should be between 1,300 and 2,000 words, excluding the reference page.
  • A minimum of three (3) sources are required.

A recommendation report suggests a resolution to a problem by providing evidence that the problem exists and that there is a good way to resolve or improve the situation.For this project, you will identify a problem and possible solution, and then create a report that documents this information for a decision-maker. As a recommender, it is not so much your job to tell the reader what to do to provide a balanced assessment of the problem and possible solution.In your report, you will

  • Introduce the problem
  • Identify what is currently being done for or with the problem
  • Provide "new" information about ways to resolve the problem

Your report will include

  • An executive summary
  • Introduction
  • Identification of the problem and an explanation of current policy/practices
  • Identification of a new technique that could be used to resolve the issue
  • Research from credible sources that supports this as a good option
  • Possible drawbacks of the new technique 
  • A conclusion and next steps section
  • At least 3 graphics (smart art or images) that explain the problem
  • APA formatting- cover page, reference page, in-text citations as needed

Make sure that you check the feedback from your draft assignment to revise prior to your final submission. View Rubric

  Creating and conducting a suvey 

One way to truly understand if something that you consider to be a problem really is a problem is by surveying others. For this discussion, you will create a list of at least five survey questions about your topic. Before completing your Project 4 you want to ask at least 5 people to complete your survey and document their answers so that you can use your data for your report.

For this discussion, you only need to (1) list your topic, and (2) create the question list and post that for peer review. See the example below. 

In your responses to others, provide feedback about their questions. Things to consider are

  • Whether the questions are clear
  • What questions might seem logical but are left out
  • Which questions seem best to try to find out the real feelings of others about the situation? 


Problem: Dementia patients trying to use the elevator to leave the nursing home. 

Questionaire Audience: Nursing home staff

Question list: 




1.      In the last year have you stopped a dementia patient from leaving the building or the floor via the elevator?

2.      Do you recall any instances of patients making it downstairs and out of the building before being stopped?

3.      Do you believe that the nursing facility is doing all that it can to help prevent patients from wandering out of the building?

4.      Do you think that hiring more staff and doing nothing else is the answer to this problem?

5.      Do you support using ankle bracelets to track and contain patients?

6.      After learning about the cost and ideas of using mats or elevator camouflage. do you believe that this is a method that might work based on the patients that you have encountered trying to leave the building?

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