Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Part I: Interconnected shows the relations with different groups, whether it's drastic or miniscule.? Secret History of the Mongols?, doesn't contain explicit information rega | Wridemy

Part I: Interconnected shows the relations with different groups, whether it’s drastic or miniscule.? Secret History of the Mongols?, doesn’t contain explicit information rega

Part I:

Interconnected shows the relations with different groups, whether it’s drastic or miniscule.  “Secret History of the Mongols”, doesn't contain explicit information regarding other civilizations, but the explanation of outposts to reduce inconveniences imply constant outsiders entering and providing new ideas and possible goods(Rachewiltz 202). Also, the Mongols were nomads, so they were already interacting with close territories like Islamic nations, and assimilating into their conquered lands. Nicolo and Maffeo Polo’s journey more explicitly demonstrates Europe’s connection with the Mongols, specifically how they met Kublai Khan and were given a feast, showing a positive relation(Polo 2). This is further demonstrated with the comparison of money making of Yuan China with “secret of alchemists”, demonstrating thinking from different perspectives(Polo 4). The interconnection between Islamic nations and Europe is more directly demonstrated with Ibn Battuta’s interactions with Byzantine and “entry[s] into Constantinople”(Battuna 3). Christianity and Islam’s similarities and differences are also proof of interconnectedness with these two, specifically assimilation, with how the religion varies. 

Part II:  

There were different views concerning nomadic and sedentary civilizations, but both had their own advantages and disadvantages, and strength was needed for both. Something that seems universal in terms of Islamic values is the idea of social order and compassion. Social order was important because it’s key to keep civilizations in check, and with nomadic lifestyles being more libertarian, social order is more emphasized(Khadlan 1). Adding onto that, there has to be a sense of trust and compassion within societies. Whether it’s with “authorities and the government” or “for his family and his group”(Khadlan 7). This meant that compassion was important for Islamic values because it reinforced their beliefs under different circumstances.  

Part III:

Works Cited

Battuta, Ibn. “Travels in Asia and Africa 1325-1354”, translated and edited by H. A. R. Gibb, London: Broadway House, 1929. Accessed from the Internet

Medieval Source Book.  

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