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On the Excel Financial Forecast worksheet fill in the information highlighted in red with data from your company.

Please see attached instructions. Throughout the entire course, two companies to analyze, Wicked Good Cupcakes and Cinemark (Cinemark is chosen company) 


This week, you will be evaluating the financial performance through ratio analysis of Wicked Good Cupcake company.

See the attached document for complete instructions and grading rubric.

Need this assignment by Sunday 7/16 6 pm (CST Central Standard time, US) 

Due Date: Sunday by 11:59 p.m of Unit 3

Total Point: 100


• On the Excel Financial Forecast worksheet fill in the information highlighted in red with data from your company.

• Repeat the formulas in column C row 18-37 in column D. Doing this should allow you to adjust values in the Fact and Assumptions part of column D and see its affect in row 18-27 of the same column.

• Using the Excel Financial Forecast worksheet, determine the ‘sensitivity’ of the model by adjusting the values of growth rate in sales and cost of goods sold in column D. Increase and decreases the % values for 2017 and observe and record the results. Create an Excel chart for each (growth rate in sales and cost of goods sold) the resulting impact on external funding required.

• Explain your observations on: o How did adjusting growth rate of sale and cost of good sold affect the income statement and

balance sheet? o What is External Funding Required and how was it affected by adjusting sales projections and cost

of goods sold?


• All questions posed must be addressed completely.

• Length: two-page Executive Summary

• Include the two charts.

• All sources used must be properly cited in APA format.

• Forecast model must be included with the word document.

Be sure to read the criteria, by which your assignment will be evaluated, before you write, and again after you write.

Evaluation Rubric for Sensitivity of Financial Data Assignment

Criteria Exemplary Proficient Deficient

(18-20 Points) (13- 17 Points) (0 – 12 Points)

Growth Rate of Sales Chart

Chart and evaluation are clearly presented, including all key details.

Chart and evaluation are presented, though key details may not be clearly or completely presented.

Chart and evaluation are inadequate or missing.

Cost of Goods Sold Chart and evaluation are clearly presented, including all key details.

Chart and evaluation are clearly presented, including all key details.

Chart and evaluation are inadequate or is missing.

Results Analysis Analysis fully addresses the results of the growth rate in sales and cost of goods sold.

Analysis mostly addresses the results of the growth rate in sales and cost of goods sold.

Analysis is inadequate or missing.

Impact Analysis Analysis fully addresses how the results may affect the external funding.

Analysis mostly addresses how the results may affect the external funding.

Analysis is inadequate or missing.

(9-10 Points) (7-8 Points) (0-6 Points)

Length 2 pages 1 page Less than 1 page or more than 2 pages

Clear and Professional Writing and APA Format

Writing and format are clear, professional, APA compliant, and error-free.

Few errors that do not impede professional presentation.

Errors impede professional presentation; guidelines not followed.


WGC Proforma Income

Wicked Good Cupcakes
Pro Forma Income Statement
Pro Forma Estimated Pro Forma
Actual Quarter Quarter Full Year Year
Ended 9-30-2017 Ended 12/31/2017 Ended 12/31/2017 Ended 12/31/2018
Units Sold 137000 205500 226050 259958
Sales 12650 13283 14611 16802
Cost of Goods Sold
Labor 2210 2321 2553 2935
Materials 2045 2147 2362 2716
Overhead 5685 5969 6566 7551
Delivery 305 320 352 405
Total CoGS 10245 10757 11833 13608
Gross Margin 2405 2525 2778 3194
Selling Expense 875 919 1011 1162
General & Admin 585 614 676 777
Total Expenses 1460 1533 1686 1939
Operating profit (EIBT) 945 992 1091
Interest 190 200 219 252
Profit before Taxes 755 793 872 1003
Income Taxes 272 286 314 361 [The first two heading levels get their own paragraph, as shown here. Headings 3, 4, and 5 are run-in headings used at the beginning of the paragraph.]
Net Income 483 507 558 642
Dividends 100 105 116 133
Retained Earnings 383 402 442 509
Depreciation 575 604 664 764
Net cash after divends 958 1006 1106 1272
Add back tax-adjusted interest 122 128 141 162
Add back divends 100 105 116 133
Cash flow from operations 1180 1239 1363 1567


12650 13282.5 14610.750000000002 16802.362499999999

Time Period

Sales in $

Total CoGS

10245 10757.25 11832.975 13607.921249999999

Time Period

Cost in $

Pro-Forma Year Ended 12-31-18

WGC Proforma Balance Sheet

Wicked Good Cupcakes
612/1/201 Pro Forma Income Statement
Actual Pro Forma Pro Forma
Assets 9/30/17 Change Ended 12/31/2017 Change Ended 12/31/2018
Current Assets
Cash 1450 5% 1523 10% 1675
Accounts Receivable 4250 5% 4463 10% 4909
Raw Materials 1500 5% 1575 10% 1733
Finished Goods 4050 5% 4253 10% 4678
Total Current Assets 11250 5% 11813 10% 12994
Fixed Assets
Land 2500 5% 2625 10% 2888
Plant and equipment 20800 5% 21840 10% 24024
Less Accumulated depreciation 8350 5% 8768 10% 9644
Net plant and equipment 12450 5% 13073 10% 14380
Total Fixed Assets 14950 5% 15698 10% 17267
Other Assets 1250 5% 1313 10% 1444
Total Assets 27450 5% 28823 10% 31705
Liabilities and Net Worth
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable 1120 5% 1176 10% 1294
Notes Payable 3000 5% 3150 10% 3465
Due Contractor 3400 5% 3570 10% 3927
Accrued taxes 1250 5% 1313 10% 1444
Total current liabilities 8770 5% 9209 10% 10129
Long-term liabilities 8500 5% 8925 10% 9818
Common Stock 4250 5% 4463 10% 4909
Retained earnings 5930 5% 6227 10% 6849
Total Liabilities and net worth 27450 5% 28823 10% 31705
Funds required



12650 13282.5 14610.750000000002 16802.362499999999

Time Period

Sales in $

Total CoGS

10245 10757.25 11832.975 13607.921249999999

Time Period

Cost in $



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