Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Explain ?the central claim of divine command theory.?Outline each horn of the Euthyphro dilemma discussing why each horn poses a problem for the central claim of divine command theory.? | Wridemy

Explain ?the central claim of divine command theory.?Outline each horn of the Euthyphro dilemma discussing why each horn poses a problem for the central claim of divine command theory.?

Explain  the central claim of divine command theory. Outline each horn of the Euthyphro dilemma discussing why each horn poses a problem for the central claim of divine command theory.  Explain why Wallis holds that the Euthyphro dilemma applies to all attempts to ground moral authority in the dictates of an authority.  Be sure to include an example from the lectures. 

Answer the question below. Aim to write an answer of approximately 1 typed page (200 to 250 words).  You should take this number as a guideline.  So long as your answer does not deviate egregiously from the guideline, it will not affect your grade.  Your goal should be to write a concise, coherent, and original answer that addresses all aspects of the question. An original answer makes only sparing use of quotations (see the citation guidelines for advice on quotation usage).  You can use course readings, slides, and other sources to help you compose your answers.  When consulting external sources you should keep in mind that they likely have different expository and/or pedagogical goals.   You should note ALL sources you consult, especially those that you quote or which otherwise strongly influence your exposition at the end of each question.  Observe all conventions about citations and quotations.  Answers submitted without proper sources and citations CANNOT earn an A.  If you have questions about citations and quotations you can consult this page:  Citation GuidelinesPlease make sure to seek clarification regarding any aspects of the question about which you are unclear. I encourage you to go through several drafts of your answer.  Submit your completed answer to the dropbox by the due date/time. All tests will be run through turnitin.  You will have access to the turnitin report.  You can submit your answers multiple times.  I will grade the last submission. All answers will be run through turnitin.

1.) Explain the central claim of divine command theory.  Outline each horn of the Euthyphro dilemma discussing why each horn poses a problem for the central claim of divine command theory.  Explain why Wallis holds that the Euthyphro dilemma applies to all attempts to ground moral authority in the dictates of an authority.  Be sure to include an example from the lectures. 

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