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Describe how Sara and Michael posts changed your views, feelings, or opinions. How do you think the cultural works potentially impacted society’s values? Sara post For my


  1. Describe how Sara and Michael posts changed your views, feelings, or opinions.
  2. How do you think the cultural works potentially impacted society's values?

Sara post

For my modern-day cultural work, I am choosing the movie Jojo Rabbit. This is a film written and directed by Taika Waititi. It depicts a child living in nazi Germany and his imaginary friend is Hitler. He is a part of the Hitler Youth group and learns that his mother is hiding a Jewish girl in their house. This film is about opening up and learning about those who are different from us and defying what we feel is wrong. It’s also about creating bonds and friendships in times of adversity.

I feel that this cultural work is trying to show us that not everyone followed Hitler blindly. There were those who helped to shelter the Jewish from nazi capture. They took the risk, and some paid the price for protesting what the government was doing.

I have strong beliefs that people should stand up for what they believe in and question those who are in authority and abusing their power instead of blindly following them. I think that’s why I love this movie.

Michael post

I may be showing my age a little by selecting Bon Jovi's song, Livin' On A Prayer. It was recorded in the mid 1980s targeting a generation of teen and young-adults. Although the band itself was classified as rock, perhaps even "head banger rock", the song still appealed to a broader audience regardless of their individual music preferences.

The reason it was appealing is because it depicted the hardships of living in that day and age. It tells a story of a young couple that had hit hard times and that their love and faith that things will turn around will keep them together and strong. The music is up-beat with the lyrics to inspire and convict. It was recorded during a time when other songs with similar stories and themes were released, which shows a commonality of the culture of that period.

Its true that all generations had their set of difficulties due to cultural influence as they grew into young adults. Music was/is often an outlet and a way to connect with each other. One could say they each have their generational anthem, a song which gave hope and inspiration. Maybe some anthems were argumentative against the problem that helped listeners vent out their emotions while others, like Livin' On A Prayer, were a familiar story. It showed listeners that they are not alone in their struggles.

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