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Observation place title – Fort Worth Hope Center Address: 3625 E loop 820 Fort Worth Tx ?–>The field report should be written using APA format (in paragraph form) and should be a m

Observation place title – Fort Worth Hope Center

Address: 3625 E loop 820 Fort Worth Tx

 –>The field report should be written using APA format (in paragraph form) and should be a minimum of 750 words. The report should include a title page, running head, level one headings, double spaced and 12-point Times New Roman font. You are not required to use in-text citations. If in-text citations are used, include a works cited page.  

Field Experience Guide

Observation Focus: Family, School and Community

NAEYC Standard: 2c: Use community resources to support young children’s learning and development and to support families, and build partnerships between early learning settings, schools, and community organizations and agencies.

Required Format: The field report should be written using APA format (in paragraph form) and should be a minimum of 750 words. The report should include a title page, running head, level one headings, double spaced and 12-point Times New Roman font. You are not required to use in-text citations. If in-text citations are used, include a works cited page.

Instructions: Print out and review the Field Experience guide before your volunteer session. Familiarize yourself with the information that you will need to provide in your field report. Begin researching the non-profit organization before your volunteer session. Take notes before, during and after your volunteer session.

Required Field Report Information

Organization Summary

· What is the name of the non-profit organization?

· Where is it located?

· Does the non-profit offer more than one location? If so, where are the other sites?

· Who was your main point of contact and what is their position/role at the non-profit?

· Describe the site location, facility or annex buildings.

· Describe the interior of the facility.

· How does the non-profit organization market their services? Do they have a website?

· What volunteer opportunities are available?

· Are there opportunities to make monetary donations or donate goods?

Organization Purpose

· What is the non-profit’s mission statement?

· How long has the non-profit existed? What is the history, if any, of the non-profit organization?

· What program(s) does the non-profit organization offer to families in the community?

· What additional resource(s) does the non-profit organization offer to families in the community?

· Are there eligibility requirements to participate in the program(s) or receive the resource(s)?

· Does the non-profit organization partner with other community organizations or schools?

· If so, what does the partnership entail?

Supporting Learning and Development

· How does this organization support a child’s learning and development?

· Make connections between the organization’s program(s) and resources(s) and developmental domains. For example, if the organization offers art therapy, the child’s social and emotional domains would be positively affected.

· How does this organization empower families to support a child's learning and development?

· How does this organization support the overall well-being of families?

Volunteer Experience

· What was your role during your volunteer experience?

· What were your direct experiences working with families and children?

· What were your indirect experiences working for or with families and children?


· What additional services or resources could the non-profit organization offer that would benefit families in the community?

· Is the non-profit organization and services offered effectively marketed?

· How can you use the information learned as a result of your volunteer experience in your role as an early childhood educator?

· What overall thoughts and feelings were you left with at the conclusion of your volunteer session?

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