Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Project Organization 1. Show where you get the data from and describe your dataset. 2. Explain your statistical research questions and methods. Apply at least two 3. Share the conclusio | Wridemy

Project Organization 1. Show where you get the data from and describe your dataset. 2. Explain your statistical research questions and methods. Apply at least two 3. Share the conclusio

Please see attachement with instructions

1- in word doc-  

-Submit your research question- If it needs explanation include 1-2


-Data Collection- Submit a clean dataset. This means it should not have any extra text or

code in it. If it should be formatted, keep it organized such as a comma separated file.

– Project Organization

1. Show where you get the data from and describe your dataset.

2. Explain your statistical research questions and methods. Apply at

least two

3. Share the conclusion (answer)

2- paper is in word document – Refer to the uploaded file to submit your project paper where you   summarize your dataset selected, research questions, analysis, and  conclusions. Your writing should be your own. If you are citing other  people’s work, reference it clearly. Do not appropriate it without  giving clear credit. This summary should serve to explain your research  and conclusions.

3- excel- Please refer to the final project  instrcutions and upload here your statisitical analysis of the excel  dataset you chose to work on. Show your analysis in separate tabs for  each method selected. Label clearly. Your work should be original,  meaning not already published by someone else or publicaly available. It  should reflect your own analysis of the dataset selected. 

Your analysis should be performed using excel methods as we learned in the course (not manual formulas)

Final Project:

For the project you will harvest/choose a unique data set. This data set should be used to answer a

specific question. You may use any of the ways discussed so far in class to harvest/scrap a dataset to

address your problem area. Try to be creative! You can look at sites like, dataworld, World

Bank ,…. or any other relevant source. Use realistic datasets.

Task Description Date




Submit your research question. If it needs explanation include 1-2

paragraphs. No two students may have the same question and dataset. 7/19

Data Collection

Submit a clean dataset. This means it should not have any extra text or

code in it. If it should be formatted, keep it organized such as a comma

separated file.




1. Show where you get the data from and describe your dataset.

2. Explain your statistical research questions and methods. Apply at

least two

3. Share the conclusion (answer)

Paper Submit a paper summarizing your dataset and the answers to your

research questions 7/21

Excel Files and Analysis Submit the Excel file including the statistical analysis applied to the dataset.



• The dataset may not already exist, so scrap it from scratch

• It is ok if you get an inconclusive answer if the data just doesn't show a clear answer. You do

have to prove that your technique and methods were a correct attempt at solving the problem


• Data can be related to any field (financial, educational, agricultural….)

• Data does not have to be “big” you may simply be looking at 1-2 webpages or a small excel

sheet. You will need to get that data analyzed using at least two concepts/statistical methods

we learned in this course and present your findings.

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