Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Describe at least two (2) new pieces of information you have learned about hidden bias, prejudice, stereotyping, stigma, or discrimination (as a result of reviewing the materi | Wridemy

Describe at least two (2) new pieces of information you have learned about hidden bias, prejudice, stereotyping, stigma, or discrimination (as a result of reviewing the materi

 3 to 4 double-spaced pages, Times New Roman 12-point font with 1-inch margins. Paper and references should follow APA format. Paper should be written in 1st person. 


  1. Visit the Test Yourself for Hidden Bias on the Learning for Justice website (formerly Teaching Tolerance)Links to an external site.. (results attached)
    1. Read the information provided regarding "Stereotypes and Prejudices".
    2. After reading the information, complete the Race Implicit Association Test (Race IAT) and at least two (2) additional Implicit Association TestsLinks to an external site..(results attached)
  2. After completing the tests, write a reflection paper that:
    1. Describes at least two new pieces of information you learned about hidden bias, prejudice, stereotyping, stigma, or discrimination as a result of reviewing the information and taking the tests.
    2. How this new information helped you better understand an experience you have had personally or an experience someone else has encountered with hidden bias (write this content in your own words).
    3. Students must reference at least two (2) sources in addition to the course textbook and the Learning for Justice website (formerly Teaching Tolerance)Links to an external site.


  1. Remember, your reflection paper should be written in 1st person. 
  2. Use the APA Style Resources  to help you format your paper and your references. [More clarifying details are also listed below.]
  3. Ensure you complete Race Implicit Association Test (Race IAT)  *and* at least two (2) additional Implicit Association Tests. In other words, you must complete a minimum of 3 IATs.
  4. Within your paper, clearly state that you took the Race IAT and then proceed to write about your results from the Race IAT.
  5. Within your paper, clearly specify the two additional IATs that you completed. For example, you can state something like, "I also completed the ABCD IAT and the LMNO IAT and they provided me with the following feedback…"
  6. In addition to completing the 3 required IATs and describing the results in your paper, your paper must also address the following prompts:
    1. Describe at least two (2) new pieces of information you have learned about hidden bias, prejudice, stereotyping, stigma, or discrimination (as a result of reviewing the material and taking the 3 IATs).
    2. Write, in your own words, how this new information helped you better understand an experience you have had personally or an experience someone else has encountered with hidden bias. Please provide enough context of the "who, what, where, when, why, and how" of the experience you choose to share so you can further describe your enhanced understanding of hidden bias. For example, those scenarios may include an experience wherein:
      • you felt hidden bias towards someone or
      • you were the recipient of hidden bias or
      • you witnessed hidden bias.


  1. Use your course textbook, the Learning for Justice website (formerly Teaching Tolerance)Links to an external site., *and* at least two (2) additional sources (for a minimum of 4 different sources).
  2. In other words, there will be 4 entries on your list of references. You may use more, if you so choose.
  3. In-text citations and sources used (reference page) should be formatted according to APA style.
  4. For more information about in-text citations, refer to Chapter 8 of the 7th edition APA Manual or this APA Style resource regarding 'Author-Date Citation System'.Links to an external site.
  5. To review formatting and structure of various reference examples, refer to Chapters 9 and 10 of the 7th edition APA Manual or this APA Style resource regarding 'Reference Examples'Links to an external site..

3 to 4 page limit does NOT include the cover page and the page(s) listing the references. You will not lose points for having cover and reference pages. 

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